War Paradise

Chapter 308 The Gate of Chaos

While walking down the steps, Lin Chi noticed that the noise in his earphones had gradually disappeared, realizing that he might lose the signal completely further down, so he stopped and started contacting Bloodblade:

"Are you still in the nuclear power plant?"

"I'm not dead yet, but there are more and more enemies." The voice in the earphones is even more hoarse than usual: "What are you doing?"

"You hold on a little longer and start supplying power to the Soviet Army's facilities in 20 minutes. Can it be done?" Lin Chi asked.

"It should be possible... but are you sure you want to do this?" Bloodblade coughed: "You have taken the nuclear bomb silo?"

"Not yet."

"Then how can you be sure?" As Bloodblade spoke, there was another gunshot in the background.

"Trust me." Lin Chi cut off the call as he said, and continued to walk down with the coach.

Since he had no idea what was going on in the nuclear bomb silo now, he could only estimate an approximate time.

If the time is too long, the blood blade may not be able to withstand it, and if the time is too short, it will not be able to successfully occupy the nuclear bomb silo. Lin Chi knew that he was engaged in a dangerous gamble. but……

Gambling is an indispensable part of the game. In all kinds of games, there are almost all elements that need to bet on luck. Whether it is drawing cards, dropping equipment, or the chance of hitting a crit, there are all elements of luck.

So now, it's time to fight for luck again!

The cold army boots stepped on the steps and made a dull bang. As the two went deep underground, they soon lost their radio contact with the ground. However, the "long wave scanning" skill obtained from the radar station is still in effect under the protection of the rules of the game.

Just as Lin Chi expected, those NPCs who had lost their minds after being brainwashed by Yuri did not occupy the radar station at all, but all rushed to them.

Although he did not encounter the enemy on the stairs, Lin Chi knew that when he entered the underground control room of the nuclear bomb silo, he would definitely encounter a "warm welcome" from the enemy.

He whispered to the coach walking in front: "Be prepared."

"I'm here to take revenge." The coach said as he took out an MP7 submachine gun from his backpack and skillfully reloaded it.

Three minutes later, a faint light finally lit up in the darkness below.

The two walked quickly into the open metal door, and they saw an underground hall.

The cold light of incandescent lamps projected from all directions, making this underground building look extremely cold. An unmanned machine gun bunker was facing the door. Behind it is a dark metal wall and a ceiling made of metal. Seven hidden doors are installed on the wall, like an intricate labyrinth.

This place looks like a typical nuclear explosion protection bunker. The strange thing is that the NPC that was brainwashed by Yuri did not appear, only the cold and gloomy wall stood in place.

"what's the situation?"

Lin Chi replaced the M16A4 in his hand with a new magazine, and then heard Yuri's low and magnetic voice, which rang from above the ceiling."Welcome, friends."

"This is your refuge?" Lin Chi snorted.

"Of course I won't hide in this kind of place." Yuri's voice couldn't hear any mood swings, and it was still Yin & Yang's weird accent: "But you will understand soon..."

Before the words fell, the secret door on the metal wall suddenly opened. Several thin and tall figures nearly three meters tall came out from inside. These guys were wearing hats and black robes, and their unusually thin arms stretched out from behind. , The bone-claw-shaped hand, tightly holding the two-meter-long saber.


Seeing those "monsters" that did not match the style of this map, the coach raised his eyebrows in confusion. But Lin Chi, who had played against these gadgets before, instantly recognized what it was:

"This is... the doll guard in Institution City? That idiot has indeed been to other maps."

——The "monsters" in other maps randomly enter this game map. It is not a rare phenomenon in the game "War of Heaven". Now the resistance army led by the executioner and a girl should already be able to enter Any map too. However, Yuri and these NPCs under him are obviously not members of the Resistance Army.

"You will be killed by the executive officer if you are so blatant." Lin Chi smiled.

"Executive officer? That kind of thing is not my opponent at all."

Yuri’s voice was full of triumph: “Outsiders, welcome to Yuri’s empire. Here, ‘free will’ does not exist, and all creatures are completely surrendered to me.”

"What's going on?" The coach turned his questioning gaze to Lin Chi, apparently he hadn't figured out the current situation at all.

"Let's talk about it later, don't forget our mission." Lin Chi said, raising the M16, and hitting the monster's head with three shots at the front of the doll guard.


With Lin Chi's roar, the battle began in the underground hall.

The two players quickly discovered that the shooting of assault rifles and submachine guns had no effect on the puppet guards. With dozens of bullets in their bodies, the agency doll guards were still able to move. They swung their sabers and rushed over. The brows of the society turned into frantically spinning "tops", and the blades were cut to their heads!


Seeing this scene, Lin Chi also put on a Tyrannosaurus shotgun without saying a word. He raised his hand with a shot, and blasted the guard of a mechanism doll that rushed back three meters away. He also stumbled a few steps into retreated. .

Before he had time to change the bullet, another guard next to him had already rushed up and slashed at his chest!


The coach kicked directly on the blade with a roundabout kick, and actually blocked the big knife cut by the doll guard. Although he didn't know how he did it, Lin Chi didn't forget to take the opportunity to press two bullets into the barrel, and then one shot smashed the head of the doll guard.

The air was filled with a pungent smell of gun smoke, and the other guards from behind the organ dolls were quickly resolved by the two. Seeing that the second wave of the enemy's offensive had not yet appeared, Lin Chi and the coach immediately rushed. To a hidden door forward, he began to search for the control room of the nuclear bomb silo.

The door that rushed into the center of the wall showed a wide corridor in the line of sight, with complicated patterns engraved on the metal floor, and there was still no shelter around it.

"Good job..." Yuri's lingering voice sounded again: "But that's my weakest guard. After all, that'world' seems to be a thousand years ago, and it certainly cannot be compared with today's technology... Now What greets you is the good thing I brought from another'world'!"

Yuri's voice had just disappeared, and suddenly two Daoist shadows flashed out of the inconspicuous gap at the far end of the corridor.

Standing on the left is a tall white-haired man wearing a gray shirt, holding an MP5 submachine gun, and his facial expression is a little sluggish. In the air around me, scarlet text appeared:

——"Holy Sword" Hall, hero level NPC (leader level), cannot be recruited.

The other man next to him was wearing a black tight-fitting combat uniform. The exposed facial skin was covered with black oil paint, and his narrow eyes flashed fierce light.

——"Remnant Shadow", hero-level NPC (leader-level), cannot be recruited.

"Meet again." Lin Chi waved to the two guys.

He thought that the plot bosses in each map existed independently, and once they were killed once, they would not appear in the future. It now appears that this inference is clearly wrong:

Because, in the Chaos City map, the leader of the "Burning Shield" squad who was killed by himself once, now stands in front of own again!

The two people, codenamed "Holy Sword" and "Remnant Shadow", have long lost their charm in the Burning Shield BOSS battle, and they seem to be in a weird "unconscious" state.

Two seconds later, the bodies of the two BOSS suddenly moved at a terrifying speed, lowering their bodies and rushing towards Lin Chi and coach.

The sound of gunfire resounding in the corridor, Lin Chi and the coach raised their guns and poured bullets at the two extremely fast leader-level characters.

Even though their marksmanship was extremely accurate, the two men seemed to have entered a state of "bullet time", dodged the bullet, rushed close to a hundred meters in five seconds, and soared all the way to them!

"Fuck, they're going to hang up..."

Lin Chi put away the M16 rifle in surprise, drew the tiger-claw hunting knife from the backpack, and put on a standard close combat starting hand style.

He remembered very clearly that when he fought these two guys last time, they weren't that tough, otherwise he would have been killed.

But after being controlled by Yuri, these two leader-level NPCs seemed to have turned on some kind of switch, finally exerting the true strength that BOSS should have!

The jagged war blade in the afterimage's hand tore through the air to draw a silver light, and cut to Lin Chi's throat without fancy. Even in the extreme state, Lin Chi hides quite embarrassed, rubbing the tip of the knife against his Adam's apple, and almost cut his trachea.

At this time, the coach also fought with "Holy Sword" Hall. However, Lin Chi had no time to pay attention to the situation of his teammates. He just suddenly used the "Bleeding" skill of the Tiger Claw Hunting Knife and slashed away the afterimage's wrist with a backhand.


Blood gushes from the incision in the left arm of the afterimage like a fountain. The knife directly abolished his left hand, but the movements of this special combat elite were not affected at all. He just swiped the knife with his right hand across Lin Chi's waist. , Tore open the combat uniform on his body and the skin underneath.


Seeing that the situation was not good, Lin Chi also retreated abruptly, drew out his pistol and fired at the opponent, temporarily blocking the afterimage's pursuit.

Lin Chi could see that this leader-level character with full firepower was completely beyond the scope of humans. If you can turn on the horn of war, there is still hope of victory, but unfortunately the own war horn skill is still cooling down. but……

"Die."On the other side, the coach who was fighting with the white-haired man suddenly moved twice as fast, and flashed behind the "Holy Sword" like a teleport. The white-haired man's head slowly slipped from his shoulders, and his body knelt down weakly. land.

"give it to you."

Seeing that the coach opened the horn of war, Lin Chi retreated decisively, leaving the difficult opponent, the afterimage, to the coach to deal with.

He remembered that in the previous radar station battle, both himself and Bloodblade opened the horn of war. Only the instructor who had been fishing with a sniper rifle in the building did not use the skill.

In the face of the BOSS, the guy who has remained the horn of the war until now, finally has a place to use it!

Lin Chi, who had entered the limit state, keenly noticed that at the same time that the horn of war was turned on, the coach's attributes had also undergone abnormal changes. The endurance and luck were directly reduced to the minimum, and the strength and agility reached nearly fifty points!

The trainer whose attribute value soared to a terrifying level, the whole figure flashed, beheading the afterimage at a speed that Lin Chi could not see, and by the way, kicked the body of the man in black who was still spouting blood.

Then, the coach's figure flashed, appeared next to Lin Chi, and whispered: "Okay."

Seeing that the two bosses he sent were resolved, Yuri's disgusting voice rang again in a timely manner:

"Outsiders, I admit that you are better than I predicted. But you didn't realize that the servants in this shelter are far from what you can contend with now."

"You poor people can only be bound by this ‘world’ and must be forced to accept its rules, but I am different. I have already surpassed the rules of the world and become an existence beyond this world!"

"Is that why you are hiding in this ghost place?" Lin Chi mocked.

"You don't understand at all, this'world' is no longer under the jurisdiction of the executive officer and has completely become my territory!"

In Yuri's Yin & Yang's strange voice, there was a bit of fanaticism: "I know that even if you kill you, it will not affect your bodies in the'upper world'. But I still can't tolerate you outsiders. , Sneak into my territory..."

"It's a match." The coach said solemnly.

"I just came back here when I found out that you outsiders had invaded my world. In any case, you have to pay the price."

Following Yuri's words, a series of Death prompts suddenly popped out. It seems that even those players who have not been involved in the BOSS station have encountered attacks from mind-controlled NPCs.

Then, the dark walls around Lin Chi and the coach suddenly closed, and the two metal walls that blocked the way from the front and the back closed them in a square space of about 100 square meters.

"I will look at my elite servants and kill you disobedient outsiders..." Yuri didn't say anything after leaving this sentence.

"What is it this time?" Lin Chi smiled.

As he and the coach looked around for the enemy, a square metal box made of alloy fell into the room from the open ceiling and hit the ground with a loud noise.

Haven't seen the person hiding in the box yet, Lin Chi and the coach have heard a harsh rubbing sound from the "safe", like someone scratching the blackboard with their nails.

And the inconspicuous red letters on the outer shell of the silver box did not escape Lin Chi's eyes:

"The State Women's Prison, cell number 73 in the felon area, is extremely dangerous."

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