War Paradise

Chapter 379 Death's Mechanism, Salted Fish's Countermeasures

"Damn it, what's wrong with him?"

Darian, who was sitting on a swing in a nearby park, tried to contact the own "master" again using the throat microphone, but no matter how he tried, there was no response.

Through the positioning software in the mobile phone, she and Lin Chi could quickly confirm the location of each other. Dallian saw that the location of Lin Chi's mobile phone was in an unfinished building in the ruins in front.

But the problem now is that her combat power alone can only kill her in the past...

The thought of that lazy man might have passed out, or even died. Dalían suddenly became nervous.

Even if Lin Chi always looks unreliable, that guy is his own employer after all. What's more, in Dalian's eyes, that guy can be regarded as a gentle "good man".

The little faces under the black hood were crumpled, and the girl started trying to invade the database inside the base at the fastest speed, only to find that the server there was not working, and it looked like it was either broken or out of power.

Even the top hackers cannot invade devices that are not turned on at all. Realizing that the situation was not right, Darian stood up and cast confused eyes on the abandoned buildings in the distance.

"What's going on..." she muttered softly.

Seeing that the other party had turned off all the electronic devices directly, Darian could only change the direction of the investigation, and once again found out the temporary webpage that she had turned up once before, and started investigating from this aspect.

She soon discovered that besides herself, there were others who had hacked this web page.

Although the other intruder's hiding was pretty good, it was not worth mentioning in front of Darian. The girl quickly found out the origin of the intruder, who should have intruded from a location called "Crawford Industrial Company".

Dalien opened the official website of Crawford Industries, and when she saw the familiar photo of the "chairman" position and the following name, her heart sank:

What appears in the picture is a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes with a mid-size look and handsome appearance. Mark his name in black text next to it:

Mark Hoffman.


Lin Chi slowly opened his bloodshot eyes. The first thing that caught his eye was a cold iron gray. The bloody breath stimulated the virtual character's nose, making him feel an urge to sneeze.

He lowered his head and saw that his backpack and torn clothes were missing. He was wearing a blue and white striped hospital gown. He was sitting on a cold metal chair. His legs seemed to be numb. There was nothing at all. perception.

"Damn, do you play this set again..." He cursed inwardly.

At this moment, his body was as heavy as he was filled with mercury. Lin Chi wanted to raise his arm, but found that he couldn't even do this simple movement.

Ding Ding...

There was a soft noise from behind, which made Lin Chi alert. The cold touch on the back of his neck made him realize that there was something installed behind his head. As for the metal crash just now, it should be...

Lin Chi turned his head laboriously, and saw that there was an old TV using a picture tube on the operating table behind which was stained with blood. In addition, there was an iron chain hanging from behind him and connected to the wall behind him. On one of the heavy-duty engines.

"It's'Number Three'?"

Seeing this scene, Lin Chi quickly realized that he should have been caught by the murderer who let the victim decide his own life and death. In this way, the reason why the people in the underground base will die so "artistically" can be explained.


Lin Chi opened his mouth and let out a hoarse laugh.

After listening to Darian's account, he became very interested in this legendary judge. Due to the limited types of brain imaging games, games that are too bloody and scary cannot pass the review. Similar plots have only been seen in movies before. so now……

"What tricks do you want to play?"

Lin Chi cleared his throat and tried to move his own body. The originally weak body finally recovered a bit of strength, at least he could stand up.

As if seeing his movements, the TV that was in a black screen suddenly turned on, a white mask appeared on the screen, the eyes were completely dark red, the cheekbones were abnormally protruding outward, and two reds were painted on the cheeks. Circle, which looks like some kind of funny doll:

Under Lin Chi's gaze, on the poorly pictured screen, the doll's mouth opened and closed, making a strange sound:

"Hello, outsider, I want to play a game with you."

"I know that you are a killer who intends to assassinate the so-called'War Observer', but why do you want to do this? You are an incurable sinner just like the War Observer."

"Those who were killed by you, there are many people who even have no chance to resist and go to The Underworld. Until they die, they don't know who killed them."

"People who don't fear life don't deserve to have life at all. Then let us see, when you face Death yourself, with blood on your hands, can you continue to maintain the calmness of killing?"

"The iron chain on your neck, connected to the engine behind it, will pull your body back, even if it touches the wall, it will not stop until you tear off your head, pull it into the engine and twist it into pieces. It will stop."

"A section of the power cord for that engine is in the tempered glass container next to it. You just need to reach in and pull off that section of the power cord to stop the engine and the sensor lock on the back of your head will also be unlocked. "

"So...Should I give up a hand in exchange for my life, or wait for my own head to be torn to pieces? The next decision is up to you."

The picture on the TV screen turned into flickering snowflakes, and Lin slowly stood up, came to the front of the glass box behind the TV screen, and cast his eyes to the inside of the box.

The height of the glass box was almost at Lin Chi's waist. Fixed in the center of the glass box is a section of the power cord protruding from the ground. The rubber on it has peeled off, and the exposed wire is crackling and sparking.

The entire glass box has only one opening, located on the right side of the box. The size of the opening seems to be just enough for him to put his hand in, but the metal ring embedded in the opening and the dense blades exposed on the metal ring explain the matter. It's not that simple.

——If you put your hand in, your right arm will undoubtedly be smashed by the blade, even if you can tear the wire, you will pay the price of disability. so now……


The engine on the wall began to roar and run, and at a slow but unstoppable speed, began to tighten the chain behind Lin Chi's head.

Seeing that the iron chain was about to pull himself out of the glass box, it would be useless no matter how hard he struggled. Lin Chi, who had just recovered some strength, reached out and picked up the TV, and slammed it heavily on the box made of tempered glass.


The glass container was as solid as a rock, still standing firmly on the ground, but the TV in Lin Chi's arms was smoking.

"All right……"

Realizing that this trick had no effect, Lin Chi took a deep breath, lowered his head and stared at the glass container with only a few cracks.

——Do you really want to do this?

If you don't do this, there is no other way!

In the situation of "life and death", the will to survive finally defeated some other things. Lin Chi put down the TV in his arms and squatted by the opening of the glass box to look at it, as if confirming the height. Then……

He stood up and untied the belt around his waist.


The sparking wires in the glass container were short-circuited by the "water", and the engine that was originally running finally came to a halt slowly.

As the engine stopped, the iron chain originally connected to the back of Lin Chi's head also slipped weakly.

"I'm so sorry."

As Lin Chi said, he fastened his belt again and walked towards the black metal door by the wall.

Now that I have solved the murderer's first mechanism with a pee, it's time to see what other tricks the guy has.

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