War Paradise

Chapter 381 Burning Revenge

After using the "Kidney Strike" to kill the bald man, a silver door on the right wall slowly opened. Lin Chi picked up a wrench and strode towards the door leading to the third room.

In this case, wearing a melee weapon is naturally much better than bare-handed.

However, he knew very well that for murder experts like No. 3, the situation that the "player" would carry weapons was naturally already being calculated.

In this way, the mechanism in the next room should not be solved by a wrench or a hammer...

Lin Chi strode into a dark secret room, and the silver metal door behind him slammed shut.

The surrounding walls lit up with a dark red light, reflecting the windowless secret room, and then entering Lin Chi’s line of sight were the spikes covering the wall, blood stains and some indescribable substances, even in the dim light Still clearly visible.

Lin Chi looked around, and immediately found that the two walls in front and behind him were covered with dense spikes, and even the door behind him had extremely sharp steel nails.

The two walls on the left hand side and the right hand side look very smooth, but the long friction mark on the wall still tells everything.

"Is this the rhythm to poke me into cheese?" Lin Chi muttered.

Before the voice fell, the low voice of the doll came from the speakers hidden in the wall:

"Congratulations on reaching the third level."

"Can I abstain halfway?" Lin Chi vomited.

The voice, which seemed to have been recorded in advance, did not answer his question, but continued to say in a low and weird voice: "As a killer who deprives others of their lives, after hearing the screams of the dead, I now try to be miserable. How about calling it? I think that after experiencing unprecedented pain in order to survive, you will definitely become more fearful of life."

"The wall in front will'butt' with the wall on this side in five minutes. Of course, the walls will not completely hit each other, and there will still be some gaps in the middle-so that the nails will not break."

"These steel nails can provide you with a living space, provided that you can bear the pain of steel nails passing through your body. Then let us see, are you willing to torture your own body just like torturing other people for your life?"

"Then now... the game begins."

As that sound disappeared, the wall full of spikes in front, accompanied by a dull rumbling sound, began to slowly oppress it.

Quickly assessing the density of steel nails on the wall, Lin Chi couldn't help but yelled: "Damn, you just made it clear that I was going to die."

With the density of these nails, oneself would definitely be pricked into holes. Even with the wrench in his hand, within five minutes, he could only unscrew a few steel nails at most. It was impossible to make enough nails. The emptiness of passing the test without injury.

Thinking of this, Lin Chi turned around and stood in front of the door, trying to figure out a way to open the sealed silver metal door. It's a pity that the quality of the door is also very hard, it is almost integrated with the metal wall, and there is no gap that can be pried open at all!

The dull roar still continued, and the wall was full of spikes in front, pressing towards Lin Chi in a slow but unstoppable posture!"Depend on."

Seeing the wall full of spikes, he was about to experience the thrill of "heart-cooling, heart-flying", Lin Chi cursed in a low voice, then suddenly thought of something, and cast his gaze on the building full of spikes ahead. The walls began to be quickly observed.

He noticed that no matter it was on the wall behind him, or on the wall that was slowly pressing on the opposite side, there were no obvious traces of being pierced by nails.

In this way, the wall should have stopped precisely before it collided with the wall on this side. Seeing the slow and steady movement speed of the wall, it didn't look like manual manipulation. In other words...

——This wall automatically stopped after receiving what "signal"?

Lin Chi inspected the slowly pressing wall in front of him as quickly as possible, and immediately found that the left and right sides of the wall were inlaid with two inconspicuous black round holes.

Looking back, one of the spikes on both sides of the wall at the back is longer than the other spikes next to it, and the position corresponds to the two round holes in the front wall.

"Is that right?"

Seeing this scene, Lin Chi decisively rushed to the left, using the strength of the milk, unscrewed the longer nail with the wrench in his hand, and then stab the nail with force, and pierced it into the front wall. The round hole on the left.

hurry up.

Seeing that the wall had pressed in front of him, every cell in Lin Chi's virtual body seemed to be nervously urging him to speed up his movements. The muscles up and down also exploded with incredible strength, hurried to the right in a cheetah-like movement, and began to "attack" another longer steel nail with the wrench in his hand.

hurry up.

There was a urging sound, and the muscles began to spasm because of the tension. In a life-and-death situation, Lin Chi snarled and squeezed the wrench, twisting it down.

With a crisp cracking sound, the steel nail was twisted from the middle, and the front half was held by Lin Chi's left hand before it hit the ground.


When the two steel nails were inserted into the circular holes on both sides, the wall that was still advancing slowly in front suddenly shook. At the last moment when countless sharp steel nails were about to pierce Lin Chi's body...Finally stopped completely. .


Looking at the "nail board" close at hand, Lin Chi sighed for a long time, and saw a hidden door in the center of the front wall suddenly opened backwards, and a pale light was cast from that door.

"I said, can I stop playing?"

Lin Chi was complaining, but there was an excited smile on his face.

After the "game" just now, he, who was still a little weak in his kidneys, finally regained his energy.

He turned sideways, carefully avoided the spikes on the wall with a chest and abdomen motion, stood in front of the door that had just been opened, and strode in.

Before I could see what was in the fourth game room, a sirens suddenly sounded in the room.

The incandescent light in the room suddenly turned into a flashing red light. Hearing the rhythm of the police siren, Lin Chi frowned and looked around. Muttered in a low voice:

"what happened?"


As for what happened, I have to start from two hours ago:

Maria, who just took leave of absence, took her modified high-speed wheelchair and left the closed shopping center from the main entrance of the shopping center, passed through the empty square, and came to the opposite street.

Due to the shooting and explosion not long ago, the largest shopping mall in Alvara was temporarily blocked by members of the Silver Shield. It is precisely because those guys took over the security work of the shopping center that Maria was able to apply for leave so smoothly.

A powerful electric wheelchair crosses the street and directly enters the cold and dirty alley next to it. A blue van with the words "Alvara Cleaning Company" sprayed on its shell has been parked inside and waited.

Maria drove the wheelchair to the back of the van, and made a 180-degree turn, and then drove the wheelchair along the iron plate set up at the back of the car and rushed into the van.

"Ha, you deserve to be the ‘Virgin Mary’, and you can drive a motorcycle in a wheelchair."

A rough male voice sounded in the back compartment of the van, and then several laughter sounded one after another.

"I said, don't make fun of my legs." The silver-haired woman frowned and scanned the scene in the car.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, it's just a long time since I saw each other, I don't know what to say..."

While speaking, the man wearing a black tight-fitting combat uniform with a flat head walked up to Maria and closed the rear door of the van sideways.

Except for the driver wearing a blue uniform in front, disguised as a worker of the cleaning company. In the windowless rear compartment of the van, there were three soldiers seated, all wearing black uniforms of "Cobra", and there was no smile on their faces painted in black.

The soldiers of these Cobra troops, as long as they enter the mission state, they will not show any expressions even when joking. They are almost like war machines in human skin, turning on the "kill mode" switch.

After the engine started, the body of the van trembled slightly, and quickly drove out of the alley to the west of the city.

"Is the intelligence confirmed?"

The brawny, flat-headed man who had just closed the door, sat on the metal chair opposite Maria, and stared at the silver-haired woman without blinking. "Are you sure this'Crawford Industrial Company' just got you. The culprit in this look?"

"Yes, I will never forget their masks." Maria nodded gloomily, looking at the "old man" who had been born to death with herself on the battlefield: "Believe me, Marcus, they are The person I've been looking for."

"Well, then, I also investigated. Crawford Industrial Company is really interesting. There may be some big forces behind them." The man called "Marcus" spoke from his waist. A Nepalese scimitar was pulled out of his scabbard, and he stared at the notch on the back of the knife.

"Are you scared?" Maria frowned and looked at him.

Marcus did not answer this question. He just raised his saber and shook it in front of the silver-haired woman, and said, "Do you remember this gap? On the battlefield in Chechnya, a dying mercenary suddenly shot me. You actually blocked the bullet with this saber. It's unbelievable...""Ha, there is indeed such a thing." Recalling the old military career, Maria's white face showed an imperceptible smile.

"After the gap appeared on this knife, you replaced it with a new saber. I kept it and used it as a saber." Marcus lowered his voice, as if a fierce light flashed in his eyes: "I always remember You saved my life, now is the time for me to pay my debt..."

"Even if there is a powerful shady hidden behind those guys?" Maria looked at her own comrade.

"Even the'War Observer' himself, I will do it." Marcus's voice showed unparalleled determination, and he raised his hand to insert the saber back into the scabbard: "Leave it to us, old man, we I promise to kill them all."

The inconspicuous blue van drove slowly through the streets of downtown Alvara, sandwiched by various supercars on the street, and drove into the intricate streets of Xicheng District.

As soon as she thought that she could begin to slaughter the "Pighead Society" monsters with abnormal psychology, Maria's face with a gentle expression suddenly showed a grim smile. She looked back at the wheelchair behind her, and suddenly said:

"By the way, I want you to do me a favor. My wheelchair needs to be modified."

"It's an honor." Marcus nodded.

The van encountered a traffic jam on the viaduct in the Xicheng District. The drive that originally took only half an hour to reach took a full hour and a half.

The van disguised as a cleaning company vehicle drove to the office building where Crawford Industrial Company was located. After paying the money, it smoothly passed the guard in front of the courtyard and drove into the underground parking lot directly below the office building.

In addition to the guard standing in front of the door, there was also a guard carrying a pistol and walkie-talkie, patrolling the inside of the parking lot. When he saw the van, he walked over naturally and stood behind the body and waited for the driver to get off.

Then, he saw the door behind the car slowly opened—


A silver light flashed, and the guard failed to even utter a syllable. The throat had been cut with a sharp Nepalese scimitar. Before his body fell to the ground, he was dragged into the rear compartment of the van by two soldiers in black clothes.

"Do it," Marcus whispered.

The driver pressed a green button next to the cockpit radio, and the super signal interference immediately flooded the parking lot, directly cutting off all communication signals and networks on the first to third floors of the office building.

Just looking at the combat mode, the methods of the Cobra troops are similar to those of a "beggar" who sneaked into an abandoned construction site.

As the camera signal inside the parking lot was cut off, Maria drove out of the rear compartment with her own electric wheelchair. The dozens of heavy firearms installed on the wheelchair turned her into a moving heavy firepower. Chariot!

The driver tore off the blue uniform on his body, revealing the black combat uniform underneath, and then pulled out the SIG-P226 pistol with a silencer that hung around his waist. The guard who wondered why the phone suddenly lost its signal.

"Okay, let's get started, avenge our old man."

Following Marcus's order, five "war machines" from the Cobra unit lowered their bodies and sneaked past the entrance of the underground parking lot.

Seeing that her comrades had already started to move, Maria also started the wheelchair engine again and began to move towards the entrance of the parking lot.

Her long-awaited moment of revenge... finally arrived.

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