War Paradise

Chapter 384 Hoffman, Conqueror of the World

The gunfire stopped, and the choking gunpowder still filled the hall on the first floor of the office building. Marcus put down the assault rifle in his hand and stared at the incredible scene with his comrades-in-arms.

The person who came down the stairs was already standing steadily in the hall at this time, the floor beside him had been soaked in blood, and the corpses of the "Pighead" were all over it.

This person is wearing a flowing white long dress with a scarlet cross stitched on the shoulders. There was a rough sack-like thing on his head, only a pair of brown eyes were exposed.

His weird dress is not the point. What shocked the members of the Cobra team was that the bullets they had just played, enough to destroy any creature, missed the person's body and did not cause any harm to this guy.

"This guy……"

Marcus once again fired a short shot, three bullets that flew to the opponent's chest, but it seemed to hit an invisible wall of air, and stopped about ten centimeters in front of the guy's body.

This weird man wearing a headgear, who just claimed to be Mark Hoffman, looked down at the corpse next to him, and then spoke slowly:

"I said, why can't we be friends?"


The Slaughter Lady Maria rushed forward with her wheelchair, pulled out the tiger-tooth fighting saber inserted on the armrest of the wheelchair, and swiped Hoffman's throat cleanly!

"Wait, it's too dangerous!"

Before Marcus finished his words, he saw the murderous woman who seemed to be hit by a transparent punch. She flew ten meters away with a wheelchair, hit the wall heavily, and passed out without a word. .

"Damn..." Marcus cursed in a low voice.

This is the first time the experienced "Cobra" members have seen such an invulnerable enemy. In their view, Hoffman's horror abilities can only be explained by special functions.

Marcus strode to the "slaughter lady" who was in a coma, carried only half of the woman's body on her shoulders, and then suddenly threw a flash bomb, and several comrades around him tried to turn around and escape.

Then, the death knell sounded again:


Hoffman suddenly appeared at the entrance of the hall like a ghost, blocking the way of the members of the Cobra team, and a low voice was made from under the headgear:

"So, why do you continue to struggle? How about joining us and creating a'new world' with me?"

"You are crazy." Marcus stared at the invulnerable murderer in front of him with furrowed brows.

Hoffman with a sack on his head didn't mean to let go. He just opened his arms and made a movement similar to a cult priest, his voice sounded very enchanting:

"Instead of living in vain under a madman, it is better to join Crawford Industries. You are all murderous madmen, right? I can show you what the real ‘battlefield’ is like."

——What is this guy talking about?

For Hoffman's suspected psychotic remarks, Marcus is completely incomprehensible, and does not want to understand it at all. He just wanted to leave here with his comrades, but soon discovered that he couldn't even "leave".

Lin Chi, who was on the third floor, opened the window at the end of the corridor and leaned his upper body out of the window. Then, it was as if he had hit an invisible wall, and a dull pain came from the bridge of his nose.

"what happened?"

Lin Chi stretched out his right hand and pressed it against the cold air wall. No matter how hard he tried, the thing didn't move a bit.

Could it be that the game has a bug again?

Mindful of this, Lin Chi tried a few windows next to him again, but found that the invisible wall seemed to block the entire building. No matter how much he tried, he couldn't jump out of the window.

Could it be...

Lin Chi immediately realized that this building might have been blocked by Hoffman, a "barbarian". In this way, the combat effectiveness of this person may have reached a level equivalent to that of a resistance army member.

Seeing that he couldn't leave for a while, Lin Chi looked down at his own backpack, then opened the game menu and put his finger on the "Contact Administrator" option button.

——Do you want to summon an "executive officer" to kill this bastard?

No matter how strong Hoffman is, he should not be able to stop the executive's attack. However, this guy may have some information related to the inside story of the game world. If he were to be killed directly, the information would have to "go with the wind."

Lin Chi thought for a moment, then waved his hand to turn off the game menu, then walked down the stairs lightly, and continued to "eavesdrop" on the conversation in the lobby on the first floor.

He had just arrived on the second floor when he heard Hoffman's voice ringing again:

"Do you really plan to live your life in this place? Or do you want to be slaves to outsiders and be sent to death everywhere as cannon fodder?"

"I don't understand what you mean." Marcus put down the "slaughter lady" who was still in a coma, and then drew his saber to block his chest. Although he knew that the saber had no effect on this guy, he still felt a little safe.

In the face of such an unusually weird opponent, the members of the Cobra Squad had nothing to do. When one member was in a coma, the combat effectiveness was weakened again.

Marcus can see that with this weird ability, he can kill the own team instantly. But the strange thing is that Hoffman did not do that, just continued to say some incomprehensible words:

"I have traveled through hundreds of worlds. This is nothing but a projection of nothingness. Thank you for disposing of the clutter in the company. They did not inherit my will, they are just stupid madmen..."

"If you are willing to join me, I can give you incredible power, just like me. To me...everything is empty and everything is allowed."

"Is this sentence used in the wrong place?" Lin Chi, who was hiding on the second floor, murmured silently.

Unlike Lin Chi who was hiding upstairs, Marcus was naturally not interested in nonsense at this time, but coldly refused the other party's invitation: "We have no intention of betraying the'War Observer'."

"War observer, haha..."

Speaking of the name, Hoffman smiled contemptuously: "The war watcher is just an idiot. He wasted his own power. He is willing to be manipulated by this world, and I am different. I can let you see the real world. '!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was another loud noise, and the whole building shook violently again.

The heavy air around him suddenly changed back to its original state. Perceiving a change in the situation in the building, Lin Chi poked his head from the top of the stairs and looked towards the lobby on the first floor.

What caught your eye was the hall full of corpses. The few people who spoke just now seemed to have evaporated, all disappeared without a trace.

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