War Paradise

Chapter 320 Sixth Game

Hearing Lin Chi's words, the Lich standing in front of the wooden house let out a hoarse laugh again: "Do you think Lord Kel'Thuzad will answer your questions easily? I am only loyal to the Lich King!"

Ice blue was floating inside the bones, and the chains tangled on the Magical Robe kept clinking. Unlike the "barbarians" that members of the Resistance and Lin Chi had encountered, even if he knew he was an NPC in the virtual world, Kel'Thuzad still maintained his pride as a "great lich".

To put it another way, this guy is a serious secondary disease patient.

However, to deal with such a guy, only a simple threat is enough.

"I want to notify the administrator." Lin Chi said, raising his hand to open the menu bar.

Seeing his movements, Kel'Thuzad seemed to think of some bad memories, and immediately stretched out his bone claws, and a dangerous red light lit up in his eye sockets:

"Don't do this!" A hoarse roar erupted from the white bones of the Lich's chest, shaking Lin Chi's eardrums.

"Can you answer my question now?" Lin Chi smiled.

Kel'Thuzad was also very shrewd. After realizing that he could not take the initiative right now, the attitude of the lich suddenly changed 180 degrees. The bones and jaws closed together, and a hoarse voice came from his chest:

"Can I help you?"

Seeing the other party's change so fast, Lin Chi couldn't help but laugh out loud, pointed at the fog beside him, and asked, "What's behind the fog?"

"This is the cloud created by the executive officer, I don't know what's behind it, because as long as you enter, you will be detected." The Lich replied: "In order to prevent detection, I acted through the data channel... "

"Oh." Lin Chi nodded, staring at the mist floating not far away.

Knowing that Kel'Thuzad didn't know what was behind the mist, Lin Chi waved his hand in disappointment, not even looking at the lich beside him: "You can go now."


Seeing his nonchalant appearance, the Lich was about to get angry, and forced his anger back into the leaking bones of the chest cavity, lifted the bone claws to tear open the "space" around him, creating a dark portal.

Kel'Thuzad was about to leave. Noting that that fellow had the same ability to open portals as the rebels, Lin Chi asked again: "If you can run like this, why should you become my entourage?"

"This is not a runaway, but a strategic shift."

The Lich corrected his "spoken language", and then explained in a low voice: "I ran out after defeating an executive officer. I was judged to be your entourage, which avoided their pursuit. If you leave, the'Creator' who is monitoring will find me again."

"That's it..." Lin Chi said suddenly, and asked, "Are you interested in joining the Resistance?"

"Rebels? Those fools who fight with the executives?" Kel'Thuzad shook his skull, with obvious contempt in his voice: "In a world controlled by the opponent, it is foolish to rebel against the ruler. They do. No matter how strong it is, it is impossible to resist the power of the God of Creation!"

Obviously, after learning of own's true identity, the lich did not choose to revolt, but chose to escape.

Although it sounds like a cowardly behavior, in Lin Chi's view, this is just a different idea, and it is impossible to clearly distinguish right from wrong.

——The behavior of the Resistance Army is brave, but it is really hopeless to rely on the NPC to fight against the game manager. Even if it succeeds by chance, it may cause irreparable damage to the entire virtual world of "War Paradise".

Thinking of this, Lin Chi didn't say anything. He just turned around and returned to the wooden house, shutting the lich who had not left yet.

By now he could be sure that Kel'Thuzad was forced to become his own follower in order to escape the execution of the executive officer.

Although it sounds unreliable, Lin Chi could see that the guy's loyalty can still be guaranteed. After all, as long as he contacted the game manager, Kel'Thuzad, who had finally settled down, had to run away hastily.

Thinking of this, Lin Chi took a deep breath, opened the game menu again, and clicked the "Start Game" option.

As several options appeared from the field of vision, the cold female voice prompted by the system also sounded again:

"Please choose a game mode."

There are currently only four modes in this game, and the bottom option is the new mode updated today:

Death contest.

Team Death competition.

Advent mode.

Small Death competition. (Latest content)


Seeing the currently available four modes, in order to experience the new game content, Lin Chi also decisively clicked the bottom button.

When entering this mode for the first time, an official introduction popped up in his sight:

Welcome to the small Death competition mode:

In the small Death competition, the number of players in each game is not fixed. There will be 20 to 40 players. Add a small map to start a thrilling bloody duel!

Please note that the rules of the small Death contest are different from other modes. In this mode, the original three winning modes are removed and replaced by a new winning mode: Overlord.

Overlord: Become the ultimate survivor in a small Death competition and kill more than three players and at least one BOSS.

The above are the rules of the small Death contest, I wish you a happy game.

The match begins. You are currently in the queue.

After waiting a few seconds as usual, the name of the map flashing in front of Lin Chi finally freezes:

Welcome to "The Creator's Ark"!

The Creator's Ark.

Map size:? ? ?

Please note that this is a special map. Your entourage will not be able to bring into the map, but can bring some equipment.

"In some unreliable myths, the name'The Creator's Ark' is mentioned. It is said that the Creator who created the world will come to the big ship that does not know where to wander in his leisure time, and through entertainment To create and modify this world."

"Although most people think this kind of story is purely fictitious, this legendary'big ship' actually exists, and now it is drifting in orbit around the earth."

"The 23'creators' on board are preparing to start an unprecedented gambling game."

Tip: Don't play cards casually, otherwise you will lose miserably.

"I know the truth, what does this ‘play card’ mean?"

When Lin Chi was wondering, the scene in front of him had begun to blur quickly. "Upstream" entered the sixth round of the game since the "War of Heaven", and also the first round of the "mini Death Contest", which finally officially began.

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