War Paradise

Chapter 322: The Creator's Playground

Recalling that when he first entered the game, this woman lost a Barrett sniper rifle after she was killed by herself. Lin Chi joked casually: "Your gun is good."

As soon as these words came out, Yueying Qianzhong's exquisite translucent face twisted again, baring his teeth and said, "You..."

Before she had time to say her curse, she saw a few more translucent figures walking into this simple "meeting room".

Obviously, these guys are also players right, because they also looked around with a dumb face, completely unaware of what happened.

Today, the players in War Paradise have long been accustomed to the "meeting is doing" gameplay. When meeting other people, they basically do it without saying a word. But the map of this game obviously does not allow them to do that.

These players who came as creators did not use the original body, but something similar to a holographic projection. Not to mention the poor properties of the projection, the props in the backpack can't be taken out at all.

More importantly, according to the rules of this game, all projections used by players cannot be destroyed.

In this case, even if you want to start fighting as usual, you can't kill the opponent at all.

——So, how to win in this map?

While Lin Chi was thinking about it, several more players came in one after another. When all the 23 players in the game entered the conference room, the jade door slowly closed down.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling white light suddenly lit up from the center of the room, almost blinding Lin Chi's eyes. In the center of that white light, a vague figure was vaguely visible.

Two seconds later, a voice that couldn't hear any features, or even a male or a female, sounded, just like when communicating with "Dark Shadow" before, it seemed to be directly transmitted into Lin Chi's consciousness:

"Dear friends of the Creator, everyone! Welcome to the Ark of the Creator!"

Lin Chi looked around and looked at the surprised appearance of other people, knowing that they had also heard this voice.

When he was about to ask a question, he only heard the other person speak again, and this time the line of that guy made Lin Chi's eyes widened from surprise again:

"The theme of this issue of the cruise ship is'human beings.' I know that some of my friends hate such humble creatures as humans, but you have to admit it? Humans are like cancer cells in the world, no matter what kind of natural and man-made disasters they experience. , Is still stubbornly continuing their race. This is true even if the earth is destroyed."

——The earth is over?

Upon hearing this, most of the players present showed surprised expressions.

After all, the other special maps in the game are also weird, but they are still located on the earth. And this game, at the very beginning, destroyed the planet that mankind depends on for survival!

As if to answer everyone's questions, on the platform inside the conference room, a projection of an irregularly shaped round sphere slowly rises.Needless to say, everyone knew that it was the earth, and the tragic situation on the earth at this time was obviously exactly the same as the figure in the light.

The originally blue planet has now become something similar to a meteorite. The original ocean seems to have been evaporated, exposing the dry land below. There seem to be many holes in the atmosphere, and large areas have become After the burnt black color, it looks like an over-roasted sweet potato.

"How did the earth become this virtue?" One of the "creators" asked the players' common question.

"Ha..." The figure in the light laughed: "Isn't that the result of the last meeting?"

While speaking, the strong light in the center of the ring-shaped house disappeared, and the human-shaped object made up of light spliced ​​slowly walked to the side of the projection of the earth, and continued to make a voice that could not distinguish gender:

"In the last event, we destroyed this rare planet, but even so, humanity has not gone extinct. A few survivors still linger on this planet, and some people get on the spacecraft and fled to the outer Universe. "

"Of course, these poor bugs pose no threat to us. I know that as long as everyone here raises their hands, this species can be wiped out. But please don't kill them all, because the content of this game is actually nothing to humans. Relationship, but a war on the planet!"

"What game? Play games?" Lin Chi vomited.

He thought that the other party would refute, but the "light man" didn't play the card according to the routine, and even directly nodded and admitted:

"Enjoy the holiday, everyone creators who are on vacation, I hereby announce that the 29th Creators Entertainment Party has now officially begun!"

Under the awkward gaze of the twenty-three translucent figures, the "host" of this meeting raised his arms and said: "Next, we will go to an advertisement, and then a song and dance performance. Before the event, You can relax first!"

Before the voice was over, the earth projection inside the conference room suddenly disappeared, replaced by a gray shadow that was constantly cruising in the void, like an unstable gray shadow.

That guy didn't look like a creature in a three-dimensional world, but more like something from two-dimensional space. Despite his strange appearance, his voice was very contagious. Just listening to it made Lin Chi's heart surging:

"The Planet Casino is officially opened. We provide a variety of gambling methods. You only need a Star chip to join the exciting game! Do you want to win a Galaxy from your opponent? Want to watch the unlucky loser who has no chips? , Do you want to make a supernova explosion in your own Galaxy to pay off your debts? Come to Alpha Centauri now and win your prize!"

After the other party finished speaking the advertisement, Lin Chi asked casually: "Why do you use the vocabulary of human beings to describe the planet?"

"Isn't the subject now human?" the gloomy shadow asked, "Isn't my memory wrong..."

"Well, that's true." Lin Chi nodded, and said with emotion, "This setting is really convenient."

——The developer of the game is not a god, and cannot jump out of the human mind. Realm, to create some obscure proprietary vocabulary, is too much trouble for the player. Although the setting of this game is amazing, the content is obviously "simplified" based on the human way of thinking, so that the players will not be completely incomprehensible.

Just when Lin Chi thought of this, he saw that the gray shadow that had just been advertised disappeared. The figure made of light stood in the center of the stage, bowed slightly in accordance with human etiquette, and said:

"The commercial is over. The next program is brought by the Angel School. They sent the chief angel, Gabriel, to sing a human hymn "Hallelujah" for you!"

"Fuck, there are too many slots to vomit..." Lin Chi muttered.

Under the onlookers of the 23 "creators", a blonde girl with a golden halo on her head and a clean Shiratori wing suddenly appeared on the platform without warning, wearing a white and flawless white robe, on the same pure face , As if the word "Sacred" was written.

"Hello creators, everyone." The angel girl bowed politely, opened her blue eyes and looked around, rubbing her hands as if nervously, then closed her eyes and slowly opened her mouth. A natural voice sings the gospel song of mankind:


Although she seemed to only sing such a sentence, the angel's voice seemed to have magical power, which made the surrounding "Creators" unconsciously intoxicated.

With her singing, white feathers floated in the air, and golden spots of light roamed around in the meeting room. After some time, the beautiful singing finally disappeared. The blonde girl nodded gently, turned and disappeared into the void. .

"Are you satisfied with this opening performance? If you still need it, I can call Satan over. He recently formed a band. In addition, Sakyamuni is also very willing to give you a song." The silhouette composed of light said.

"Can you do business quickly?" a player said impatiently.

"Okay, okay..." Seeing that the creators below the stage became impatient, the bare man took a guilty step back and gave up the empty space in the center of the stage:

"It seems you can't wait, so... let the game begin!"


The violent roar shook the eardrum of Lin Chi's projecting body, and there was complete darkness ensued. A line of large characters circulated from his consciousness, making Lin Chi couldn't help laughing:

"The 29th Creators Competition and Talent Exhibition... What the hell is this?"

Five seconds later, although the surrounding background was still pitch black, the situation around Lin Chi changed again.

He found a chair like glass appeared under his body. A small square table of the same material appeared in front of him, and another translucent guy was sitting opposite to own.

"Hello." While greeted Lin Chi, he looked at the player opposite to him. It was a young man with long fluffy hair. The blond hair and serious face made him quite a little bit. "Golden Retriever Lion King" posture.

"Hello." Although the blond man looked solemn, he didn't have any hostility. Instead, he lowered his voice and asked, "What's the matter with this map? Dude, have you been here?"

"I'm here for the first time." Lin Chi smiled, and chose the option "Show names to other players" in the menu bar.

Seeing his name, the blond man raised his eyebrows in surprise, his face was full of surprise, and asked: "You are upstream? I have seen your name on the list of the strongest players!"

"Really, I haven't watched that stuff for a long time." Lin Chi said and reminded him: "What's your name?"

"Ah, I forgot..." The blond man scratched his head a little embarrassedly, and showed Lin Chi his name: Crispy Chicken Drumsticks.

"Your name is really simple enough." Lin Chi smiled.Speaking of this topic, the blond man suddenly became interested and nodded happily: "I will become a professional player one day! Don't you think it would be interesting to see this kind of name in competitions and leaderboards?"

"Professional player..."

Looking at the agitated young man in front of him, Lin Chi said casually: "Come on, there are still a lot of fierce people in this game."

"Yeah, so I will defeat you first!" At this point, the face of Crispy Chicken Drumsticks suddenly distorted, and both expressions and voices revealed a burning warfare:

"Come on, against the current, I am going to cut you under the horse today! You will become the king-crispy chicken drumstick, the first stepping stone to the top!"

Seeing that the other party seemed to be serious, Lin Chi's sleeping S2 cells seemed to have been activated, and he slowly said, "Then come and play..."

Before he finished his words, Lin Chi discovered that several flashing golden cards suddenly appeared in his hand, and several cards appeared in the hand of the man named Crispy Chicken Drumstick.

——What kind of routine is this?

Recalling the prompt "Don't play cards casually" when entering the game, Lin Chi couldn't help laughing out of nothing, and said, "Is it really playing cards?"

As if hearing his voice, a few lines of text suddenly appeared in his consciousness. Lin Chi, who was still in a daze, immediately understood the rules of the game:

Projectors of the Creator, welcome to the first match: duel.

In the duel game, every two projections will be assigned to a random planet and use the cards in your hand to defeat the opponent. Please note that the decks in both hands are the same, and every card you play will make a substantial change in this planet.

In the first five rounds, the two players will take turns and only one card can be played at a time. Starting from the sixth round, you will be able to play a combination of two cards. You can win the first round of the game by defeating the opponent's creator first!

If the two players run out of cards and the winner has not yet been determined, a random hand will be awarded in each round until the winner is determined.

So now... the game begins!

After browsing the rules of the game in his consciousness, Lin Chi realized that he had been dragged into a card duel. He was about to see what cards he had in his hand, but the darkness around him suddenly disappeared.

The two confronting each other, together with tables and chairs, appeared on a khaki planet. What caught your eye was the bumpy yellow ground and the dust floating in the sky.

Just look at the little stones floating around you. The gravitational pull of this planet doesn't seem to be great. The two little planets draw a red light, tear apart the thin atmosphere and fall to a certain place in the distance, making a dull crash sound.

Obviously, this planet is the battlefield of the "duel card game"!

Realizing this, Lin Chi turned his attention to the card in his hand. He thought it would be a catastrophic card such as "volcanic eruption", "earthquake", and "meteorite". But when he saw the words and pictures on the card, he frowned slightly.

NO.13, death.

"Damn, is this a Tarot card?" The Crispy Chicken Drumstick made a surprised voice.

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