War Paradise

Chapter 329 The Queen's Lover


Seeing the oppressive army withdrew back into his city, Lin Chi couldn't help laughing.

In fact, from the second round, they played the "chariot" and began to expand the army's crispy chicken drumstick. The army's combat effectiveness is basically a crushing level!

Lin Chi knew that if it hadn't been for the sudden outbreak of the Black Death in the rear, with the siege equipment equipped by the army of Crispy Drumstick Fortress, the own city gate could be broken almost instantly. At that time, welcoming own will only be a bloody slaughter.

But now, as those guys withdrew because they couldn't maintain the supply line, he finally won another breathing opportunity.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lin Chi played two cards again and continued to develop his own city.

Seeing the two golden tarot cards that Lin Chi threw on the card table, the blond man who was still paying attention to the plague prevention in his city suddenly widened his eyes and said in a low voice, "Do you want to..."

"Who knows." Lin Chi said, turning his head, cast his eyes on own city, waiting for the changes.

Under the gaze of the Creator, a woman wearing a silk tulle arrived from a distant desert.

Escorted by dozens of knights wearing dark heavy armor, the empress arrived at the gate of Lin Chi's city, and then she was stopped by guard soldiers without any suspense.

"Indicate your identity." The soldier standing guard in front of the door asked.

Perhaps it is because of the improvement of cultural level, or it may be because the empress in front of her has her own leadership aura, and the tone of the soldiers is much softer than before, and even honorifics are used.

"Please let me in." The queen's voice was gentle, but with a trace of determination: "I want to see the ruler of this city."


The soldiers in front of the door were still hesitating. The messenger who ran from the direction of the palace handed over the letter paper in their hands.

After reading the command sent above, the soldiers hesitated for a moment, and finally opened the gate slowly, still with a confused expression on their faces.

There was only a brief sentence on that piece of paper, but the font was handwritten by His Majesty the Emperor. The orders are different in peacetime, and the content on the paper is also very simple and rude:

"Open the door."

Under the confused gaze of the soldiers and civilians in the city, Her Majesty walked slowly into the city, along the road in the center of the city, and went straight to the magnificent white palace inside the city.

Immediately afterwards, a scene that even surprised the citizens appeared:

The old emperor, who was always governed in the palace on weekdays, rarely appeared in the public eye, unexpectedly, accompanied by personal guards, walked slowly out of the palace's main courtyard and walked down the long steps in front.

——What is the situation?

Just when the citizens who witnessed this scene were all confused, the queen protected by the black knight ran forward, her silver hair swaying in the wind, her eyes seemed to flash with excitement.

At the same time, the emperor also quickened his pace. In his eyes that had been muddy because of his age, a strange look came up again, and a smile from his heart also appeared on his wrinkled face:

"You are here..." the old emperor said tremblingly.

"Yeah, I'm here." The empress stepped forward, and before she stood in front of the old emperor, she was stopped by the emperor's personal guards and the black-armored knights under her.

"Step aside."

The voice of the old emperor was as steady as Hong Zhong, waving his hand to signal the own guard to clear the way. At the same time, the noble queen, also stood in front of the black-armored knight, and looked at each other with the old emperor.

Then, under the attention of the astonished people, two kings with a big age gap suddenly hugged each other with open arms, and under the crowd, distributed dog food to thousands of people on the street.

"Fuck..." Crispy Drumsticks shouted, and looked down at the two cards on the table that had just been played by Lin Chi.

In addition to the "Queen" in the Big Arcana card, Lin Chi also played another card, and that card is the reason why his city can accommodate both the "Emperor" and the "Queen" at the same time:



Couples in love do not need any reason. Make two people in your city-state fall in love. This effect can be assigned to anyone. And, in the next three rounds, the birth rate of your city will increase.

As the emperor and the queen fell in love, Lin Chi’s city-state also enjoyed 300% of the development speed brought by the "Queen", with the "chariot" and "priestess" still in force, the technology of the entire city-state , The level of culture and economy is advancing again by leaps and bounds, and it is almost catching up with the city of Crispy Chicken Drumsticks.

At this time, the city of Crispy Chicken Leg Fort is still plagued by plague.

Although the generous death of the patients in the city did reduce the epidemic, new patients continue to appear. Doctors and scholars discovered that the plague had spread from animals, but they could not tell which animal brought the plague.

In this era, there is no way to deal with the plague. Although the "hanged man" he played last round put the city into an indestructible state, it is just lingering.

Crispy Chicken Leg Fort is very clear that if the situation continues to develop, the own city will soon be destroyed. Mindful of this, he thought for a moment and could only play a defensive card again:

On the golden card surface, there is an angel wearing a white robe with wings on the back. It is impossible to tell whether it is a male or a female by looking at the appearance. At this moment, the angel is holding two holy grails in his hand, and there is liquid in the two. There is a constant flow between the golden cups.



Temperance symbolizes purification. Using this card can increase the vitality of your city-state residents, and at the same time increase the cure rate of diseases, but it will reduce the birth rate of the population.

——Because of the emergency situation just now, in order to avoid the city being destroyed directly or all the troops on the expedition were wiped out, he could only choose to play a sword to withdraw the troops, and by the way play the Hanged Man with its own "life extension" effect.

Now with the opportunity, Crispy Chicken Drumsticks finally played the "temperance" card. Begin to heal the plague in the city. At the same time, he did not forget to play an offensive card again, disrupting Lin Chi's pace:

NO.15-the devil.


The devil descended on the enemy city-state, causing some short-sighted residents to be blinded by desire. In the three rounds from now, the opponent’s urban development speed has increased by 50%, but all the contradictions within the city will intensify, and morale and education will decline.

Seeing that terrifying black-robed man appeared again from the desert and rushed to own city, Lin Chi not only didn't panic, but asked calmly, "You really plan to do this?"

The blond man sitting across from the card table didn't speak, but an ominous premonition surged in his heart.

Seeing the other's nervousness, Lin Chi looked at his remaining hand and smiled confidently:

"This game is over."

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