War Paradise

Chapter 351 Crazy Dragon Virus

When the dinosaurs went deep into the jungle and continued to kill the trees on this planet, they finally saw the true defensive power on this planet.

After being exposed to strong radiation, the upgraded trees were spliced ​​with the corpses of the advance dinosaurs, and finally got rid of the inability to move the trees, transformed into a terrifying warrior, and began to slaughter the invaders in the forest!

The corpse of ankylosaurus, rotten to the point where only its skeleton remained, slowly stepped forward, and the original muscles and internal organs had been replaced by red plants that were wriggling.

Witnessing the horror scenes of the corpses of creatures he was familiar with, being transformed into other things, even the Tyrannosaurus rex, who had been slaying wildly, was shocked.

It turned decisively to escape, and even forgot to activate its own flamethrower. But before he ran a few steps away, he was dragged by the vines growing in the soil, and he fell embarrassedly and chewed on the mud.

The Tyrannosaurus rex opened its big mouth full of fangs and uttered a hoarse scream. The predator, who was always invincible, looked like a lamb to be slaughtered at this time, and he didn't even have the strength to resist.

The corpse of ankylosaurus that came forward actually inherited the original consciousness, and the rotting mandible fell down, and the words of the dinosaur lingua franca slowly sounded from the body:

"I'm hungry……"

"Don't eat me, ahhhhhh!"

To this day, Tyrannosaurus rex, at the top of the food chain, has finally experienced the taste of being hunted, with its huge crimson mouth opening in front of its eyes and biting its head.


Witnessing the brutal massacre of the "elite fighters" on his side, Pandora lowered his head in frustration and whispered: "This is not fair."

In fact, the plants that were upgraded by radiation did not have such a strong combat effectiveness.

The main reason why the dinosaurs were beaten down here was that the appearance of the upgraded giant trees was too terrifying, and they came with a halo of fear as soon as they appeared, which forcibly weakened the combat effectiveness of the dinosaurs.

On the contrary, the weapons dropped on the plant side do not have such troubles. After all, those black vines don't have eyes at all, and they don't have any complicated consciousness at all. They just spread out, looking for plants that can be absorbed.

Although the dinosaurs who stayed on their planet are doing their best to clean up the proliferation of biological weapons, the speed of the spread of plants is obviously much faster than that of dinosaurs. After all, the biological weapon designed to spread through spores for lethality, as long as one plant grows up, it can release hundreds of thousands of spores in all directions, spreading around at the fastest speed.

"Damn it." Pandora cursed.

In order to deal with the wildly expanding black vines, the dinosaurs are also equipped with simple flamethrowers to burn the terrible plants, but the forests destroyed by the vines will never come back.

Although the dinosaurs on the plant planet also destroyed a large area of ​​forest, the current situation of the battle is obviously that Lin Chi's side has an absolute advantage.

Relying on the dinosaur's corpse, the upgraded plants that move around will temporarily stop when they cannot find their prey, and root their roots in the ground to absorb nutrients.

These terrifying creatures who have mastered the feeding methods of animals and plants at the same time also seem to feel that eating meat is more comfortable than taking root to absorb nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. In order to eat fresh meat, they rush around the entire continent, looking for the dinosaur warriors who have just landed. Of the trail.

"It turns out that the upgraded brain of the plant took over the dinosaur's nervous system, and after reading its memory, it wrote a new behavior pattern?" Lin Chi whispered.

"Speaking of people." Pandora said irritably.

Seeing that the dinosaurs on her side were defeated across the board, the girl was obviously in a bad mood. Then she found that the situation was even worse than she thought.

After studying the corpses of the advance dinosaurs, the biological weapons developed by the plants also have several dangerous "new features."

On Pandora's planet, a stegosaurus was using a flamethrower to clean up vines. When it landed, it smashed a "pine cone" with a red shell under its feet and made a click.

The ten-meter-long behemoth naturally didn't notice the abnormality under its feet, and also didn't notice the colorless and odorless "smoke" rising from the crushed fruit, which was inhaled by itself.

After burning the nearby vines clean, this stegosaurus also retreated with the three companions around him, planning to go back to rest. Then, its body suddenly froze in place like a sculpture, and stopped all movements.

"What's wrong?"

The three-headed stegosaurus who was walking in front turned around, only to find that the stegosaurus had apathetic eyes, and the corners of its mouth slowly dripped with a look of dementia.


The other stegosaurus was about to inquire, but saw that the stegosaurus seemed to be possessed by a demon, frantically twisting its bulky body, and the spikes behind it began to tremble, like a carp thrown on the shore unable to breathe.

"Oh oh oh!"

The stegosaurus kept hissing, staring red eyes and looking around, then lowered his head and used his two front feet to dig the soil frantically, until he dug out the rock underground, both of his front feet were ground and blood was still there. Stop planing soil.

Seeing that his companion went crazy, the three-headed stegosaurus beside him decided to stop it, but that crazy behemoth, even the power was much greater than usual, it rudely thrown off its own kind, and continued to dig. The soil, the two front paws were almost crushed, revealing bloody white bones.

"What the hell?" Pandora frowned and looked at the crazy dinosaur.

"It should be controlled by a parasitic virus released by plants." Lin Chi smiled: "In other words, it wants to'take root'."

——The behavior of that dinosaur is not like what the herbivorous dragon would do when going crazy, but more like a plant that wants to take root.

After inhaling the gas containing the miniature parasites in the fruit, those parasites should have entered the stegosaurus brain and destroyed its brain's nervous system. Just like the rabies virus, it drove this dinosaur to make abnormal behaviors!

Realizing this, Lin Chi nodded approvingly: "This thing is pretty awesome."

——The new weapons made by plants have extraordinary lethality on dinosaurs. If this virus spreads on a large scale, combined with the vines that are eroding all the plants on this planet, it will undoubtedly cause the dinosaurs to be wiped out. !

Lin Chi noticed that the red fruits that can release the virus have spread in several areas where the meteorites landed. The number of dinosaurs infected with the virus and starting to go crazy is also rapidly increasing.

Whether it is a carnivorous dragon or a herbivore dragon, as long as it is infected with the virus, it will dig in the ground frantically, and finally get into the grave that it dug and suffocate to death!

In this situation, there is almost no suspense about the outcome of this game.

Just when Lin Chi was about to celebrate his victory in advance, he saw that the dinosaurs had been silent a few Alamosaurus came out of the forest. The body was nearly thirty meters in length. Every step it took would cause a small " earthquake".

The wise men among these herbivorous dragons finally stood up at the last moment of the urgent situation and began to make the final resistance.

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