War Paradise

Chapter 382

There was a dull gunshot, and the two guards in front of the office building fell to the ground without a word.

Soldiers dressed in black rushed directly into the office building and carried out a bloody massacre of the staff who were still in a daze!

Marcus raised the HK-416 in his hand, threw his hand through the throat of a female white-collar worker in the lobby, and gave a ruthless instruction to the four soldiers who were dispersing behind him:

"Don't keep alive."

As members of the special forces who carry out "dirty work" all over the world all the year round, the Cobra soldiers know very well that only by killing everyone in the building can their true purpose be concealed.

After all, if someone finds out that they are looking for trouble with "Crawford Industries", they are likely to be targeted by the big people behind that company. Pretending to be an indiscriminate terrorist attack is more likely to confuse people. As for the escape route after the massacre, Marcus was already prepared.

After a burst of fire, more than a dozen office workers in the lobby on the first floor of the office building spurted blood all over, and the siren sounded in the building. The panicked white-collar workers rushed down the stairs and tried to escape the building.

"Don't even try to run the one upstairs."

As Marcus spoke, he took off the MG3 machine gun directly behind him, set it on the floor in front of the office building lobby, and swept the guys who flocked to the main entrance, hitting the office workers screaming back into the corridor.

These office workers, who always sit in front of the computer, have never seen this kind of posture. Faced with the heavily armed "murderer", all of them were almost frightened and rushed to the side doors on both sides.

"Go away!"

A man in a suit and leather shoes and glasses roughly grabbed the woman in front of her long hair, dragged her behind him, and rushed out of the concealed side door. Before he could stand firm, he heard a crisp sound from under his feet. Softly.


The choking white smoke enveloped the open space at the door, frightening the few people behind to froze for an instant. An M18A1 "Broad Sword" mine was detonated by office workers wearing glasses, and the fragments and steel balls swept across the fan-shaped area in front, directly blasting the poor insect who had no time to dodge into a pool of broken meat that flew ten meters away, leaving it on the ground. A scarlet trace.


Seeing the miserable condition of the man with glasses, everyone backed away screaming again, and then saw a Daoist figure slowly appearing in the white smoke created by the explosion of the landmine.

"You...you are..." The woman standing in the front let out a startled voice.

What emerged from the smoke screen was a silver-haired woman in a wheelchair. Although she had a gentle smile on her face, the barrels protruding from the sides of her shoulders were spinning slightly.

The M134 six-barrel rapid-fire machine gun poured excess firepower on the unprepared crowd at a speed of 3,000 rounds per minute. The "Lady of Slaughter" passed through the corridor full of corpses in a wheelchair, with an expression on her face that seemed to be frozen. All have a kind smile.

"I'm sorry," she said.

While Maria was carrying out the massacre, Marcus and his team had "cleaned up" the entire first floor at a terrifying speed. For these battle-tested masters of killing, the combat effectiveness of ordinary office workers is not worth mentioning.

Putting away the machine gun, turning around and blasting the head of a middle-aged man who jumped from the second floor, Marcus replaced the HK416 in his hand with a new magazine, looked down at the bleeding corpse by his feet, expressionless. 'S looked up at the stairs:

"Is there no one here to fight?"

Before he finished his words, he heard a mess of footsteps and the sound of pulling the bolt from the stairwell.


Marcus turned sideways and saw a few guys wearing pig-head masks appear at the top of the stairs, all holding double-barreled shotguns with truncated barrels in their hands.

Staring at the mask on the opponent's head, Marcus, who had always been expressionless, raised his mouth and revealed a sullen smile:

"The action begins." He said.


There was a gunshot from below the floor, overwhelming the harsh sirens.

Although he still didn't know what was going on, Lin Chi walked quickly into the fourth game room, walked around the large machine with a terrifying appearance tied with barbed wire in the middle of the room, and walked into the next room.

As seen through the glass wall before, this room looks like a large garbage storage room, filled with blood-stained clothes, shoes, and various handbags and jewelry. One of the earrings still had half a human ear, which seemed to have been torn from the woman's head.

——His backpack and tattered clothes were placed in the corner of the room.

For those NPCs who have not mastered the "space technology", the player's backpack is completely worthless. Even if they opened the player's backpack, they couldn't see anything.

However, once Lin Chi got the backpack, the situation was obviously different.

Lin Chi stepped on the blood clothes on the ground and walked over, picked up the backpack and turned and walked out of this cruel storage room, drew out the tiger-tooth fighting saber and the "dark vulture" pistol, lowered his figure and sneaked towards the fourth game room. Open metal door.

With his current attribute value, only using these two weapons is relatively reliable. Those weapons that require higher strength values ​​cannot be used at all because of their thin bodies.

However, after the life-and-death challenge in the third game room just now, Lin Chi could feel that his muscles were still in a state of excitement, and his attribute value seemed to be ascension.

He opened the status bar and took a look at his current attribute value, and immediately found that the first three attributes are all Ascension a lot except for the luck value unchanged:

Role name: Countercurrent.

Domination points: 0.

Prestige: 0.

Kills: 2.

Strength: 15 (10 for ordinary people).

Agility: 15 (10 for ordinary people).

Endurance: 15 (10 for ordinary people).

Lucky: 14 (10 for ordinary people).

Lin Chi knew that the reason the own attribute value was ascending might be because the "stimulation" just now stimulated the potential of the virtual body. In this way, it is a blessing in disguise to be caught in this ghost place.

So the question is, what is this place?

Since the mobile phone hadn't been thrown away for a long time, Lin Chi couldn't get in touch with Dalian for a while. He passed through several bloody "game rooms" and finally entered a dimly lit corridor.

Judging from the game map, his location should be in a building in the western city of Alvara. It seems that the damn "No. 3" should have transformed this building into a slaughterhouse for torturing victims.

"I know how to play..."

As Lin Chi said, suddenly raised his right hand, raised the "dark vulture" captured from Tan Ya, fired at the end of the corridor, and shot out a bullet in the magazine within three seconds.

Under his gaze, a man in white who looked like he had cut off his head and replaced it with a pig's head fell to his knees feebly, with a dozen bullet holes on his body slowly flowing out viscous plasma.

"What is it, pighead?"

Lin Chi bent down and stripped off the mask from the guy's head, revealing sparse blond hair on top of his head and a pale and hideous young face.

He fumbled on the young man's corpse, and did not find any valuable props. He only found an ID card with the person's portrait and a few lines of silver text printed on it.

Lin Chi ignored the irrelevant name of the cannon fodder, and just kept his playful gaze on the first line of text in the card:

Please keep the Crawford Industrial Company’s employee ID card carefully.

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