War Paradise

Chapter 319 Kel'Thuzad

Early stand-alone games relied on the calculation of the processor of a computer or game console to create a colorful game world for players.

In this kind of game, the "life" of the NPC starts when the player opens the game. When the player closes the game, as the program stops running, all NPCs in the game, including the entire world, will disappear until the game is opened again.

Even today, most games still follow this routine.

Even if it is an online game, the world built in the game will no longer exist every time it is shut down for maintenance, and the NPCs that usually look stupid will disappear with the game world. It will be created again when the game restarts.

But Lin Chi can see that the current situation is a little different:

He thought that the own follower should be in a "sleep state" when he was not brought into the map. But if Media's statement is true, she is really studying the composition of the ore. In other words-these NPC followers, even when they have not been summoned, are also carrying out activities on their own!

Are these NPCs really the legendary "advanced AI"? However, if the own guess is true, even if Pulse Entertainment has a quantum computer, it will not be able to afford such a huge amount of calculation!

Thinking of this, Lin Chi asked another question that sounded stupid: "Where is this?"

Hearing what he said, Media's white cheeks suddenly showed a look of contempt, and said, "Are you stupid? Of course this is... weird, where did I buy the ticket?"

Looking at the bewildered expression of the mining queen's brows, Lin Chi soon realized that even this woman didn't know where the wooden house was. However, there is an easier way to confirm the location of this place.

Lin Chi stood in front of the wooden house, opened the tattered wooden door again, and looked outside. What he saw was a dusty concrete floor and thick mist shrouded not far away.

The area outside the private house is almost like the legendary Silent Hill. The fog makes the visibility less than five meters, and there are no marks or footprints on the ground in front. It looks like a semi-finished map that has not yet been completed.

——Want to try it?

Lin Chi only thought for less than five seconds, then decisively walked out of the house and entered the fog. His feet had just stepped on the concrete floor, and flashing red text suddenly appeared in his sight:

"Please note that this map is not yet complete, please do not leave your house."

Lin Chi, who has always had an "exploratory spirit" in the game, of course completely ignored this line of prompts and continued to stride forward while observing the surroundings.

The cement floor was cold and hard, and there were still no signs or hints. Lin Chi only walked out less than ten meters, as if he had hit something and could no longer move forward.

What appeared in front of him was still floating mist and a flat concrete floor. Although it seemed that there were no obstacles, there was an invisible "air wall" that completely blocked his way.

"Do you play this trick..."

Lin Chi raised his eyebrows, walked a few steps to the right along the air wall, and hit the invisible wall again. It wasn't until he walked around the wooden house that he finally confirmed the frustrating conclusion:

This wooden house was completely sealed off by invisible walls, and the movable area nearby was nothing more than a square with a side of 20 meters.

In other words, the private house he owns should be a kind of "closed space" that only allows NPCs to enter, but not players.

Thinking of this, Lin Chi returned to the wooden house, patted Media on the shoulder, who was still standing in a daze, and said, "Go back."

"Okay." The Queen of Mines nodded, and walked out of the wooden house with Lin Chi, as if she hadn't encountered any obstacles, and easily passed through the "air wall" that Lin Chi couldn't pass through with all his efforts, and disappeared into dense. In the mist.

"Damn, it really is." Lin Chi shook his head.

Although I really want to see what is going on outside the boundary, even Lin Chi couldn't think of a breakthrough method before the absolute boundary drawn by the system.

If members of the Resistance are summoned, it is possible to find a way to tear the invisible wall. But calling those guys for this kind of thing is obviously making a fuss.

Thinking of this, Lin Chi sighed for a long time, returned to the wooden house and closed the door, closed the "smog" floating in the air, and opened the entourage list again, intending to summon another entourage.

Up to the present position, most of the NPC entourages he had brought back to him in the game had already met him, and Lin Chi also knew all about the details of those guys. There was only a certain inexplicable NPC that he had taken as his entourage, and Lin Chi had never seen it.

While thinking about it, he had turned the roster to a certain page and stared at the skull floating in the white mist in the portrait. And the introduction text below:

Heroic NPC-Kel'Thuzad.

This NPC is suitable for primitive, ancient, and medieval maps. Cannot be used in modern, modern, future and special maps.

"Guards, servants, soldiers from the dark winter, listen to Kel'Thuzad's call!"

Although he didn't know how he recruited this kind of entourage in the organ city, Lin Chi decisively clicked the "Summon Entourage" button next to the text, intending to meet the legendary lich.


This time, what sounded outside the window was not a knock on the door, but a whimper of wind.

The wind raged on the outside of the wooden house, making the glass on the windows crackling. Just as Lin Chi opened the door, he saw a tall...bone frame floating in front of the wooden house.

A faint blue light glowed in the hollow eye sockets of the skull, and the body was shrouded in a nearly physical chill, causing Lin Chi to get goose bumps. The guy was wearing a long purple Magical Robe, and a few bone chains were wrapped around the outside of his body.

There was a lich at least three meters high, looking down at Lin Chi who was standing in front of the door, a hoarse and cold voice burst out of his chest, with an undisguised sarcasm in his tone:

"Human, do you think you can give orders to me at will and become my ‘master’?"

"Not to be your master, daddy was originally your master." Lin Chi corrected the other party's speech disorder, looked up at the Lich's skeleton face, and suddenly thought of a skinny and thin painter.

"So that's the case." He suddenly realized: "It turned out to be your kid, I said, how did I inexplicably accept a lich in..."

"What are you doing?" Kel'Thuzad looked down at him, still with obvious contempt in his tone. After all, for this great lich who is proficient in necromantic magic and can kill hundreds of people by raising his hand, it is an unimaginable shame to be taken as an entourage by humans.

"You should also understand what you are, right?" Lin Chi smiled and said, "I have a few questions I want to ask."

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