War Paradise

Chapter 375

Fifteen minutes later.

In the monitoring room on the corner of the third floor of the circular building of the shopping center, there was a low gunfire suppressed by a silencer.

The two security guards who were in charge of observing the surveillance cameras in the building were shot and killed before responding. They collapsed on the chair without saying a word, and their arms dropped weakly.

Standing in a monitoring room filled with gunpowder smoke, Lin Chi put away the "Dark Vulture" pistol, took a corpse away, and sat on a chair stained with blood, staring at dozens of parallel screens in front of him, observing the surveillance shots. Picture.

At this time, the black suit on his body had already been put into the backpack, and replaced by the black night clothes purchased from the weapon store. In order to facilitate the use of the secret weapon at his waist, he deliberately removed the bullet belt on his body and did not wear bulletproof. Clothes.

Under normal circumstances, when it comes to assassinating a target in a shopping mall, the first thing that comes to mind should be the person in charge of the shopping mall or a leader such as a manager.

However, the thinking mode of the war watcher could not be guessed by common sense. According to the style of that lunatic, even if the target of the assassination was the cleaning lady in the building, Lin Chi would not be surprised.

So the key issue now is to find the assassination target marked by the war watcher.

Sitting on the bloody computer chair, Lin Chi glanced across the screen and quickly observed the situation in the shopping center.

Because of his actions, the guards patrolling in the building did not find that the people in the monitoring room had been killed. They just continued to patrol the shopping mall step by step to observe the situation everywhere.

The surveillance equipment in the shopping mall seems to be some years old, and several of the cameras have begun to age, and the pictures taken are also a little blurry.

Lin Chi was looking for an abnormality in the surveillance. The walkie-talkie placed on the table suddenly made a rustling noise. Then, a male voice that sounded a little nervous rang:

"Monitoring room, this is A3, can you hear it?"

"I heard it." Lin Chi made a vaguely hoarse voice and coughed twice on purpose.

"This voice... is it Herbert? What's wrong with you?" The person on the other side seemed a little confused.

"I have a cold." Lin Chi casually said the reasons he had prepared, and then immediately turned his attention back to the topic: "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Ah, that's it. We are patrolling on the fourth floor. The gravity alarm at the north end of the fourth floor responds. Please observe the situation there." the other party said.

Hearing this, Lin Chi moved his gaze to the camera on the fourth floor, and saw that the leftmost screen was showing the shadow beside the corridor entrance:

A man in black was hiding in the shadow, and the saber in his mouth flashed a little bit of cold light. If it wasn't for that guy's eyes and the blade's blade to reflect the light, even Lin Chi could not find the other side's existence!

The opponent is obviously a player, sneaking into the building to find the target.

Realizing this, Lin Chi also decisively picked up the walkie-talkie, took a deep breath, and said:

"I didn't see anything, you can go and check it."

After speaking, he put down the walkie-talkie, focused his gaze on the picture taken by the camera at the end of the corridor, and raised his legs with both arms, and leaned back lazily on the chair.

"Let me see what you can do..." Lin Chi smiled.

Under the gaze of this "onlooker", the killer hiding in the shadows leaned on the wall motionless, waiting for the opportunity to act.

The two guards walked over with flashlights alertly. Just after passing the corner, before they even had time to make a sound, they encountered the dark assassin!

A sharp silver light flashed from the lens, and the murderous killer completed a silent slaughter in the lens. He cut the throats of the two guards cleanly, and then raised his hand to pull out the pistol equipped with a silencer like lightning. Shattered the camera that was shooting.

Seeing that the screen on that monitor turned to pitch black, Lin Chi suddenly pressed the red alarm button on the console, and the entire shopping mall suddenly sounded a harsh siren.

He switched the radio to a public band that all guards could hear, and shouted: "Two people have been killed on the north side of the fourth floor. The murderer is running away. Catch him!"

As soon as these words came out, the guards in the building, who were wondering why the alarm sounded, finally reacted. Without saying anything, they started rushing to the fourth floor, chasing and intercepting the assassin who was escaping.

Seeing the killer who fled to the third floor reappeared in the camera lens, Lin Chi shouted: "He fled to the third floor, kill him!"

Under Lin Chi's intimate notification, the guards quickly surrounded the player's location and blocked the guy in the corridor. Just as they were about to launch a surprise attack, the opponent's "reinforcement" finally took action.


The dull gunshots reverberated in the corridor on the third floor, and even Lin Chi, who was in the monitoring room, could hear it clearly. At the same time as the gunfire sounded, a guard in the camera was blown to the head, and the headless corpse flew out two meters to the right and fell to the ground.

Lin Chi turned his gaze to the camera on the back of the third floor, and saw a gunner wearing a black mask and holding an M24 sniper rifle. He appeared in the field of vision like a ghost, aiming and gathering in the corridor in a standard half-kneeling sniper posture. Guard on one side.

——It is the entourage "Battlefield Ghost" in the new expansion pack!

This was the first time Lin Chi saw the entourage in the new expansion pack in the game. He also immediately focused on the sniper, and saw that the guy pulled the bolt out of a bullet shell, and raised his hand for another shot. Killed another guard.

Lin Chi had to admit that the combat power of the battlefield ghost was indeed extraordinary, and this guy seemed to be like an elite mercenary, with an extremely practical god-level skill.

The guards shot in the direction of the sniper, but the guy disappeared like a real ghost in the shadow at the end of the corridor, leaving no trace.

Seizing this opportunity, the player who was stuck in the stairwell threw a grenade, which blew up several guards below, and then turned and ran without a word, rushing through the smoke to the bottom of the corridor!

"This guy……"

Seeing the other party was running away, Lin Chi also stood up, took out the black suit from the backpack and put it on him. About to turn around and leave the surveillance room, but caught a glimpse of an amazing scene on the monitor.

The black-clothed assassin who was still running madly a second ago, was blasted with blood by the sudden rain of bullets, fell to his knees feebly, his body turned into data fragments and disappeared.

player "Void Lord" has died!

At the same time when the kill prompt appeared, Lin Chi saw an electric wheelchair slowly passing by the stairs. Sitting in the wheelchair was a woman wearing a white shirt with only the upper body.

Her legs were neatly amputated, and her upper body was fixed to the wheelchair by a belt. On both sides of the electric wheelchair, dozens of various firearms were installed, the M134 six protruding from the shoulders of the woman. With a machine gun, the barrel is still spinning.

The woman lowered her head, with long silver hair hanging down on both sides of her shoulders. Lin Chi couldn't see her face and expression clearly. He only saw the silver skull icon beside her and the line of prompt text identifying her identity:

? ? ? , Special NPC, can be recruited (tasks need to be completed).

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