War Paradise

Chapter 377: Secret Infiltration

The sun slowly rises, and the luxurious city of Alvara ushered in a new day.

But even in such a rich metropolis, there are still unfinished buildings that have not been completed.

The Kent Center, located in the western part of Alvara City, was originally built according to the standards of "the second largest commercial center besides the city center", but when it was half developed, the developer ran away for some reason.

As architects and workers "evaporate" overnight, leaving only half of the built real estate, as well as rubble and ruins everywhere, standing alone in the open space, like a terrifying ghost city.

Even today, no new developers plan to take over this area. In their opinion, this land is cursed. No matter how wealthy builders are, they cannot save this "dead land."

But today, this abandoned and unfinished building has welcomed long-lost visitors.

A homeless man in ragged clothes swayed through an uninhabited street, holding a can in his hand, staggering as if he might fall to the ground at any time.


The homeless grumbled vaguely, and threw away the pinched and deformed can, turned around and walked into the shadow of the building next to it, as if to avoid the blazing sun, he walked directly into the building and was abandoned. Underground parking lot.

There was a long silence, and after the tramp entered the parking lot, there was no more sound.

Five minutes later, two flat-headed men wearing silver shield security company uniforms walked out of the seemingly unmanned building and hurriedly walked towards the entrance of the parking lot, both holding MP5A3 submachine guns.

"Hurry up, a tramp has entered the danger zone, solve him!"

The cold voice rang in the earphones and gave instructions to the two guards to execute them. The two quickly passed through the deserted square and entered the underground parking lot. They began to look for the target who had just entered the parking lot.

Strangely, the two guards looked around for a long time, searching all the places where the horns and horns might be hiding, but they didn't find the tramp.

The guard who found nothing turned on the radio and tried to contact the headquarters:

"Headquarters, we didn't find anyone..."

There was a harsh noise in the earphones, like someone scratching a blackboard with a sharp nail. Hearing this sound, the two guards were stunned, and an ominous premonition began to flow in their hearts:

There was some kind of strong signal interference, which directly cut off their contact with the headquarters, reminding them of the vagrant who appeared inexplicably before. Could it be that……

"Quickly retreat!"

Realizing that the situation was not good, one of the guards reacted first and turned decisively and ran, but before two steps had been taken, a fiery pain came from his right leg, and the whole person lost his balance and fell to the ground.


The guard wailed with his right leg from which the bullet had left three large holes. The other guard behind him was about to raise a gun and shoot. Before he even figured out the direction of the bullet, a cold wind passed behind him——


There was a flash of silver light, and the other guard had his throat cut sharply, covered his bloody throat with his hands and knelt to the ground. After a few wriggles, he didn't move anymore.

Seeing that his "teammate" died like this, the fallen guard reached out to pick up the submachine gun that fell beside him, but unfortunately the enemy was obviously faster than him. He walked over and kicked the submachine gun five meters away, and then bends. The waist squatted down, and the sharp blade bent into a half moon shape was pressed against the guard's neck.

"You...now it's too late to let me go, the people of Silver Shield are all over the city, you will die if you kill me..."

The guard who is about to die is constantly threatening the opponent incoherently, but his pale and weak language cannot make the opponent hesitate at all:

Under his horrified gaze, the ragged and dusty hobo slowly spoke, making a low male voice:

"Friend, I want to ask you a few questions."


ten minutes later.

Putting one of the MP5 submachine guns dropped by the guards into the backpack, the ragged "homeless man" stood up and patted the dust off his hands, looked at the underground parking lot that had been "unmanned" again, and nodded in satisfaction. A smile appeared on the old face with a somewhat stiff expression.

This is the first time that Lin Chi has used the "transformation art" skill. In his opinion, it was quite successful. As for the rotten clothes on his body, he picked it up directly in the trash can.

At this time, the signal interference caused by Darian continued, making this abandoned underground parking lot an area incapable of using radio communications. The bodies of the two guards were disposed of by Lin Chi using "professional methods."

As he expected, there really is a secret base hidden in this unfinished building.

As for why Lin Chi could find this place, I have to start from this morning...

——Because of the inability to confirm the true purpose of the war observer, Lin Chi also decisively changed his combat strategy, no longer following the war observer’s prompts for assassination, and instead began to investigate the war observer’s movements.

Although the mysterious lunatic tried every means to hide his whereabouts, the temporary web page with hints that appeared in the early hours of the morning still revealed his feet.

Darian, the king of hackers from 2050, recovered the deleted prompt webpage in less than ten seconds, and then followed the trail and found the location of the author of that webpage by investigating the other party's IP address.

This abandoned area in Xicheng District is a hiding place for web page creators.

Even if the "War Observer" is not here, the guy who made the webpage must be the War Observer's subordinates. As long as you can catch these guys, you may be able to torture the location of the War Observer or his real identity!

After enticing the two guards to appear, Lin Chi could already confirm that there was indeed a secret base hidden in this area. What we have to do now is to find the location of the base and carry out an infiltration operation. but……

He was about to leave the parking lot, and the signal interference in this area suddenly stopped. At the same time, Darian’s hastily sounded in Lin Chi’s headphones:

"I saw four soldiers approaching you. They were wearing assault rifles and body armor. Be careful!"

"Don't worry." Lin Chi smiled. With the bonus of the "Master Stealth" skill, he quietly stepped back, holding his breath and hiding in the shadow of the parking lot.

Since he has not yet been exposed, he also decisively chose to continue to conceal and avoid confrontation with the enemy.

After all, those guys didn't know that the guard was dead, they just came over to find someone. If it were to start the fight directly, the security of the base would definitely be tighter, and maybe it would be blocked directly, and it would be completely useless when it wanted to go in.

It's a pity that Lin Chi's stealth state only lasted for less than two seconds before being interrupted by Darian's voice:

"Don't hide, they look like thermal imaging mirrors on their heads. It's useless for you to hide in the shadows!"

"Damn, why didn't you say it earlier?" Lin Chi cursed.

Before the words fell, the square-shaped sunlight from the entrance of the parking lot was cut off by four gloomy figures.

Four well-equipped guards strode into the parking lot, holding ACR assault rifles in their hands, and began to search the area.

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