War Paradise

Chapter 391 Old Acquaintances

An hour later, a handsome man in a suit appeared in a neighborhood on the edge of the eastern city of Alvara.

Several apartment buildings with gray walls stand in the garden that has been dilapidated because of no maintenance. Different from the luxurious style of this city, this place looks like the most common kind of residential area, no matter whether it is architectural shape or pattern, there is no characteristic.

——This kind of inconspicuous place is really great for those intelligence businessmen who need to keep a low profile.

At this time, Lin Chi had already put on a leather mask prepared in advance, and made himself look like a businessman through transformation art. The broken left hand had already stopped the bleeding, and he also put on a pair of black gloves to cover people's eyes.

He knows that other players may also know the location of the intelligence merchant. Although they may not be able to meet them here, they still cannot be taken lightly.

While striding into the door of the building, Lin Chi did not forget to beware of possible dangers around him. After waiting for a while in front of the elevator door, and after making sure that he was not being tracked, he took out the newly bought mobile phone in his pocket and dialed out again. The number provided by Lean.

On the way here, he tried to dial this number several times, but the answer to own was always the prompt "The phone you dialed is turned off".

Hearing the familiar female voice prompt again, Lin Chi put down his phone, walked into the elevator that had just arrived on the first floor, and pressed the 13 button.

It seemed that Darian should have already encountered the situation, and may have even been captured by Hoffman.

However, no matter how anxious it is now, it is completely useless. Aware of this, and adhering to the principle of "energy conservation", Lin Chi did not continue to be nervous, just raised his head and stared at the numbers displayed on the elevator LCD screen without blinking.

According to the information provided by the hotel operator, the intelligence merchant should be hiding in Room 1315 of this apartment building. As for the secret signal to open the door, it was a routine used by Lin Chi in the Chaos City...

While thinking about it, Lin Chi had already walked through the corridor and came to the brown metal anti-theft door in Room 1315. He stretched out his right hand and knocked on the door panel four times, then waited patiently for a minute.

The security door opened silently to the outside, and a flat-headed man with an unusually pale complexion stood at the door, wearing a black jacket and dark blue jeans with ripped holes.

"Come to find someone?" The fellow's voice was a little old.

Lin Chi was about to nod, but when he saw the other party, his eyes suddenly widened:

The guy's hair on the temples was a bit gray, and there were some wrinkles in the corners of his eyes, but despite this, Lin Chi would never admit that he was an intelligence businessman who had fought side by side with him!

As if confirming his guess, a silver skull icon and a line of text describing his identity appeared next to him:

Listless Greek, mercenary intermediary merchant, special NPC, cannot be recruited.

Greek also noticed Lin Chi's strangeness, and asked, "What's the matter with you?"

"It's okay, you look a bit like an old acquaintance of mine." Lin Chi stretched out his hand and scratched his head.

Lin Chi knew very well that with a disguise mask on his face, even if this "Greek" had the memory of when he was in the City of Chaos, he would not be able to recognize him.

"Are you taking drugs?" Greek, who had become a lot of vicissitudes of life, looked at the "merchant" standing in front of the door with furrowed brows: "I don't allow addicts to enter here."

"No." Lin Chi immediately shook his head: "If you don't believe me, you can check it."

"Come on, I don't have time to investigate this."

Greek sighed, touched the top of his head where his hair had begun to thin, and turned to the living room and said, "Come in, don't forget to close the door."

Lin Chi walked into the room and turned back and closed the door. What was greeted was the simple living room. Apart from a table with a laptop computer, an old sofa and an LCD TV hung on the wall, there was nothing else in the room.

Recalling that when he met this guy in the City of Chaos, his "studio" was also like this ghost, Lin Chi smiled slightly, sat on the sofa, and looked at the closed bedroom door next to him.

"So what do you want to ask, or do you want a mercenary?" The old cowboy sat on the solo sofa opposite, frowning and staring at Lin Chi: "My intelligence fee here is 30,000 yuan. What the mercenary is. , Cannon fodder is 10,000 US dollars, ordinary mercenaries are 20,000 US dollars, and elite mercenaries are 30,000..."

Looking at the seriousness of the other party, Lin Chi smiled and said casually: "Your price has increased? I remember that it used to only cost three thousand dollars to hire elite mercenaries from you."

As soon as these words came out, the old cowboy who was about to talk suddenly stopped, pressing the revolver holster on his belt with his right hand, and his voice also brought unabashed vigilance:

"Have you seen me before?"

Lin Chi didn't know if this "Greek" was the person he had met in the Chaos City. Even if it is confirmed that this person is the cowboy back then, I don't know if he still has memories of the past.

But even so, Lin Chi slowly said, "Calm down, I'm not here to find fault. I just need information. Can you give me a discount because I am a regular customer?"

"What old customer?"

As Geek drew out the silver revolver, the long barrel refracted the sunlight from outside the window, dazzling Lin Chi's eyes: "You had better show your identity, otherwise my gun might go wrong."

"Don't be so unfeeling." Lin Chi laughed, recalling some conclusions drawn by Frankenstein after investigating "War Paradise".

The original words of the virus are: "Different worlds are connected by data channels to form a big network. And there are many parallel spaces."

According to Lin Chi's inference, the so-called "different worlds" should refer to different maps, while the parallel space probably means that each map has a large number of "replicas" running at the same time.

If every player is assigned to a "space" in the first game of the game, and then will play in this space every time, Lin Chi always encounters "terminators" in the game. The reason for the old acquaintance can also be explained.

——It's not because of pure coincidence that I often encounter that hapless person. But at the beginning of each game, they are assigned to a relatively independent "space" with all the maps!

If that's the case, the chance that the "Greek" in front of him is the same person as the cowboy in the City of Chaos is undoubtedly a little bit higher.

Now, it's time to verify your guess.

Facing the dignified old cowboy, Lin Chi suddenly raised his right hand and tore off the mask on his face.

Seeing his true face, Greek immediately widened his eyes, his face wrinkled, as if watching the first prize lottery ticket fall into the sewer, his voice began to tremble, and his words began to stammer:

"It's impossible, you, you are..."

"Yes, it's me."

Lin Chi nodded, "Remember? We used to attack the lion gang's vault together in the chaotic city."

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