War Paradise

Chapter 363 Unofficial Ranking

When Lin Chi opened the door of the midnight restaurant and walked into the room, he happened to see the flat-headed man sitting next to him. The little chef with a single ponytail as usual was walking out of the kitchen in a panic with his apron stained. With a viscous green unknown liquid.

"You are here!"

Seeing Lin Chi, a surprised expression appeared on the little chef's white face, then he picked up the menu and walked quickly to the flat-headed man, and handed the menu to the new customer who had just come in:

"Welcome to our shop! What would you like to eat?"

——Is it just an ordinary guest...

Realizing that Own's inference was wrong, Lin Chi shook his head.

However, when passing by the person, he still noticed the metal collar around the other person's neck.

Seeing that the other party is also a player, Lin Chi sat down at the table next to him. After the flat-headed man ordered the meal, he casually asked, "Man, you also play brain imaging games, right?"


The flat-headed man turned his head to look at Lin Chi, frowned suddenly, and slowly asked, "Have I met you somewhere?"

"On TV? Many people say that I look a lot like a certain star."

Lin Chi brazenly boasted, and directly skipped the question, and then in the contempt of the opponent's eyes, he asked the question that he cares most about:

"Have you heard of psychedelics, it is said that after eating it, playing games can become fierce?"

As soon as these words came out, the man immediately moved to the side vigilantly, and cast Lin Chi's gaze with a hint of distrust:

"Drug party? I never take drugs."

"Well, when I didn't say it."

Lin Chi smiled, ordered a sundae as usual, then took out his mobile phone and opened the official forum of War Paradise. While waiting for the sundae to be on the table, he checked the contents of the forum:

As usual, the refresh rate of the posts in the forum is still extremely fast, and the content inside is still boring, most of which are unnutritious content and complaints.

After the official operation, the popularity of War Paradise seems to be pretty good. Although most players can't win the game even if they buy two followers. But the fast pace of the game, coupled with excellent quality, still improves the player's retention a lot.

——Even if this game is defeated, it may be your turn to win the next game. As long as you are lucky, there will always be a day of victory.

It is precisely this idea that many players are willing to serve as a "background board" in the game, losing one after another.

However, with the gradual improvement of the players' combat effectiveness, the winner can be determined in basically every game. After the time limit is over, there is no winner, and there are fewer and fewer winners.

Because of this, there are also a lot of guys who started to brag after winning the next game in the forum, as well as a group of envy and hate onlookers below.

Since these posts are really nutritious, Lin Chi didn't stay long below, so he focused on the top posts at the top of the page.

The official version of the new follower "Battlefield Ghost" has just been launched, and no new content has been released. However, the "Unofficial Ranking of the Strongest Player in War Paradise 2.0" in the sticky post still attracted Lin Chi's attention.

He still remembers the last time he saw this ranking, its title was "War Paradise Test Player Unofficial Ranking 1.0".

Although this ranking is ranked by a certain game media editor, and the three words "unofficial" are also written in the title, the forum administrator apparently also defaulted this ranking, otherwise it would not be topped.

Lin Chi opened the post and quickly browsed the top ten rankings. He was surprised to find that his random character name appeared at the eighth place in the ranking, squeezing the "Blood Blade" that was previously ranked eighth. The ninth place.

Next to his name, there is also a picture blurred to full of mosaics, which looks like a photo taken in a game. Looking at the buildings in the background, it looks like a picture taken from the office city.

8. Countercurrent:

Although it rarely appears in normal times, the reputation of "countercurrent" has already started. This weird guy who always appears at night is famous for defeating "Frankenstein" and "Blood Blade".

It is said that he won every Death competition he participated in, and the killing efficiency was extremely high. This person even completed the two winning conditions of "murder" and "ruler" at the same time in a game of organ city. If you meet him in the game, everybody-ask for your blessings.


After reading the "biography" written for me by the editor, I looked at the vaguely dying next to me, and I couldn't see the pictures of people or ghosts at all. Lin Chi smiled, and quickly scanned the information of the seven players ranked above him.

Female Martial Sage's new account "Valkyrie" ranked fifth, and the super "coach" ranked first. In addition to these two players who have been in direct contact with him, the other names on the leaderboard are also god-tier and professional players that Lin Chi is familiar with:

——The champion team member of the "Half-Life 9" team competition last year, shooting game god-tier "Royal Armor".

——One of the most popular game anchors at present, the legendary "Star Wreck" who is proficient in all game types.

——The "burning devil" who has heaven-defying luck and often relies on good fortune to win at extreme disadvantages.

——One of the strongest female players called "Double Kings" with the female Martial Sage, the professional player "Carol"...

With the official operation of the game, all god-tiers that were still waiting and watching have also entered "War Paradise", fighting each other in this chaotic killing game.

In this way, the chance of encountering a strong player in the game has once again increased a bit.

Thinking of this, Lin Chi couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

He checked the map and saw that own express had arrived in the city and was about to arrive soon, so he settled the strawberry sundae brought by the little chef as quickly as possible, got up and left after paying the bill.

Just after leaving the restaurant, Lin Chi heard loud vomiting from the room and the panicked voice of the little chef:

"What's the matter with you, guest? Are you okay?"

Lin Chi sighed long, speeded up his pace and walked towards the entrance of the building.

Today, the price of exoskeleton has been reduced a lot compared to when it was first developed. The so-called "military exoskeleton" purchased by Lin Chi only cost 40,000 yuan. It is at least 80% cheaper than the price five years ago.

Because he was worried that long-term use of exoskeleton would cause muscle atrophy, Lin Chi has not made up his mind to buy this thing. But this time, he finally gave up treatment and entered the laziest Realm.

So now, it's time to experience what it's like to be a "Mecha Warrior".

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