War Paradise

Chapter 330

"Do not make jokes……"

The blond man was still stubborn, but he immediately noticed that when the black robe man entered the opponent's city, the construction speed of the city that was already developing rapidly became even more brutal.

The steam engine was invented, and gray smoke began to emerge from the streets and lanes. Lin Chi's city was undergoing tremendous changes at a speed visible to the naked eye.

People's clothing has changed from hand-made to production line, and street carriages are gradually replaced by steel-cast cars. The original stone houses began to be demolished and replaced by buildings built with the newly developed reinforced concrete technology...

In addition to the double development speed bonus of "Emperor" and "Queen", the city is still being blessed by the three cards of "Chariot", "Priestess", and "Justice", and the "devil" played by Crispy Chicken Drumsticks , Which has increased the development speed of this city by 50%!

At this time, Lin Chi's city was under the blessing of six bonus cards and entered a stage of frenzied expansion. When the city of Crispy Chicken Leg Fort was still plagued by the plague, he not only completed the overtake of the enemy city-state, but also crushed the opponent in terms of technology and culture!

As a result of the "lovers" played in the last round, Lin Chi's urban population also showed an explosive growth trend. The side effects of "increasing contradictions" brought about by the devil also came into effect at this time.

"There are too many children in the city, and we ask for birth restrictions!"

Some people held placards and demonstrated in the open space in front of the palace. The city guards who maintained order in front of the palace also had nothing to do with them. In addition to blocking the progress of the opponent, they could not even find a reason to arrest these demonstrators.

——With the explosive development of the city, this city-state has broken away from the feudal system and entered the era of capitalism. Since it is the first time that this situation has been encountered, the city-state's laws have no such content at all.

Today, the hierarchical system of feudal society has almost disappeared, but the big capitalists have not yet been born. The technology and economic development in the city are fast, but in fact it is still in the budding era of capitalism.

Under this abnormal situation, the population boom made the city unbearable, and it became the biggest contradiction in the city that was exacerbated by the "devil"!

And to solve the contradiction of overpopulation, the best way is...

"Expand outward." Lin Chi smiled.

As if hearing his call, the size of the army that has been training in the rear of the city began to grow in a horrible trend. The equipment on these soldiers has changed from the original melee weapon to a semi-automatic rifle with a large bolt, and has just developed The revolver coming out.

In order to go into battle lightly, the soldiers took off the original heavy metal armor and replaced them with tight light leather armor. They wore a pistol holster and a long-handled dagger around their waists, and they looked like a broad-brimmed military hat. "Western Cowboy" style.

Seeing that the own army has taken shape, even equipped with new tanks and artillery, Lin Chi casually played a "treasure sword" to launch an attack on the enemy, and then played a golden card to provide the own army. Horror bonus:

NO.10-Wheel of Fortune.


The wheel of destiny begins to spin, allowing your city-state to go directly to the next round.

Under the horrified gaze of Crispy Chicken Drumsticks, a delicate silver roulette appeared once again in the void above the card table, which made a crisp clicking sound as it turned forward.

As the wheel of fortune began to take effect, the army behind Lin Chi’s city seemed to "teleport" directly in the middle of the desert, skipping a round of marching, and rushing straight to the control of the Crispy Drumstick Fort. city.

Unlike when the Crispy Chicken Leg Fort marched, the supply line of this army was actually maintained by cars...

——In order for the surplus population to find a place to live, the best way is to capture other nearby cities.

Driven by the "devil" and the "chariot", these well-equipped and highly combative soldiers soon arrived in front of the walls of the hostile city and set up cannons outside the range of the opponent’s crossbow. Aimed at the thick rock wall!

"Fire!" shouted the artillery commander.

The muzzles of more than a dozen artillery guns lit up dangerous white light, and after a neat bang, the pitch-black spherical shells slammed into the end of the city wall with the force of a huge force, blasting out the thick and seemingly impenetrable wall. gap.


The artillery produced by the arsenal at the rear of the city continued to blast shells against the city wall. The archers who were standing on top of the city wall and prepared to release arrows were directly blown to pieces by the shells. The soldiers who survived by the side were unable to stand. Steady, the shock wave knocked down the nearly 20-meter-high city wall, and fell to the ground and turned into a puddle of mud.

"Keep firing! Destroy their walls!"

Soldiers equipped with guns and sabers stood neatly aside, watching the advanced war machines equipped by their own army, and ruthlessly tearing open the walls of the city.

The city of Crispy Chicken Leg Fort had just eased from the shadow of the plague before it was directly attacked by the enemy. But this time, the strength of the two warring parties has undergone a shocking reversal.

——The original strong army of Crispy Drumstick Fortress has now become the weaker side. Under the equipment gap of the crushing level, the human sea tactics can no longer have any effect!

"Depend on……"

The blond man sitting at the card table watching the battle, frowned and shot out a "treasure sword", and launched the final offensive against the attacking enemy army.

In fact, he has seen the huge gap between the two sides, and knows that this gap cannot be made up by the number of people, but even so, he is still unwilling to give up the last chance.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Below the burning city wall, the city gate finally opened slowly. A large number of soldiers wearing metal armor, equipped with swords and light crossbows, came out of the city gate, howling and waving their sabers, facing the distant desert. The enemy army launches a desperate charge!

What greeted them was the muzzle of the black hole of the artillery, and the long barrel of the gun exposed from the steel chariot behind.

The sturdy guys standing inside the tank stood behind the multi-barreled machine gun, holding the metal grip on the back of the gun with both hands, and began to shake the "rocker" behind the gun.

The weapons equipped in these tanks are exactly the famous weapon that was invented in the real world in 1861-the hand-operated multi-barreled machine gun "Gatling"!

Bang bang bang...

After a burst of gunfire-like gunfire, the hundred people rushing in front were blasted into flesh and blood. The armor on their bodies could not withstand the bombardment of the old-fashioned hand-machine guns. Under the intensive rain of bullets, they instantly turned into riddled corpses.

The soldiers behind rushed forward on the corpse of their comrades, and then they were blown into pieces of flesh and blood by the flying artillery shells. Everyone could see that what was happening on this bloody battlefield was simply a unilateral slaughter. .

—— Soldiers equipped with old-fashioned weapons and armors are not at all an opponent of an army armed with machine guns and artillery. Under the overwhelming equipment gap, the army in the Crispy Chicken Leg Fort city state, like a wheat field run over by a harvester, fell one crop after another.

Depressed witnessing the whole process of the slaughter of his army, Crispy Chicken Leg Fort sighed a long time, threw away the few remaining cards in his hand, and leaned weakly on the chair.

"I choose Death." He said.

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