War Paradise

Chapter 372 Cobra and Number Three

The citizens of Alvara are obviously entertaining. Even though they knew that a bloody gun battle was taking place in the building, they were still pouring in from all directions, and they began to watch with great interest.

When their lives are not threatened, these people are happy and free, and they just provide a natural "human wall" protection for Lin Chi and Dalian standing next to the convenience store.

There were more and more people surrounding the building, and Lin Chi also pulled Dalian away from the chaotic street to the small, dark parking lot behind the convenience store.

"Okay." Dalian said proudly and held the tablet in front of Lin Chi: "I broke their security system. Now I can call all the cameras in the building."

"Good job."

Lin Chi took the tablet computer from the girl's hand and saw dozens of small squares side by side. Except for the three black-screen cameras, all the monitoring equipment in the building is under the control of this tablet computer.

His gaze flicked across the small squares on the screen, and he began to find the location of the target. Then he quickly found the guy he was looking for in the image captured by the twelfth floor camera:

A long-haired man wearing a black vest and urban camouflage trousers was sneaking in the twelfth-story corridor, holding a tablet in his hand, and looking down at the screen.

"Is this bastard installed a camera in the corridor?"

Noting the strange behavior of the other party, Lin Chi quickly understood the reason why the guy could easily kill the special police. After all, the special police did not expect that every move of his own was completely under the control of the enemy!

A five-person special police squad is carefully moving up the stairs in the middle. At the same time, there are two other squads preparing to outflank from both sides.

However, looking at the corner of the guy's raised mouth in the corridor, Lin Chi knew that the guy must be very sure.

Under the gaze of Lin Chi and Dalian, the guy took out a flash bomb from his backpack, and after unplugging the insurance, he stretched out his hand to pull the tab and held it in his hand for two seconds before he threw it slowly from the corridor. Go down.

The five-person team that had just arrived on the eleventh floor saw a round metal can fall down, and even before it had time to lie down, it was stunned by a flash bomb that was activated in the air.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the long-haired man also strode down the stairs, shooting two mini-Uzi submachine guns in his hands in a burst, sweeping the five special police into sieves, convulsing and falling into a pool of blood.

"Is this guy practicing proficiency..." Lin Chi murmured, continuing to watch the guy's killing show in the corridor.

It was not until their teammates were slaughtered that the SWAT teams on both sides finally received the instructions and began to retreat downwards quickly.

As the special police retreated, the power supply inside the entire building was suddenly cut off, and all the camera images Lin Chi was observing disappeared. Then, from the street in front, there was a loud noise.

"what's the situation?"

Lin Chi returned the tablet to Dalian and hurriedly left the parking lot and returned to the street. He saw an off-road vehicle with a military green shell, hurriedly passing through the gap of the crowd, and stopped in front of the building with a sudden brake.

Four tall men in black tight-fitting combat uniforms jumped out of the jeep. The faces of these people were covered by masks, and their expressions were completely invisible. On their foreheads, they had expensive binocular night vision goggles. .

As soon as the four talents appeared, Lin Chi saw the dangerous red skull and crossbones appear next to their bodies, as well as the words marking their names:

"Cobra", a hero-level NPC, cannot be recruited.

"This is... a special force?" Lin Chi whispered.

Unlike the guards in the City of Chaos, which can only be described as waste wood, in Alvara, if the Wanted Index reaches a certain level, it will actually attract special forces to pursue!

After receiving this information, Lin Chi also increased his vigilance again, watching the people in black put on night vision goggles, drew out pistols and sabers and walked into the main entrance of the building. Then……

Two minutes later, the Death prompt lit up in front of Lin Chi's eyes:

player "Big Bubble Gum" has died!

"So fast?" He frowned in surprise.

Even though these guys with the code name "Cobra" should be members of the special forces, Lin Chi did not expect these people to be so fast. They climbed directly to the eleventh floor within two minutes, and killed the one hiding in the building by the way. player!

The high efficiency of the Cobra soldiers also made Lin Chi a little more alert again.

It now appears that the guard strength in this game is obviously higher than that of Chaos City by several grades. Before the combat effectiveness becomes stronger, it is better to keep a low profile.

However, according to the setting of this game, the players enter Alvara City as killers. Once the killer reveals his identity, he can indeed go to death...

——So, what this game encourages is to carry out covert actions as a killer?

Thinking of this, Lin Chi couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and said to Darian, "Let's go."

Now that the player has died, there is no need to stay here. Now that the night is dark, it is better to find a place to sleep first.

He was about to turn around and leave, but found that the girl in the black sweater was still standing there, staring at the street corner without blinking, and the scarred face under the hood twisted, showing a surprised expression.

"What's the matter?" Lin Chi asked.

"I met... an acquaintance." Darian shook her head and said slowly: "It may be a mistake."

"What acquaintance?" Lin Chi cast his gaze on the corner, only to see a group of passers-by who were taking pictures with their mobile phones.

As if thinking of some bad memory, Dalían slowly said: "You know, I am the number seven on a certain blacklist..."

"Yes, so what?" Lin Chi asked curiously.

"When I was on the internal wanted list, I downloaded the blacklist and checked all the wanted criminals on it. In addition to me, there are nine other people on the list..." The girl suddenly lowered her voice: "Just now on the street corner , I seem to see the'number three' inside."

As soon as he said this, Lin Chi raised his eyebrows and made a surprised voice:


If Dalyan is not mistaken, the number three is probably also coming from the map of New York, and the possibility of this kind of coincidence is really too small.

Noting Lin Chi's expression, the girl shook her head: "I also hope that I have read it wrong, but be careful, that'number three' is much more dangerous than me. If he is really here, we are in danger. ..."

"So what does he do?" Lin Chi said quickly.

"Number Three is a murderer." Darian's voice became weaker and weaker, as if trembling slightly: "I reviewed the FBI's information, and that guy used extremely cruel methods to kill seventy-three people all over the United States."

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