War Paradise

Chapter 343: Bottleneck

Because the nearby Star has much more energy than the sun. The "winter" on these two Planets is completely different from the winter on Earth.

Although the huge mass of the Planet itself prevents it from being sucked directly next to the star and burned into ashes, the planet's orbit and the way of rotation have created a seasonal change completely different from that of the earth.

Spring and autumn have completely disappeared, and there are only hot summers and extremely cold winters on these two planets. In addition, the alternation of day and night here is also completely different from the earth.

According to human time measurement methods, two planets of similar size and mass will basically enter the same 36-hour night after 36 hours of daylight.

Of course, like the earth, day and night here also alternate between areas.

In the cold evening hours, both animals and plants slow down their metabolism and enter a dormant state. In the extremely cold winter, many plants and animals will be directly frozen to death and fall on the path of evolution.

However, as the creatures on the two planets continue to evolve, both dinosaurs and trees have found a way to cope with the cold winter.

The dinosaurs found a rock containing rare earth elements in a canyon on the surface of the planet. As long as they hit the rock with that thing, they can create sparks and heat, ignite the dead branches and fallen leaves nearby, and ignite warmth. flame.

With the emergence of "making fire", which marked the leap-forward evolution of civilization, the dinosaurs who obtained the source of fire, the speed of technological development suddenly increased a lot.

In addition to using flames for heating, herbivorous dragons have begun to try to throw ore into the fire for the most primitive smelting work. On the carnivorous dragon side, they also began to divide the territories of various ethnic groups, and then used timber to build simple buildings that could shelter from the wind and rain.

The era of civilization of the dinosaurs has finally begun.

At this time, the plant side is beginning to move in an abnormal evolutionary direction.

Different from the bloody war history of earth creatures, in the face of the harsh winter, plants have chosen to support each other to tide over the difficult weather.

After Lin Chi chose the direction of "peaceful" development, more and more forests began to negotiate, and then connected the roots buried deep underground, completing a simple and rude "great unification" and connecting them into one. The forest area continued to expand and soon covered the entire planet's surface. Then……

Almost all the large plants on the surface of this planet have evolved universal USB data cables...No, after universal roots, an extremely large and complex "shared consciousness" was born!

Almost all the trees on the surface of the planet contribute their own "brain" together, turning this extremely huge and extremely rich forest into a super-giant biological computer!

In addition to large forests, even small shrubs on the edge of the desert, and even some weeds that have evolved miniature brains, are integrated with this huge symbiosis. Become a prosperous and all-worn existence.

Then, this "behemoth", larger than any creature in human history, began to dispatch the resources in its body to maintain the survival rate of plants in the harsh environment.

—— Life plants in severe cold areas will get more nutrients, while in high temperature areas directly roasted by Star, plants will receive more water through their roots.

In order to complete this fantasy-sounding distribution behavior, the roots of plants have also begun to evolve again, so as to deliver nutrients at a faster rate.

Of course, after gaining an unimaginable speed of thinking, the consciousness formed by the "brains" of billions of trees cannot simply think about survival.

After absorbing the content and knowledge of other plants' thinking from countless forests, this unparalleled huge consciousness has allocated part of its thinking ability to the trees of "all parts of the body". I started to collect the "data" of the entire planet and observe the global situation.

Because the body is too large, even if the subject consciousness has been fixed in a giant eucalyptus tree in the center of the mainland, it is still very slow to collect detailed global data.

Moreover, if the information collected by the surrounding trees is transmitted by pheromone alone, it is likely to be cut off in the middle.

So now, in addition to increasing the survival rate of the huge forests that are connected together, compared with before, there is actually not much change.

"The evolution on your side has stopped." The purple-haired girl also noticed the abnormal condition of the forest.

"Who knows." Lin Chi said casually, continuing to observe the huge life forms covering the entire continent.

Even if it is a dinosaur, it will be inconvenient if it is too large. And the forests on the whole planet can no longer be described by the word "huge" alone.

It is undoubtedly very difficult for a giant life body of this size to maintain the normal operation of the body.

If we keep the subject consciousness in one place according to the current situation, let alone pheromone, even if nerve conduction is used, it will take several months to receive the condition of the remote forest.

Lin Chi knew that to allow the trees to continue to evolve under this circumstance, a new opportunity was needed.

And that opportunity is likely to appear in the next hand.

Mindful of this, he didn't say much, but patiently waited for the end of this round.

One minute later, when the host began to deal cards again, seeing the two choice cards he had obtained this time, Lin Chi smiled again on his face:

"Sure enough."

In this round of cards, the two options players can choose are "continue normal evolution" and "discover alien relics". Seeing that the normal evolution of plants has reached a deadlock, Lin Chi also decisively chose the option of "discovering alien relics".

However, the opponent on the other side of the table obviously won't let him succeed so easily.

Faced with the two silver cards this time, Pandora's expression on her face became serious. She naturally knew that as long as Lin Chi's giant life form made up of trees from all over the world, it would solve the problem of being too large. The problems that come will immediately crush the dinosaurs that are evolving in a normal way!

"I won't let you succeed."

The purple-haired girl said, picking up the card of "Discover Alien Ruins", her dark golden eyes looked at each other with Lin Chi without blinking. In the petite body, it seemed to suddenly release an invisible and powerful aura.

"Are you going to beat me at blackjack?" Lin Chi asked with interest.

"I'm the ‘God of Gamblers’." Pandora said coldly.

Hearing this, Lin Chi also got interested and looked at the two cards on his table: "Are you sure you want to have a serious game with me?"

"Are you scared?" The girl frowned and stared at him.

"Ha, of course not." Lin Chi couldn't help laughing. The body that was leaning on the chair in a nearly paralyzed posture suddenly sat up straight.

"In that case... let you see how professional players play cards." He laughed.

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