War Paradise

Chapter 342 Battle and Fusion

In this round of cards, Lin Chi lost to Pandora by a small margin of 18-20.

Lin Chi can see that the opponent's luck is obviously better than his own. If the deck is calculated with "full firepower", it can improve the odds of winning a little bit, but now the focus is not here...

At this time, the two players didn't care about the blackjack battle at all, but focused their attention on the two planets, observing the animals and plants that were evolving.

Since the choices of the two are completely opposite, the situation on the two planets at this time is also completely different. While Lin Chi's side was calm and the waves were calm, the dinosaur on Pandora's side was in deep water.

In order to kill the opponent while maintaining their own survival, the weapons and armor technologies of both sides of the war are advancing rapidly and continue to maintain a rapid development trend.

As the herbivore dragon began to use rock armor, even the Tyrannosaurus rex, one of the strongest carnivorous dragons, did not dare to open his mouth and bite when he saw his companions go down with a mouthful of teeth.

In order to increase the attack success rate, the carnivorous dragons also learned from the previous battle and made sharp spears that can be tied to the forelimbs or sides of the body, and at the same time began to improve their crude armor.

Then, the carnivorous dragon was surprised to find that own prey once again developed incredible equipment.

On the wide grassland, the Raptor Legion, who was planning to prey on a stegosaurus, hadn’t had time to do it, but saw a flatbed truck made of planks and movable logs below, rushing all the way down from the hillside in front. .

Standing on the wooden board was a triceratops, lowering his head with his sharp corners, stuck on a wooden stake in front of the car, and maneuvering the direction of the chariot. The wooden shell on the outside of the car is densely covered with sharp thorns and stones, like a huge hedgehog.

The group of velociraptors belonging to Spinosaurus stared at the rough chariots rushing towards them with dark yellow eyes, completely unable to understand the picture in front of them.

These poor guys, who have long been used as slaves by large carnivorous dragons, have not been able to evolve intelligence similar to other dinosaurs, but have faithfully fulfilled the instructions of the "boss."


A khaki-skinned raptor, raised his hair and let out a hoarse cry, and then moved his slender legs, rushing towards the attacking chariot without restraint.


At the moment of the head-on collision with the chariot, the thin body of the raptor was directly nailed through by the wooden stakes in front of the car. It didn’t even have time to say a last word, and the body was torn into two under the strong inertia. The front of the car was immediately stained with blood and internal organs, and the torn apart velociraptor corpse fell on the grass behind.


Seeing the incomparably miserable death of their compatriots, other raptors also learned their skills, and turned around without a word, but the chariot that rushed down from the hillside changed its direction under the operation of the Triceratops and rushed directly. Entering the group of raptors that haven't dispersed yet, it brings a bloody storm.

The unstoppable wooden chariot rushed away from the army of velociraptors, leaving only a sliced ​​corpse wherever it went.

The small carnivorous dragon busy escaping for his life did not notice. At the same time as the killing began, a huge black shadow slowly appeared on the hillside.

It was a giant dinosaur that was thirty meters long. The green skin was inconspicuous under the cover of the trees on the hillside, but the long neck and tail still exposed the location of the giant dragon and its true identity. .

The ruling class of the herbivore camp-Alamosaurus, one of the largest dinosaurs ever seen in history!

Above the long neck, the small-proportioned head turned around and cast his eyes on the wooden chariot that was slowing down. This behemoth that can overturn the Tyrannosaurus rex without equipment, lowered his head thoughtfully and looked down at the hillside where the chariot had run two marks.

Then, the giant dragon opened its mouth and made a dull voice in the language commonly used by dinosaurs:

"You have to find a way to make it move on flat ground."

——Although it is a wise man in the herbivorous group, this Alamoron could not develop a driving device similar to an engine after the tank was built, and it could only be done by letting the tank slide down the slope. Let this new weapon move at high speed.

So, how can this tank move on flat ground, and even move indefinitely?

Thinking about serious issues, the Alamoron dragged his huge body and slowly walked down the hillside. Every step he took made the nearby ground tremble constantly, like a small earthquake.

This giant dinosaur didn't know that the thought he had just now was a huge improvement for the dinosaur.

"It wants to study the engine." Pandora blinked: "My army is really strong."

Since the plants were still in a backward state, Lin Chi didn't bother to follow up. He just started to observe the orbits of the two planets.

As the host said, the two planets are indeed getting closer.

At the current speed, after about four rounds, they will move to the closest position and clearly observe the surface of each other's planet. At that time, the gravitational pull of the two planets will also change.

There is no doubt that the moment the two stars meet after four rounds, it is the time to start the war!

According to the development speed of the dinosaurs, maybe even a spaceship will be built after four rounds. But even so, Lin Chi did not panic. Because……

He knew that the "peace" option he had just selected would bring a new evolutionary direction to the slowly developing plant world.

According to the tendency of these plants to sprinkle seeds and multiply, the forests on the surface of the entire planet, except for places blocked by mountains, cliffs or rivers, can almost be connected into a whole into a huge whole.

At that time, if a civil war breaks out, it will undoubtedly lead to a devastating ending. And if they truly yearn for peace, another situation will appear:

The pheromone drifted toward the nearby fir with the breeze, and the two forests that were already close to each other expanded as they continued to expand, and the dialogue began again:

"Are you there?"


"I have a proposal, how about we connect the roots together and become one?"

For plants that also absorb underground nutrients, they are not as full of blood and deep enmity as between carnivorous dragons and herbivorous dragons. As long as it is not located in a barren zone where nutrients and groundwater are too scarce, there will be no irreconcilable contradictions between the two forests.

In this case, it is undoubtedly the best choice for these trees to connect together to share knowledge and consciousness!

"Good." The forest next to him gave a quick answer.

Seeing that the roots of the two forests began to connect together and quickly assimilated into one, Lin Chi realized that the development of the situation was no different from what he had imagined. Lin Chi finally breathed a sigh of relief and said casually:

"You are still primitive society, and I am about to enter communism here, my friend."

——Everything is still under control. The outcome of this game depends on the next few rounds.

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