War Paradise

Chapter 350 Bloody Tree

Although he was suspicious of the strange things that had happened before, in the final round of this round of cards, Lin Chi was also completely minded and focused on the blackjack game.

Pandora, who has entered the concentration mode, is obviously also a good player. After a shocking "epic game", the two sides achieved the result of blackjack at the same time, ending the final round of the game.

In fact, in the process of the card game, the two of them deliberately reached such a situation after they colluded through eye contact.

As for why you want to do this, the reason is very simple:

"It's time to enjoy the war."

After the two players both drew blackjack and obtained the double effect, the opposite side of the two planets that were passing by at a very close distance lit up with a dense swath of light.

Dinosaur soldiers rushed to the planet ruled by plants in rough metal crafts. A large number of "meteorites" containing biological weapons are driven by super strong air jets from the ground to fly to the land where the dinosaurs depended.

The decisive battle between plants and dinosaurs finally broke out!

Bang bang bang...

After a burst of loud noises, the metal spacecraft that was burnt red when breaking through the atmosphere slammed into the woods, and the shock wave brought out destroying all the plants within a hundred meters.

When the almost melted hatch bounced off, the refreshing smell of barbecue wafted from more than 20 spaceships. These poor dinosaur soldiers died directly during the flight just now.

The lucky ones who took other good-quality spaceships didn't have the time to pay attention to the dead companions, but immediately looked around, ran to the nearby jungle, and began to search for the enemy's trail.

After seeing the power of the black vines that landed on their planet, the dinosaurs finally realized that the enemy they were facing was probably not animals, but plants that they had always despised.

Because of this, after they arrived this time, they also carried weapons that could quickly destroy plants.

A Tyrannosaurus rex wearing a steel armor turned sideways and pointed the thick metal tube tied to the right side of his body to the dense forest in front, then stretched out his right paw, pulled a cable next to his neck, and pulled it down forcefully For a moment.


The crimson flame rushed from the simple flamethrower, and instantly ignited several cedar trees in the front. The fire spread to the rear by the wind, and while the thick black smoke was rising, it began to burn the lush greenery. The forest turned into dark scorched earth.

While the carnivorous dragons set fire everywhere, the herbivorous dragon took advantage of its own natural advantage and began to gnaw on nearby trees. Of course, they would not be so stupid that they would destroy the entire forest with their teeth. But like the carnivorous dragon, it is equipped with newly developed weapons:

A triceratops strode into the forest. Two circular saws installed on both sides of the body, parallel to the ground, turned wildly to bring out a large string of sparks, and ruthlessly tore open the nearby trees, leaving a neat circular incision.

"Ha, it's amazing."

Even if he witnessed the dinosaur warriors doing rapid destruction on his planet covered with a lot of vegetation, Lin Chi did not panic.

After all, those who were killed now were just ordinary trees, and of course the real defensive force on this planet could not be those ordinary trees.

After the previous battle to eliminate the scouts, the mastermind of the plant also learned that the opponent was an animal. Although there was no research on large animals before, through studying some of the enemy’s corpses, the plant immediately developed the corresponding " arms".

After years of weapon development, the forests used as "arsenals" are already familiar with the production of genetically modified weapons. At the same time, a new evolution is also in progress on the test field that emits intense nuclear radiation.

The willow forest near the ancient nuclear power plant, which was responsible for supplying test varieties, had also undergone small-scale upgrades under long-term exposure to radiation.

Perhaps because the radiation dose nearby is not large, these willow trees did not die, but gained strong radiation resistance. The seeds they put on the test field also gained radiation resistance, and their survival rate was much higher than when the experiment first started.

However, even if these young saplings survived after being suddenly exposed to super strong radiation, weird upgrades still occurred.

And these upgraded tree species are the strongest defensive power on the plant side!


Accompanied by the harsh cutting sound, the Triceratops, which was using a circular saw to cut nearby trees, strode forward, leaving a long scar in this broad-leaved forest.

Striding into the deep dense forest, the light around him became increasingly dim, and the Triceratops was about to move on, and a dull sound of footsteps suddenly sounded in the dark dense forest ahead.

Boom, boom, boom.

——Is it a companion?

After hearing the sound of footsteps, Triceratops turned off the circular saw that was making a harsh noise on its body, opened its mouth and shouted in dinosaur common language: "Who is there?"

The other party didn't answer, but the sound of footsteps got closer, and the leaves in the soil were all flying up and flying around in the forest.

--How is this going?

Perceiving that the situation is not quite right, the Triceratops immediately increased its vigilance and carefully retreated two steps.

It stands to reason that this kind of footsteps and the impact caused by walking should only be produced by giant dinosaurs with a body length of more than 30 meters. However, because the spacecraft cannot accommodate such dinosaurs, the spacecraft they dispatched will not There is no such giant dinosaur.

So, what is coming?

The heavy footsteps kept approaching, and the shadow around the Triceratops expanded. It slowly raised its head, and what entered the line of sight was an incredible scene:

A spinosaurus walked over with heavy steps, a rotting stench radiating from all over his body, his mouth opened in the shape of a crocodile, and several crooked red branches protruded from his mouth.

The skin on this spinosaurus body has already fallen off, exposing the red "vessels" attached to the muscles, and a curved red tree that grows from the inside of the body, like a deformed flagpole, standing on the back of the spinosaurus. This is the place where the spines grow, and the triceratops "overlooking" below is condescending.

The body of his dead comrade was actually parasitized by plants!

Seeing this scene, even the triceratops with rich combat experience raised an uncontrollable fear in his heart. It gave up the fight, turned around and wanted to escape from here, but...

"Stay...Don't go..."

The dead Spinosaurus actually spoke using the lingua franca of dinosaurs, and then suddenly increased its pace, pounced at a faster speed than when it was alive, and pushed the Triceratops to the ground.

The triceratops screamed, struggling to get rid of the shackles of the walking corpse, the other side's foul-smelling claws, but it seemed to have taken root, making it impossible to move at all.

At the last moment of his life, the Triceratops desperately turned his head to look at the terrifying creature that suppressed its own. What you saw was the big mouth of the blood basin with the rotting head and the red "tentacles" wriggling in the mouth.

The life of this elite dinosaur warrior ended in extreme fear.

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