War Paradise

Chapter 328 Black Death

Under the gaze of the two "creators", the army that gushed out of the city of Crispy Chicken Drumsticks smashed into the city of Lin Chi.

However, unlike ordinary wars where there are multiple divisions of troops, this army is like a long snake, slowly "climbing" across the desert. Apart from leaving soldiers in the rear to protect the supply line, this army has almost no tactics at all.

"Damn, you guys are not so good..." Crispy Chicken Legs frowned and mumbled.

——Although this army is led by five generals and has a large number of subordinate officers, they have almost no idea about the formation of troops in a real war. In other words, they have no actual combat experience at all.

Under such conditions, these generals who only understand tactics but not strategy have no idea of ​​dividing forces at all, but lead the army all the way, preparing to use "human sea tactics" to capture the opposite city.

After hearing the slogans shouted by some of the soldiers, the blonde creator's mood was obviously worse:

"For the Pope, take that city!"

Some fanatics among the soldiers, wearing light armor with rough workmanship, holding high the flag of the church, showed a savage atmosphere in their gestures. It's like a walking bomb, which makes the ordinary soldiers next to him hide far away, and it doesn't mean to get close at all.

Because they were influenced by the "pope" when their education level was not high, these fanatics have become an unstable factor in the army. In fact, they did not follow the general's orders and set off, but wanted to massacre the "infidels."

In fact, these people did not even obey the Queen, but regarded the Pope as the only leader. The most terrifying thing is that there are still a lot of these guys. In this army, nearly 10,000 people are believers of the Pope!

Seeing the frenzied appearance of those guys dancing with swords and guns, Lin Chi said thoughtfully: "So that's it, do you kill with a sword..."

The two players who are playing cards can see that the reason why the queen didn't eliminate these nearly crazy believers, but let them go with the army, also meant to "consume" these people in the battle.

After all, the Pope is still in the city. If he openly sends troops to clean up his followers, it is likely to cause riots among other believers, and it will be more troublesome then.

However, the opponent's army does not look very reliable, and the army of 100,000 should not be underestimated.

In Lin Chi's city, there are now only 60,000 soldiers in total. Once he is caught in a siege, it will be sooner or later that the city will be breached if he cannot cut off the opponent's supply line.

Thinking of this, Lin Chi squinted his eyes and stared at the approaching army, then looked at the remaining cards in his hand. Then he smiled and played a card calmly:



The god of death descended on the enemy city-state, randomly wiped out one-fifth of the population, and infected one-fifth of the remaining population with the plague.

When he saw this card, the blond man's complexion changed abruptly. Obviously, he also knew exactly what the "Reaper" card meant:

This kind of offensive tarot card that can wipe out the population proportionally can still be controlled in the early stage of the game. After all, there were not many people in the city at that time. Even if one-fifth of the population was wiped out, it would quickly rise back. .

But in the current situation, the level of disaster caused by playing "Reaper" is simply incredible!

Under the horrified gaze of "Crispy Chicken Drumsticks", some of the citizens in his city began to have a strange fever and irregularly shaped lumps appeared on their bodies. Then they began to cough wildly as if they were suffering from pneumonia, even in their mouths. Spit out blood.

At the same time as the whole body began to bleed, these poor people infected with the plague developed sepsis, black patches grew on their skin, and died in extreme pain.

"This is……"

Seeing that the citizens in the city turned into corpses one after another, the complexion of Crispy Chicken Drumsticks suddenly became pale. Even if you have never studied biology, anyone who has studied history knows what the spreading disease is:

What appeared in that city was the terrifying plague that once killed 20 million Europeans in the Middle Ages: the Black Death!

This plague brought from rats has directly wiped out tens of millions of people, and in a sense has changed the history of mankind. Today, it has a more commonly used official name-plague.

As humans began to use antibiotics, the plague was no longer as deadly as it was in ancient times. But in the era of this game, the humans in the city can't resist the plague attack at all!

"Damn it."

Witnessing the tragedy of the residents in the city, the blond man couldn't help but yelled. Although he wanted to retaliate with the "Death" in the late stage, his death card had already been used on slaves...

With the outbreak of the plague in the city, the supply line at the rear of the army immediately ceased operation. The army of 100,000 people had already entered a hungry state due to lack of food before reaching the gate of Lin Chi's city.

Seeing the crispy chicken drumsticks' expression distorted, Lin Chi smiled and reminded him intimately: "It's up to you to play the cards."

Realizing that if you don’t withdraw, not only will you be unable to capture the enemy’s city, but your own city will be unprotected. Crispy Drumsticks cursed something in a low voice, and could only play the card that was just played last round:

Little Arcana-the sword.

The second use to make your army retreat, you are judged as defeated.

The small Arcana card is not counted in your remaining cards, nor is it subject to any restrictions. It can be used every round. At the beginning of the next round, it will automatically return to your hand.

Then, he played the second card of the round again.

On the golden card, a warrior who was tied upside down was drawn, and a golden angel halo appeared vaguely behind his head.

Even knowing that he is about to die. The person's expression was calm, and it didn't seem to be suffering at all.

NO.12-Hanged upside down.


The Hanged Man is a symbol of sacrifice. Using this card will sacrifice some of the "sacrifice" residents in your city-state, so that the remaining residents will gain a strong effect, and their vitality and morale will be improved. And make your city gain unyielding effect within two rounds, and it cannot be destroyed by the enemy in any form.

After the blond man played these two cards, the army he sent began to retreat. The bonus effect originally obtained by the "chariot" also disappeared because it was judged to be defeated.

As the army retreated, the "hanged man" symbolizing sacrifice also had an effect:

The doctors in the city all tried their own lives to save lives, and the scholars immediately began to study the cure for the Black Death. Those patients who had become ill and knew that they had no hope of surviving started to leave the city on their own initiative and staggered towards the distant desert.

——In order to protect own family, lover, friends, and other residents in the city. The plague patients showed their courage for the last time by going to death generously!

I saw a scene of several elderly people coughing up blood constantly, helping each other to the depths of the desert. Lin Chi couldn't help giving a thumbs up to these people, and exclaimed, "They are very brave."

While speaking, he once again drew two golden tarot cards and threw them on the card table in front of them.


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