War Paradise

Chapter 378

In the dark and cold underground parking lot, the tense atmosphere of swords and arms pervades.

Four heavily loaded soldiers wearing thermal imaging glasses and interceptor body armor entered the parking lot and looked around, looking at the surrounding scenes.

Regardless of the equipment, just looking at the skillful tactics, these people are nowhere higher than the guards just now.

In fact, these soldiers are just the reserve members who will be eligible to participate in the selection of the legendary "Cobra Force" in the future, and their combat effectiveness has completely reached the level of special forces.

But even this elite soldier could not find the missing guard. Those two men seemed to have been completely "deleted" without leaving any traces.

An elite soldier turned on the radio and used the throat microphone to communicate with the headquarters:

"No missing soldiers were found, and no traces of the tramp were found. Please confirm the accuracy of the intelligence."

Two seconds later, a cold male voice came from his earphones:

"The intelligence confirmed that the two soldiers lost contact after entering the parking lot and continue to search."

After searching around in the parking lot, no clues were found. The four soldiers walked quickly to the inside of the parking lot and stopped at the door of the abandoned elevator.

Since this building was only half-repaired and then abandoned, there was no elevator in the elevator room at all, and there was not even a steel cable for climbing. Standing in front of the elevator door where only half of the elevator was left, a soldier cautiously looked down. Snooping, and then looking up, there is no abnormal temperature in the field of view of the thermal imaging microscope.

"No one is here."

The soldier turned to look at the three comrades behind him, and whispered, "Stop searching."

Then, he suddenly found a few pale figures appearing behind his own comrades.



Climbing up to the fifth floor along the wall of the elevator, Lin Chi took a long sigh, took off the gecko gloves and night vision device on his head, and stuffed the two pieces of equipment back into his backpack.

After escaping the search of the soldiers in the manner of "Mount Tai", Lin Chi walked into the dusty floor, stood in front of the glassless window, and looked at the building five meters away.

If the intelligence torture from the guards is correct, the secret base in this area should be under the ground of the building opposite.

So, now there is no need to say what to do.

Lin Chi took out the large nail gun he had bought from the weapons store from his backpack, aimed at a concrete pillar on the opposite side, and decisively pulled the trigger.


A thick steel nail flew over with the cable, nailed directly through the concrete pillar and fixed it inside. Lin Chi put away the nail gun, fixed the other end of the rope to the window here, then grabbed the rope and crawled over.

After entering the building next to him, he didn't have time to catch his breath. A dangerous red light suddenly flashed on the ground in front of him, and an ominous premonition suddenly surged into his heart.

——It is a gravity sensor alarm.

With his own first-level "Sneak Master" skill, he can directly sense all alarms and detection devices within ten meters. Even a well-concealed gravity sensing device could not escape Lin Chi's eyes.

"Ha, I'm quite cautious."

Lin Chi laughed, walked around the ground that would trigger an alarm as soon as he stepped on it, and walked gently down the stairs. With the bonus of the killer's own skills, he didn't make any noise.

Lin Chi, who turned into a silent ghost, soon came to the first floor of the unfinished building. When he was about to continue down the stairs, he stopped in place again:

Two tiny light beams that are difficult to detect, pass through the dusty air, and illuminate the wall on the other side, leaving small spots that are difficult to observe with the naked eye.

Even Lin Chi's skills could not detect this trap. If he hadn't been careful enough, this infiltration operation might have failed!

Lowering his figure to avoid the two small beams, the stairwell below became darker and darker. Lin Chi put on the night vision goggles, his vision turned green again.

After entering the basement level, what you see is not a place similar to an underground parking lot, but a dark underground city.

The row of incandescent lamps on the ceiling were all turned off, and a faint ray of light could be seen, as if it was still on not long ago, and there was a faint smell of blood in the air, possibly because the corpse had just been treated.

--what's the situation?

Lin Chi frowned, took out the "Dark Vulture" pistol equipped with a silencer from his backpack and held it in his hand.

Two guys in white coats, who looked like researchers, sat motionless on the wooden chairs, with their backs to the door of the room, and the shoulders of the white clothes showed a hint of dark red.

"This is……"

Lin Chi cautiously stepped forward, observing the man close to own from the side, and then witnessed the incredible horror picture:

The man's face and nose were completely torn off, revealing red and white facial muscles, bloody nostrils, and two rows of brown teeth. His eyeballs fell out of his eye sockets and swayed slightly in front of him.

"I'm going, how did you make it like this? This is simply art..." Lin Chi said with emotion inwardly.

Even if he is not a crazy fan of curious hunting, he can see that this kind of murder is not something ordinary people can do.

Those soldiers had completed this level of "artwork" in less than ten minutes after they left. The opponent should be a serial killer who kills people like hemp, or a professional with a large number of subordinates!

——So, is someone the first to board?

Realizing that an accident had happened in this base, Lin Chi felt an ominous premonition again. Turning around without a word, but the strength of the body began to drain, and the pace became abnormally slow.

"Damn it, is it poison gas..."

Lin Chi opened the status bar and immediately saw the red word "poisoned" flashing continuously. Seeing that the situation was not good, he was already starting to get dizzy, pulled out the tiger paw hunting knife, raised his hand and pierced his own leg, cutting off a piece of flesh.

If it is in the real world, this kind of pain will definitely make people sober instantly. But when the pain sensation was weakened to one-third, Lin Chi was still a little tired at this time, and his consciousness began to blur.

"What's wrong with you? Are you okay? Are you still alive?"

As if aware of something, Darian's anxious voice sounded from the earphones. Lin Chi staggered towards the top of the stairs, and said in a weak voice: "Leave me alone, I will find a way to get out..."

"But, you..." Darian wanted to say something else.

The girl's voice turned into murmurs, and the darkness in front of her seemed to be distorted. Lin Chi just walked up the stairs, his body tilted to the right, his upper body leaning against the wall and slowly sliding down.

He lost consciousness.

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