War Paradise

Chapter 307:

In the next half an hour, Lin Chi and Coach finally realized what it was like to be an "enemy of the public".

The mind-controlled NPC soldiers on the island flooded them like a tide, and the closer to the location of the nuclear bomb silo, the greater the number of enemies.

The shells of the Apocalypse tank are almost exhausted, and the enemy still shows no signs of reducing. After a series of indiscriminate bombings, the original indestructible multi-layer armor of the Apocalypse tank finally began to deform.

Under the circumstance of being watched by the lingering precision control army, conventional sneak operations have become a luxury, and the only option left is to forcefully break through the enemy's line of defense. so now……

"Ha, we seem to be dying." Lin Chi said as he pressed the button on the joystick, a shot detonated the Soviet tank that had just driven out of the warehouse nearby.

Now there are only ten shells left on the ammunition rack of the Apocalypse tank. Even if Lin Chi's accuracy is extremely high, even if he uses the single-shot mode, he can only fire ten more times.

Relying on this kind of firepower alone, it is simply difficult to reach the sky if you want to solve the enemy defending the nuclear bomb silo!

"For the Soviets, kill them!"

The ragged and red-eyed soldiers shouted empty slogans and used all the weapons at hand to attack the already dilapidated Apocalypse tank.

With a terrible click, the three soldiers blocking the front of the tank were crushed under the tracks and turned into human-shaped meatloaf.

But these soldiers, who had already lost their fear, continued to move forward and tried to block the path of the tank with their bodies when the weapons in their hands were found to be ineffective!

"It's crazy." Lin Chi shook his head, staring at the nearly crazy enemies on the gunner's screen.

While he was feeling emotional, the radio station in the tank that had not been used suddenly rustled, and then it sounded Yuri’s very magnetic bass:

"Friends, are you ready to die?"

"Because we have not been brainwashed, we must be eliminated?" Lin Chi smiled contemptuously.

"Yes." Yuri admitted happily, and then continued to speak out his own horror plan in a low, bewildering voice:

"I have controlled the high-level Soviets and almost everyone on this island. Soon, the red flag of the Soviet Union will be spread all over the world. There will be no other people's will on this planet, only mine. Will, mankind is about to usher in true unity and eternal peace!"

"Oh, that's really good..." Lin Chi curled his lips, and then suddenly said, "This is the reason why you know you are in the virtual world and you are so involved in the drama?"

Hearing this, the trainer who was driving the tank suddenly coughed, and the rustling sound from the radio also disappeared with Yuri's voice.

"What are you talking about." The coach spoke slowly.

"Did you not see it? This BOSS has a problem, and it is not small." Lin Chi continued to observe the situation nearby, and shot up a green armored armored vehicle.

When he saw the "tyrant" come on stage, Lin Chi had a little doubt in his mind. After all, this kind of biological weapon developed by Umbrella in the 1990s could not have appeared in the Soviet Union during the Cold War. On the battlefield.

Based on Lin Chi's previous experience, this kind of chaotic entry in "War Paradise" basically means that the "barbarians" who ran from other maps have appeared again, and it may also be that the rebels have joined.

Although he didn't think deeply at the time, after the BOSS battle started, another detail caught his attention:

——Bloodblade didn't see the prompt of the start of the BOSS battle, but was attacked by the army sent by Yuri.

If it is a normal BOSS battle, all members of the team should see the start of the BOSS battle. The reason why this happens is that...

"You bastard pretends to be the leader, right?" Lin Chi, who once disguised himself as a boss with the help of rebel members, directly exposed the identity of the other party: "In fact, you shouldn't be in this map. BOSS."

As soon as the words came out, even the coach was taken aback and said slowly: "This is impossible."

"You have just returned to the brain imaging game. You probably don't know that there is a mystery in the game "War Paradise"." Lin Chi smiled.

The Apocalypse tank violently smashed the barbed wire in front of the nuclear bomb silo and drove into a flat open space. I saw three round metal hatches with a diameter of nearly ten meters lined up neatly on the concrete floor, on which dangerous radiation marks were sprayed with yellow paint.

Hidden under the hatch are the Soviet strategic nuclear missiles. A missile of this level can strike the island devastatingly with just one shot!

It is no exaggeration to say that once the missile is fired, it is impossible to leave any living creatures on the island, and even the mountains and hills near the heartbreak may be blown up short.

Seeing nearby enemies approaching, Lin Chi fired a few shots and blew them all over. After lighting up all the shells of the Apocalypse tank, only single-digit soldiers were left in the area of ​​the nuclear bomb silo. He fired at the tank before. The bullet rain suddenly weakened a lot.

"Get out of the car." Lin Chi said as he opened the hatch on the turret, raised his M16 rifle and pierced the head of a Soviet soldier next to him.

After a long battle, his rifle proficiency has reached 30 points. With his own operating level, he can almost achieve no bullets within 200 meters!

As for the coach's marksmanship, there is no need to worry at all.

After the two left the Apocalypse tank, it took less than a minute to dispose of the nearby remnants and stood in front of the hatch inlaid on the ground.

"We need to find the control room." Lin Chi looked back and began to look for the location of the underground entrance nearby.

——On the ground on the east side of the nuclear bomb launch site, there is an inconspicuous barbed wire "manhole cover". Even though it looks like a drain from a sewer, Lin Chi quickly noticed that there seemed to be an appearance under the barbed wire. The silhouette of the stairs.

"The entrance is over there." As the coach said, he walked quickly and stood in front of the heavy lid. He raised his hand with two shots and smashed the metal shaft next to him, and the lid suddenly fell off.

What entered the sight of the two was the long descending stairs and the deep darkness. Seeing this scene, the two looked at each other, put on the thermal imaging camera seized from the American soldier, and walked down the stairs.

The stairwell was filled with icy moisture, and strange dust in the shape of mycelium was floating in the air. The long steps seemed to lead to The Underworld. The coach walking in front couldn't help but ask in a low voice: "Is it really here."

"I don't know, but I can only try it."

Lin Chi drew out the Tyrannosaurus rex shotgun, which was almost invincible in close combat, and walked down the steps alertly.

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