War Paradise

Chapter 390

The reward task has been triggered!

The player "Royal Armor" has reached the most wanted index, and Silver Shield has issued a wanted order within the city. In the next ten minutes, the location of this player will be displayed on the maps of all players, and the player who kills it will receive a reward of 200,000 US dollars!

If the "Royal Armor" escapes successfully, the bonus will be plundered by him. Let's start killing for the bonus. I wish you all a happy hunting!

After reading the prompt text that appeared in his sight, Lin Chi, who had just escaped from the bounty mission, couldn't help laughing and exclaiming: "Feng Shui takes turns, friends..."

Obviously, the Royal Armor also experienced the same treatment as Lin Chi after using gasoline bombs in the urban area frantically.

At this time, the red dots marking the position of the royal armor have appeared on the maps of all players. Since the guy had just chased him, Lin Chi saw that the other party was less than 500 meters away from him. but……

Looking at his left hand that was blasted to pieces, Lin Chi did not try to earn the bounty, but decisively chose to leave the place.

Only two steps out of him, he heard a burst of gunfire not far behind him, and the battle in the city broke out again.

The player "Four Lords Wait for a Grandson" was killed by the player "Royal Armor"!

The player "DISS" was killed by the player "Royal Armor"!

Lin Chi could see that the combat effectiveness of the royal armor was indeed extraordinary, even under the hunt of a large number of guards, it still continued to kill. It can also be seen from the fact that the guy directly used the petrol bomb, he seems to be in a state of anger, that is to say...

Is the maid that I killed just now a servant of the royal armor?

Thinking of this, Lin Chi didn't say much, but hurriedly left the open space, and under the astonished gaze of passers-by, he walked directly into a clothing store on the side of the road, bought a new set of casual clothes, and changed his body. A sick gown full of blood.

In this luxurious desert city, as long as you have money, you can do most of the things. While changing clothes in the fitting room, Lin Chi also took out the bandage by the way, and once again simply bandaged his crippled left hand.

Then, he took out the phone that he had found on the first floor of the office building, only to find that the phone seemed to have been burned out during the flight just now, and the screen was no longer on.

"Damn, it's troublesome now." Lin Chi frowned slightly.

Lin Chi, who did not expect that his mobile phone would have a problem at all, did not deliberately remember Darian’s phone number. Because he owned his mobile phone, he had lost it when he was kidnapped by Hoffman’s people. In the case of losing his communication tool, He temporarily lost contact with Darian.

However, in the case of unable to contact, the girl must have gone back to the hotel.

Now, it is better to go back to the luxury suites of the hotel first, and then plan for the next step.

Mindful of this, after paying the money, Lin Chi left the clothing store with his bruised body, took a taxi back to the Cartier Hotel, and came to the luxurious suite on the fourteenth floor.

Then, he immediately realized that things were not as simple as he thought:

——Because Darian didn't come back at all.

There was no sign of anyone coming back in the room, and the fixed telephone screen on the bedside table lit up to remind Lin Chi that he had received a message.

Lin Chi walked quickly to the bedside table, pressed the hands-free button with his right hand, and then pressed the button to play the message. The hacker girl’s panicked voice rang, echoing in this gorgeously decorated bedroom:

"To make a long story short, I was spotted when I was assisting you outside just now. The other person seems to be very dangerous. It should be the man who appeared in the building before. So I can only avoid it now. My number is 11779023541. Contact me when you come back."

After listening to Dalían's message, the expression on Lin Chi's face became solemn again, as if he saw a mouse crawl out of his own birthday cake, his brows slowly twisted into the shape of Sichuan:


It doesn't matter if it is targeted by ordinary enemies, after all, even if Darian is killed in this game, she will return to her own "warehouse" after the game is over, so there is no need to worry about her safety.

However, the situation is different if it is followed by a guy like Hoffman who is a "barbarian".

That powerful NPC has the ability to transfer in the game map, and according to what he said, Hoffman should have been to many maps.

If Darian is caught by that guy and taken to other maps, even after this game is over, the hacker girl will most likely not be able to return to her own "favorite list", but will completely disappear!

Lin Chi dialed the number left by Dalian. After waiting for five seconds, the message "The phone you dialed is turned off" appeared.

"Damn, it's troublesome now."

Realizing that Darian might be in a dangerous state, Lin Chi looked at his left hand, which was wrapped in a bandage, but still oozing blood, and decided to deal with his own hand first.

With only one hand left, the own combat power will undoubtedly be greatly reduced. It is impossible to rescue Darian with just one hand, so now...

He pressed the green button of "Room Service" on the phone, and a sweet female voice immediately rang, and asked softly in a voice that was almost boring: "Hello, do you need a special service?"

"I want to know if there is an intelligence merchant in this city." Lin Chi was too lazy to talk nonsense with the other party, and went straight to the topic without hesitation.

Upon hearing this, the operator over there paused for about a second before repliing again: "Excuse me, this guest, I don't know what you are talking about."

"Just tell me the location of the underground intelligence agency in this city, I can give you a tip of ten thousand dollars." Lin Chi is also unambiguous: "You can just come to my room to get it, how about it?"

As soon as these words came out, the operator's breath seemed a little uneven, and he was silent for a moment and slowly said: "This...we also have professional ethics..."

"Five thousand, no more." Lin Chi interrupted the woman's speech before waiting for the other party to finish.

"Okay, then you remember it, and it's enough to get to the position I will talk about next. Their secret code is..." This time the other party's speech was very fast, and it seemed to be a different person.

"Happy Trading."

The money was exchanged for the position of the intelligence agent from the operator. Lin Chi took out 15,000 US dollars from the backpack and put it under the sofa cushion according to what was said on the phone just now. Then he picked up the backpack and left the luxury without looking back. Suite, by the way, deleted the message record on the phone.

——When you are at a disadvantage, it is time to exchange for some intelligence.

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