War Paradise

Chapter 323: The Dominator's Card Game

As a divination tool used by humans since ancient times, Tarot cards have been popular in Europe since the Middle Ages, but its origin has always been a mystery, and there are still divergent opinions today.

However, for the player of this game, the answer to this question is obviously clear:

——Tarot cards do not originate from humans, but are entertainment tools created by "gods"!

As for how to play this game, just look at the text description below each card:

"Big Arcana NO.13——Reaper"

Position: Death descends on the enemy city-state, randomly destroying one-fifth of the population, and causing one-fifth of the remaining population to be infected with the plague.

Rebellion: Death descends on our city-state and destroys one-fifth of our population. You can choose specific targets for destruction. The remaining residents will gain a strengthening effect, and their vitality and morale will be improved.

"So what exactly are'our side' and'enemy'?" Lin Chi frowned.

As if he heard his voice, he saw a camp with a red spire appeared in the distance, and several hunched figures walking around nearby. On the side of the Crispy Chicken Drumstick Fort, a blue camp appeared, and there were also a few ragged figures in it.

Although the two camps are at least a hundred kilometers away from him, the distance between the two camps is a full fifty kilometers. But with the long vision of the "Creator", Lin Chi still clearly saw the situation on the battlefield and his current "followers":

—— The own camp tent is made of red leather. Standing next to it are some men and women wearing shabby leather clothing, showing large pieces of dirty skin, just look at the unkempt appearance, and the appearance that resembles a hairless ape , You know that it is a primitive man through and through.

There is a small river next to the camp, and the water inside it almost evaporates. But it also ensured that these primitive people would not die of thirst. And some bushes with red fruits next to the river are the source of food for these people.

As for the camp controlled by "Fragrant Chicken Drumsticks", apart from the different colors, it is basically the same as own.

Obviously, this card game should be a duel between the two bases. but……

"Can human beings survive in this environment?"

Looking at the sandy land in the center of the two camps and the scarlet sky above his head, Lin Chi couldn’t help but admire the tenacious vitality of humans on this planet. In such a harsh environment with thin air, humans who can survive can use "real life". "Macho" to describe it.

Lin Chi was still observing the situation on the battlefield, and the red prompt text lit up in the lower right corner of his sight:

——This round is played by "Crispy Chicken Drumsticks" first.

"Hey, wait for death, you have a false name..."

While the blond man was full of trash talking, he threw a tarot card on the table. There was a beautiful woman wearing a crown on the card, and the name of the card and its effect were written underneath. :

Big Arcana NO.3-Queen.


The empress descends on your city-state, inspiring all the people, and increasing the development speed of your city-state by 300%. When the empress dies or disappears, your city-state will enter a state of panic and the development will also stagnate. The effect will continue. Three rounds.

When Crispy Chicken Drumsticks played this card, a silver-haired woman with a golden crown suddenly appeared.

The woman who was protected by dozens of knights in dark armor slowly opened her red eyes. The luxurious silk gauze on her body was not stained with any dust. She sat on the throne studded with jewels, raised her slender right hand behind the camp, and pointed it at the sandy ground in the distance.

Witnessing the emergence of the empress, the "primitives" near the blue camp suddenly began to build at a terrifying speed like chicken blood.

On the previously bare sandy ground next to the camp, an ancient stone city rose from the ground, and the city was lit up with little fire. Originally where the camp was located, a white palace about ten meters high was built.

In the open space behind the city, a large waterwheel rose from the ground to draw water from the river to the rear and irrigate a jungle. Next to the jungle, there also appeared a few square farms farmed by slaves.

With the development of agriculture, the poor population in the city has suddenly increased a lot.

"I'm going, did you play like this?"

On the stone roads of the city, many ragged barbarians were dragged across the street by merchants in robes with chains tied to their necks. Lin Chi immediately realized that the primitive people of the Crispy Chicken Leg Fort camp had entered the slavery society at a terrifying speed under the encouragement of the empress!

Mindful of this, Lin Chi did the same, and decisively removed the "Queen" from the own tarot deck. When it was about to be played, a system prompt appeared again in front of him:

When the opponent uses a card, you will not be able to use the same card for three rounds.

"Depend on……"

Lin Chi murmured, glanced quickly at the own deck, drew out a card and threw it on the table.

Big Arcana NO.4-the emperor.


The steady emperor descended on your city-state, inspiring all the people, and increasing the development speed of your city-state by one hundred percent. When the emperor died or disappeared, your city-state will have a new emperor ascend to the throne, and be in your city-state. The effect will last forever until it is completely destroyed.

After Lin Chi played the card, a simple wooden four-wheeled vehicle appeared behind his camp, escorted by ten silver-armored knights.

A middle-aged man with a scepter in his hand, sitting on a wooden vehicle with a beard on his face, showed a resolute expression.

As introduced on the card, the emperor’s appeal is obviously not as good as the "peerless beauties" on the crispy chicken drumstick. The primitive people on Lin Chi’s side are also building the city, but the scale and speed of construction are more Crispy Chicken Leg Fort is much slower over there, and the size of the city is only one-third of the other's city.

"Hahaha, are you just this capable?"

While continuing to use the trash talk tactics to try to influence Lin Chi's thoughts, Crispy Chicken Drumsticks quickly looked at the tarot deck in his hand, then drew a card in an exaggerated motion and slapped it heavily on the table.



The militant will affects your city-state, turning the entire city into a high-speed terror chariot. The development speed of your city-state is increased by 50%, and the development speed of the army is increased by 100%. This effect will continue. Until your army is defeated.

As the blond man threw the card, several catapults were quickly assembled by the slaves on the desert behind the rapidly expanding stone city. A high wall made of rocks was also built outside the city. A fence was also built with sharpened branches.

With the development of the military, the forests behind the opponent's city were cut down by slaves. The wood cut was used to make weapons and armor. Some of the slaves who were originally responsible for farming also threw down their farm tools and put on armor and turned into barbaric warriors.

"Ha, do you want to play a quick attack?"

Seeing that the other party was still in the age of slavery, he had already begun to develop his army. Lin Chi raised his eyebrows, and said in a low voice, "You're going to kill yourself like this."

"You can't make it through five rounds at all!" The crispy chicken drumstick seemed to be confident, obviously using this routine in other games: "Have you played the old game Hearthstone? I trusted it back then. Fast break and top points!"

"Are you sure that tarot cards can also play fast break?" Lin Chi teased.

While speaking, Lin Chi turned his attention to his own city, which was still slowly being built. Unlike the rapidly developing enemy city, his side seemed to be still in the period of primitive "collective production". The scale of the city was similar to that of the other A ratio is so small and pitiful.

Even though the opponent's development speed was much faster than his own, Lin Chi did not panic, but slowly drew a tarot card from the deck and threw it on the table in front of him.

The pattern drawn on the golden card was a high tower on fire that was struck by lightning. Two people on both sides were falling in the air, with distorted and hopeless expressions on their faces.

"This is……"

Seeing that one of the 22 big arcana cards in the Tarot, the only card symbolizing ominousness, and the text below, the blond man's complexion suddenly became serious.

NO.16-high tower.


The tower symbolizes sudden change or the anger of nature. Inflict random fire, drought, tornado, sandstorm on the opponent's city for three rounds.

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