War Paradise

Chapter 364 Exoskeleton

At 12:27, the long-awaited cargo finally arrived.

The high-speed elevator going up shivered and made a faint hum.

Standing in the elevator, a male courier wearing a blue coat raised his hand to wipe off the beads of sweat on his forehead, and turned his head to look at the props he was transporting this time.

Although the thing was tightly wrapped in black tarpaulin, the experienced courier knew it was a set of body-fitting exoskeleton.

After all, he is wearing a set of exoskeleton at this time, so he can carry goods so easily.

When the exoskeleton was first used for civilian use, the relevant departments were very strict with the management of this thing: as long as the exoskeleton was put on high-power, even elementary school students could easily uniform an adult strong man, and then twist his neck. For this kind of brutal props that can be used as a tool for murder, it is natural that strict control is required.

However, with the widespread use of electronic guards and the implantation of exoskeleton safety procedures, the exoskeleton currently sold has its own power limiting device and action recorder. If someone intends to use the exoskeleton to injure people, the data will be affected. Record it immediately and send it to the police database.

In a blink of an eye, the elevator had reached the thirty-fifth floor, and the courier reached out to carry the exoskeleton and stood in front of the metal anti-theft door in Room 3501.

The visitor video authentication system has long since become the standard configuration of every household. The courier pressed the red button by the door and asked loudly at the dark screen:

"The express arrived! Is anyone there?"

There was silence.

Then, just as the courier was about to continue questioning, from the speaker next to the screen, a lifeless, low and hoarse voice floated out, almost like an old voice from the coffin of an ancient tomb:


Hearing this sound, the courier was stunned for a moment, and after five seconds he replied: "I'm here to deliver the courier. The exoskeleton you ordered has arrived, Mr. Lin."


The resident in the room cleared his throat: "Come in."

With a creak, the heavy black door opened outward.

When he saw the man standing at the door, the courier's eyes widened slightly in surprise.

Just listening to the voice, he thought that this person must be at least sixty years old, but the guy who appeared at the door seemed to be in his early twenties at most.

The tall and thin young man stood in the doorway, under his short hair, revealing a pair of dull eyesight, completely out of touch with the sunshine and vitality that young people should have, and looked decadent.

——What's the situation of this person? Could it be drugs?

While wondering, the other party's still listless voice interrupted the courier's thoughts:

"What's wrong?"

"It's okay, your order has arrived." The courier hurriedly waved his hand, walked into the living room carrying the exoskeleton, put the thing by the door, and let it lean against the wall.

"That, please sign for..." The courier took out the tablet and handed it to the other party.

The man took out his ID from his pocket and swiped it across the tablet screen. A line of green text appeared on the screen, symbolizing the completion of the transaction:

The receipt has been confirmed.

"Then goodbye."

Looking at the courier wearing an exoskeleton, the young man waved goodbye decisively, then closed the door and looked at the goods leaning against the wall.


Lin Chi took out a short knife from the kitchen, cut the rope tied to the outside, and then took apart the tarpaulin. A silver "humanoid mecha" appeared in front of him, and the dazzling light dazzled Lin Chi's eyes.

"Ha, not bad."

Looking at the "be lazy artifact" that he bought for 40,000 yuan, Lin Chi nodded in satisfaction and scanned the QR code pasted on the chest of the exoskeleton with his mobile phone. The title "KDR" immediately popped up on the top of the phone screen. The instruction projection of the -22 military personal exoskeleton instruction.

The steps of modern exoskeleton dressing are very simple, which is actually not much more difficult than fixing one's body in a game cabin. Lin Chi quickly fixed the exoskeleton to his body, and with a "metal skeleton" on his body, he tried to move his own body.

This exoskeleton high-energy battery is installed in the position of the back waist. The built-in torque sensor of the robot arm can automatically control the motion of the robot arm by sensing the user's movement and exercise intensity. In addition, the built-in contact type Small electrodes can also collect the electrical signals of the user's muscles, so as to automatically make the robotic arm make corresponding actions.

After finishing wearing, Lin Chi slightly raised his right arm, and just made a gesture, the exoskeleton's mechanical arm took his arm to complete this movement.

The whole movement not only made no sound, but was as natural as flowing water. If the exoskeleton was not directly exposed to the body, there would be no trace of mechanical influence in the previous movement.

"This thing is really military, right?"

After experiencing the powerful performance of the exoskeleton, Lin Chi spit out casually, walked a few steps in the living room, and continued to test the performance of this machine.

With the exoskeleton, he can take a big step forward with just a slight lift of his leg, saving a lot of energy when moving.

Unfortunately, this machine comes with a power limiting device, which limits the maximum performance. If the maximum power can be released, even climbing along the outer wall of this apartment building to the thirty-fifth floor where one's home is located is a piece of cake!

——Perhaps "Frankenstein" can help lift the restriction of this exoskeleton?

Thinking of this, Lin Chi suddenly became interested again. But now that Frankenstein has not sent a reply, this work can only be temporarily put on hold...

"Forget it, let's play the game."

Lin Chi raised his head and focused his gaze on the game compartment in the corner of the living room. Then stretched out his right hand and pressed the inconspicuous black button on the waist, turning off the power switch of the exoskeleton.

After taking off the exoskeleton, he sat down in front of the coffee table and quickly solved the food that the housekeeping robot had already served. After that, he connected the power source and opened the streamlined shell of the game compartment.

For Lin Chi, of course, this kind of vacation must be spent at home.

While fixing Own's body on the recliner, Lin Chi suddenly remembered that he seemed to have not participated in the Death competition mode of "War Paradise" for a while.

The three games he played recently were Advent Mode, Team Mode and Small Death Competition. The first mode of this game is also the "Death Contest" mode with the largest number of players. I haven't touched it recently.

"Well, let's have a Death game."

After confirming the type of the game, Lin Chi decisively activated the game compartment, and colorful blocks of color lit up in front of him, flowing past like a kaleidoscope.

His seventh game in "Paradise of War"...began.

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