War Paradise

Chapter 376

——Recruitable roles?

Seeing a special recruitable NPC appeared in this shopping mall, Lin Chi did not directly risk his life to talk to him. He just changed into a black suit and left the monitoring room on the third floor while the guard went downstairs. When I left, I didn't forget to leave a grenade in the house.


There was a loud noise, the ground in the corridor on the third floor was shaking, and the equipment in the monitoring room worth millions of dollars was completely reimbursed along with the footage taken by the camera.

Before the guards came back, Lin Chi rushed into the men's room next to him, opened his backpack and fumbled for a while, took out the epic equipment "gecko gloves" that can climb almost any wall with bare hands, and put on the red and black gloves. After holding the hand, open the small window on the wall of the toilet and look down at the square below.

The car bomb exploded on the other side just now, attracting most of the silver shield guards on the square, and some people are moving into the building, intending to make reinforcements.

After observing for a while, making sure that no one was in this area, Lin Chi decisively climbed out of the window and slid down the smooth walls of the shopping center. After landing, he took off his gloves and walked quickly to the outside of the square.

He could see that the disabled woman in a wheelchair was probably the target marked by the war watcher.

But even so, now is not the time to do it. More importantly, in Lin Chi's opinion, the woman's fighting style is still very admirable, and it would be great if she could be brought under her command.

Mindful of this, Lin Chi put his hands in his pockets and left the shopping mall in a low-key and swift manner. He was finally relieved until he reached the sidewalk on the other side.

Lin Chi just turned around to look at the smoking shopping mall, but felt a hand grabbing his sleeve from behind. He turned his head abruptly, and what caught his eye was the girl in a black sweater with the injured face hidden under the hood.

"What are you doing?" Darian said as she yawned, as if she had just woke up.

"Didn't you tell you to wait for me in the hotel?" Lin Chi looked at the hacker behind him in surprise.

Through the location software on the phone, you can indeed find the own location. What makes Lin Chi feel strange is why this girl would take the initiative to find herself.

Hearing what he said, Darian's brows seemed to frown, and she said perfunctorily: "I'm not here to help you, you can't do anything with your words..."

"Ha, maybe."

Lin Chi said, turning his eyes back to the shopping mall across the street, then suddenly thought of something, and whispered to the hacker girl beside him: "Can you check the information about the guards in the building?"

"Of course it can. The protective measures they used are too backward, it's utterly useless." Darian nodded immediately: "Do you need information about the mall guard? Give it to me..."

In order to avoid being detected by nearby guards and other players, Lin Chi took Dallian into a newly opened fast food restaurant on the roadside, sat at a table by the window, and ordered two burgers and some French fries.

As Dalian said, the protective measures of this era are not worth mentioning in front of her. She quickly breached the internal database of the shopping mall and retrieved the personal information of all the guards on duty.

"Who are you looking for?" The girl said, picking up the hamburger on the plate, and took a big bite roughly.

"A woman without legs should have a high level in the guard, and may be regarded as a commander." Lin Chi reported the information of the NPC he was interested in and asked, "Is there such a person?"

"Well, let me see..." Dallian's right hand swept across the touch screen at the speed of bringing out the afterimages, and two seconds later, he put the tablet in front of Lin Chi, and he picked up the burger again and gobbled it up. Biting up:

"Is this the person?" she said slurredly.

Lin Chi stared at the screen without blinking. What appeared in the upper left corner was a portrait of a woman with long silver hair gently draped over her shoulders. Her dark eyes seemed to be looking at Lin Chi through the screen. There was a kind smile on his face.

Just looking at this photo, the woman is like a traditional good wife and mother housewife, without any offensiveness at all, but the text next to her still reveals her dangerous identity.

Name: Jane Maria.

Female, 25 years old.

Minister of Shopping Mall Security Department. Former member of the special forces "Cobra".

Jane Maria, known as the "Lady of Slaughter", left the Cobra unit after stepping on a landmine and having her legs amputated. She is now in charge of the security work of the shopping center.

Although she usually looks gentle, please don't tease her or make fun of her legs, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.


"Is this guy the commander?" Lin Chi thoughtfully picked up a french fries and watched the golden french fries slowly bend down in front of her eyes.

It is obviously very troublesome to recruit such NPCs. After all, she probably wouldn't leave the office in normal times, let alone take on tasks, and even have no chance to communicate.

What's more, the gorgeous debut of this "slaughter lady" just now should be clearly seen by many players. Now those killers who are ready to move are definitely trying to get rid of this guy who is likely to be the target of assassination!

In this way, it is a bit more difficult to recruit her. After all, as long as this special NPC is recruited, it will immediately become the target of other players.

However, Lin Chi would naturally not give up so easily.

As he returned the tablet to Dallian, he sneakily lowered his voice and asked, "Can you check her life habits? For example, where to live, what time to sleep, where to eat, etc."

"Are you a voyeur? I'm going to call the police." The girl's eyes were full of contempt.

"No, I'm serious." Lin Chi said solemnly.

"Okay." Darian sighed: "I can try, but she doesn't seem to have a social software account or the like. To investigate this, I need some time."

"Then please." Lin Chi smiled, leaning on the back of the plastic chair, turning his head and looking out the window.

Two fire trucks arrived at the square in front of the shopping mall and began to use high-pressure water guns to spray the burning windows on the third floor. All the customers and employees in the shopping center were basically evacuated, and only a large number of silver shield guards and special police were left, blocking the entire square.

Lin Chi could see that as long as the position provided by the war observer was a bloody storm. In this situation, not only is the assassination unsuccessful, but a killer loses his life every time.

——If you really intend to assassinate, it is impossible to release the news with such a big fanfare before the action. Was that guy's goal really to "assassinate" something? Or is there another plan, other tricks?

Lin Chi thought for a moment, seeing that Dalian had almost eaten, he stood up and tidied up his suit, then turned and walked towards the main entrance of the fast food restaurant.

"We should go now," he said.

When it is impossible to confirm what the war observers are planning, it is time to "find a new path."

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