War Paradise

Chapter 383

"Crawford Industries...what is it?"

Standing in the red-lighted corridor, holding the identity card dropped by the pig-headed man, Lin Chi fell into deep thought.

Judging from the tragic situation in the underground base before, the murderer Hoffman, codenamed "No. 3," obviously did not act alone, but had a large organization.

After all, in less than twenty minutes after the two groups of soldiers were dispatched, a large-scale killing operation could not be done silently by one person.

Although Lin was ready to fight against a large number of enemies sooner or later, it was beyond his expectation that the other party started a company in this city.

If Hoffman is also like Darian, as an NPC recruited by the player, he would not have time to start a company and by the way form his own terrorist army.

Since this guy is not a recruited NPC, that is to say...

"Isn't this a'barbarian'?"

Thinking back to the "awakened NPCs" who had fled to other maps, Lin Chi had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Under the current circumstances, he didn't want to get involved with the "barbarians". After all, the guys who could break through to other maps would generally have strong combat effectiveness. Even like the player, you can use things like backpacks or menus.

If the game administrator is notified, they can come over and solve the barbarians, but this level of battle is still likely to accidentally injure yourself. so now……

Lin Chi casually put the ID card into the pocket of the hospital gown. When he was about to turn around and leave, he heard a familiar voice from the speakers installed in the corridor:

"Are you there? Go to the control room at the end of the corridor, hurry up!"

The anxious voice of the hacker girl resounded throughout the corridor. Upon hearing this, Lin Chi's heart sank and cursed: "You are cheating..."

——Those murderers who hadn't noticed him, after hearing Darion's voice, immediately rushed into the corridor. Then he was immediately beaten back by Lin Chi's random shot.

When his agility reached 15 points, Lin Chi could already exert the maximum attack power of the Dark Vulture pistol. After previous battles, his pistol proficiency had reached 10 points. With this gun battle, the proficiency continued to advance by leaps and bounds, and at the same time that the two "pigheads" were killed, they reached 15 o'clock directly.

"Damn, the prisoner ran away!" A savage roar came from the other side of the corridor: "Catch him! Otherwise the leader will kill us!"

Seeing a few Daoist shadows on the other side of the corridor, Lin Chi was about to continue firing when a bright white light suddenly lit up in front of him.


In the direction where the enemy came, the incandescent lamp on the ceiling suddenly burst out incredibly bright light, and then it was burnt directly after two seconds. But even if the light lasted less than two seconds, it was enough to blind those "pigheads".


There was a depressed scream at the end of the corridor. The pighead, who was still aggressive before, squatted on the ground with his head in his hands and wailed. The strong light that was beyond the reach of human eyes directly burned their eyes and caused these poor guys to completely lose their eyesight.

"Ha, thanks."

Realizing that Darian had solved the trouble for herself, Lin Chi didn't waste the bullets, just pulled out the tiger claw hunting knife and walked forward, letting the painful pigheads get eternal relief.

Thirty seconds later, he wiped the blood stains from the knife on a pig-headed man's clothes, then used his ID card to swipe the door of the control room, walked into the room with a giant LCD screen on the wall, and grabbed the iron table. On the intercom and asked: "Are you there?"

"It's me." Dalyan responded to his call almost instantly, with undisguised joy in her voice: "You are still alive!"

"My life is very hard." Lin Chi smiled and said, "What's the matter, are you ready to escape?"

"Don't go to the main entrance, jump out of the window." Dalien said quickly, as if nervously: "There is a fight in that building!"

"Who killed in?" Lin Chi asked curiously.

He only knew that he was caught in this ghost place by the "pigheads" under Hoffman, but he didn't know who actually attacked the building. After all, he just ran out of the game room and hadn't figured out the situation.

"I'm monitoring the interior of the office building. Those guys suddenly used EMP to cut off all the signals below the third floor. Fortunately, you are on the sixth floor." Darian explained: "I just saw a group of people rushing into the office building. , That's the group of people who appeared under the building where the gunman was hidden."

——A member of the "Cobra Troop"?

Thinking of this, Lin Chi sighed, the expression on his face became serious:

"Trouble now."

He knew that with his current attribute value, he would only end up being killed when he encountered the super soldiers in the Cobra army.

If you can obtain the "War Horn" skill, you can still fight it, but under the current circumstances, I am not an opponent of "Cobra" at all!

However, in Lin Chi's view, that special unit belonging to the War Watcher must have attacked this ghost place for the sake of eliminating Hoffman and his murderers. As an outsider, I just need to leave here quietly without attracting the attention of both parties.

"I will find a way to leave."

Lin Chi put down the walkie-talkie as he said, turned around and walked towards the stairwell, and began to escape from this ghost place.

A knife cut through the throat of the "Pighead" who flashed out from the corner of the stairs and was rushing upstairs. While continuing to walk down the stairs, he took out the wall-climbing gecko gloves from his backpack and prepared to escape along the wall.

Judging from the frequency of gunshots and screams below, the fierce fighting in this building is going on. In order to avoid being spotted by the warring parties, it is more reliable to climb the wall and run away.

However, before he could leave the stairwell, he heard a terrifying roar from directly below.


The violent noise caused Lin Chi to have a headache, and the whole building seemed to tremble, like a building block hit by a hammer.

Because of the recruitment of Crazy Ivan, Lin Chi was also familiar with the sound of the bomb. He was almost certain that the loud noise just now was not caused by a bomb, but something else.

So, what happened below?

Lin Chi was speculating about the following situation, and suddenly there was another low male voice from below the stairwell, shaking his eardrums:

"Good afternoon, everyone at Cobra, I am the Mark Hoffman you are looking for."

What followed was a gust of gunfire.

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