War Paradise

Chapter 331 The Returning Creator

As the Crispy Chicken Drumsticks completely surrendered, the planet picture around the two creators, together with the card table and tarot cards, distorted and disappeared into complete darkness.

Then, in the process of the previous game, the "host" who had been silent for a while, suddenly made a sound again, announcing the victory or defeat of the game:

"Congratulations to the Creator's "Countercurrent" for winning the first game!"

The human figure condensed from pure white light appeared in front of Lin Chi, dispelling the surrounding darkness, and by the way... dispelling another "projection" around him.

"Wait, is there no second round?"

It wasn't until the body began to twist in the light that Crispy Chicken Drumsticks realized that he had completely played GG. What he wanted to say, but it had turned into a bright white light, extinguished in the endless darkness.

As the guy disappeared, Lin Chi's sight finally showed a long-lost kill prompt:

The player "Crispy Drumstick Fort" was killed by the player "Countercurrent"!

Congratulations to "Adverse Current" for winning the first blood of this game! The player gets two chips.

When the prompt appeared, Lin Chi noticed that the pocket of his projected body sank. He reached into his pocket with his right hand and drew out two round, semi-transparent cylindrical objects like batteries, and a cold wave came from the palm of his hand. The touch.

"What is the bargaining chip?" Lin Chi asked.

"You will know."

As soon as the host's voice fell, Lin Chi instantly returned to the lounge before the start of the game. At this time, he was the only one left in the room, and the humanoid creature with its body made of light did not know where it went.

——Others haven't finished the fight yet?

Mindful of this, he looked at the empty Ark lounge, Lin Chi leaned on the chair in his usual slouchy posture, staring at the brown ceiling above his head without blinking, with godless eyes.

He waited for a while, and finally saw a few lines of kill prompts again.

The player "Wandering Xia" was killed by the player "Pandora"!

The player "XJDXBL" was killed by the player "Red Devil"!

The player "Lone Whirlwind" was killed by the player "Chinese God Draw King"!

With the appearance of the kill prompt, a few more Daoist-shaped projections appeared in the lounge. Obviously, the person who came back was the winner of the previous game.

However, this game was joined by 23 players. If everyone is playing one-on-one games, one player should have had a bye, or it may be a duel with an NPC...

While Lin Chi was thinking about this issue, a different Death prompt appeared in his sight:

player "Great Dark Sky" has died!

"Ha, was this guy killed by the NPC?" Lin Chi laughed.

Seeing the winners have begun to return to the lounge one after another, Lin Chi was also happy, leaning directly on the back of his chair and closing his eyes, before the next round of the game began, he entered a state of "reserve energy".


At the same moment, on a khaki planet, another white-hot game is still in progress.

The soldiers pouring out from the two cities fought a fierce hand-to-hand battle on the wide plain. The red-eyed soldiers slashed at each other with broadswords and battle axes, harvesting the lives of the enemy.

There is no doubt that the battle that is erupting on the plain is the decisive battle in this duel card game!

While the two armies were clashing, there was an atmosphere of tension between the two "creators" sitting at the glass table.

Until now, there is only one card left in both hands. Although the small arcana card that can be used indefinitely is still there, the golden large arcana card is almost finished.

"Woman, don't think you can defeat me by luck..."

Looking at the only card left in his hand, the short-haired man sitting on the left side of the card table showed a frustrated expression on his face. Although he was still stiff, he also knew exactly what this last card meant.

Although he really wants to play this card, it's the opponent's turn now, that is to say...

"Hahaha, bow down at the feet of'Yueying Qianzhong'!"

The woman with long white hair laughed arrogantly and threw the last card left in her hand. As the last of the twenty-two "Great Arcana" cards in the Tarot, this card is written in black English underneath, marking its name:


NO.21-the world.


When all other major arcana cards have been played by you once, you can use that card to draw two major arcana cards immediately and get an extra round.

When Moon Shadow Qianzhong played this card, a frantic vortex appeared above the entire planet, tearing the thin clouds in the nearby sky. The army under the male player suddenly stopped moving like a freeze, becoming a lamb to be slaughtered!

At the same time, two golden tarot cards appeared again in Moon Shadow Qianzhong's hands. After getting an extra round under the bonus of "World", she immediately played the two cards she had just drawn: "Reaper". And "The Fool".

"I rely on..."

Seeing that one-fifth of the population in his city was killed by the "Reaper", and then looking at his army on the battlefield that was still being slaughtered, the man bowed his head in frustration and admitted the fact that he was defeated.

—— The player "comparable opponent" was killed by the player "Moon Shadow Qianzhong"!

You got a bargaining chip.

Perceiving an extra bargaining chip in her pocket, Yuekage Qianzhong was teleported out of the showdown stage before she could figure out what it was, and returned to the Ark’s lounge, and then... just appeared in her most. By the person I don't want to see.

"Yeah, how are you?"

Lin Chi, who was awakened by the vibration of the seat beside him, lazily opened his eyes and waved to Yueying Qianzhong who was sitting opposite him.

Seeing the other party's lazy look, Yueying Qianzhong suddenly became angry again, and whispered: "Aren't you afraid of yourself being killed?"

"Victory or defeat is commonplace for soldiers." Lin Chi rubbed his eyes and cast his eyes to the stage at the back of the lounge while he was talking nonsense. "Is it time for the next game to begin?"

Everyone waited for a while, and the last "duel card game" was finally over: a man with a gray-headed face, who looked like he had just escaped from the scene of the explosion, was teleported back to the lounge.

When all the remaining eleven players arrived, the stage in the lounge lit up with strong light again, and the "host" composed of light finally appeared in the room.

"Welcome all creators to come back, are you happy to have fun?" the host asked loudly.

Without waiting for the answer from the "Creator" present, the host has continued to speak: "Then, everyone, please take a break and enjoy the performance we prepared. The next round of games will begin after the advertisement ends. Look forward to it!"

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