War Paradise

Chapter 371

Obviously, the message sent by the "War Observer" at a high price did not achieve the expected effect:

Immediately after the shooting incident, the big ballroom was blocked by Silver Shield security personnel, and no one was allowed to enter or leave.

As the heavily armed guards entered the dance floor, Lin Chi hadn't even been able to find the assassination target, and his original plan was in vain.

Lin Chi raised his hand to wipe off the blood on his face, avoiding the security guards around the square, and entering a dark alley next to him. Only a faint white light was lit up behind the trash can.

He walked quickly and saw a girl in a black sweater who was tapping the screen of the tablet computer and operating at a dazzling speed.

Even without a physical keyboard, the speed of "Number Seven" is still amazingly fast. However, after the ballroom was blocked, there was no need to continue to attack the opponent's database.

Mindful of this, Lin Chi stood in front of the girl who was still working on the computer and said:

"Give up the action, we should go."

"Oh, okay..." Seven raised her head, her green eyes flashed strangely under the light of the screen, and Lin Chi looked at each other without blinking, "But I'm about to break through their firewall. Don’t you see? It’s a shame to leave now."

Hearing this, Lin Chi thought for a while and nodded: "Then check whether there is a large amount of funds in the big ballroom recently. If so, the best source of funds can be found."

——Lin Chi is still very interested in where that stupid and mysterious "war observer" is Sacred.

After all, the plot of this map is basically driven by that guy. Even if it is not the final boss, the war observer will definitely play an extremely important role. If you can find the real body of that guy, maybe it can trigger some special plots.

"OK, leave it to me." Darian nodded and directly intruded into the internal database of the Alvara Ballroom, began to check the contents, and then frowned slightly:

"Strange..." the girl whispered.

"What's the matter?" Lin Chi asked immediately.

"It does show that two million dollars have just been transferred to the account of the big ballroom, but I can't find out the source of the money." Dalien's scarred face showed a confused expression: "This guy is so amazing. According to my experience, this kind of large transfers should be impossible to find people."

"Are you sure you can't find it?" Lin Chi said, looking back at the end of the alley, just to see a few silver shield guards passing by the brightly lit street.

"No, all the data seems to have been deleted, and there is no feedback from the bank." Darian shook his head decisively.

In this way, the war watcher is not a complete lunatic, but may be borrowing the appearance of madness as a cover, and secretly plotting something.

However, now is not the time for reasoning.

"Let's go then." Lin Chi looked at the exit of the alley: "If you don't leave, it will be too late."

Now the guards seem to be planning to seal off this area. If they continue to waste time here, they probably won't be able to leave.

Dalien, once a member of the most wanted blacklist of United States, is also very good at escaping the wanted. She decisively put away the computer and left the alley with Lin Chi, mixed into the crowd on the sidewalk, and quickly left the chaos. Street.

As soon as the two men entered the street next to them, they saw members of the Silver Shield Security Company. They had surrounded the building where the snipers were hiding. Two teams of black-clothed special policemen crossed the blockade and filed in from the front entrance, holding the black shell of the MP5A5 submachine gun. , Shining slightly under the light.

"They are very fast." Lin Chi whispered.

"Yeah." Darian nodded in agreement: "It's very efficient."

As there was still a player hidden in the building, Lin Chi did not leave the place right away, but led Darian into a twenty-four-hour convenience store on the side of the road, choosing the food on the shelves while observing from the floor-to-ceiling windows. The condition of the entrance to the building.

——The sniper has obviously been infected with the Wanted Index. Will he be killed by the guards, or will he break through the encirclement and escape?

While Lin Chi was guessing, there was a loud cracking sound on the glass curtain wall on the tenth floor of the building.


Countless glass shards fell from the sky, and two silver shield guards flew down at the same time. The two fell on the sidewalk downstairs, suddenly splashed with blood, and turned into a pool of "mud" that can barely be seen in human form.

Seeing that the two guards were brutally killed, the Silver Shield commander standing at the door finally couldn't help but took out the intercom and roared in furious. His voice could be heard clearly even on Lin Chi's side:

"Initiate the highest level of response measures, let alone kill!"

As soon as the commander's voice fell, there was a burst of intensive gunfire in the building.

Hearing this sound, Lin Chi raised his eyebrows and muttered in a low voice, "Are there many of them?"

At the beginning of the game, players generally don't have too many mercenaries. What's more, this game can only bring one entourage into the game, which also limits the size of the player's army.

Does that guy hire a lot of mercenaries?

Lin Chi was still thinking, and heard the nervous voice of the female cashier floating from the counter:

"This shop is closed, you guys go out soon!"

"Okay." Lin Chi said as he left the convenience store with Dalian, and just opened the glass door and returned to the sidewalk, the door behind him was locked by the female clerk.

In the event of a gun battle, it is normal for the clerk to be nervous. But even if that guy didn’t say anything, Lin Chi was planning to leave the store because--

"Can you hack into the surveillance system of the building? I want to see what's inside." Lin Chi smiled.

——According to the plot in the game, Darian is a super hacker who "traversed" New York in 2050. The time in this city of Alvara is still in 2020.

With Darian's technology level, it is easy to break through the 2020 firewall. After hearing Lin Chi's order, the girl also nodded decisively, and said:

"No problem, but this computer is really slow."

She said that she leaned against the white wall next to the main entrance of the convenience store, took out the tablet again, and began to operate quickly.

At the same time Dalian started to act, Lin Chi was also looking for a player that might be hidden nearby to escort the hacker girl under his command.

There are still many pedestrians on the nearby streets. Many people are using their mobile phones to take pictures of the building. Some guys are talking enthusiastically. They are obviously interested in the shooting scenes that only appear in police films.

A flat-headed man hurriedly walked past Lin Chi and said to his mobile phone: "Come near the big ballroom, there is a good show! Right, right now..."

I saw a young woman wearing low-rise pants and a vest passing by, taking a selfie with her mobile phone with her back to the building. Lin Chi couldn't help but sigh with emotion:

"This place is really simple and honest..."

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