War Paradise

Chapter 393

To say who is the most mysterious guy in Alvara, the "war watcher" who seems insane, but is actually hidden, is undoubtedly the number one.

The guy with unfathomable power and incalculable assets looks like a mentally retarded villain on the surface. But Lin Chi could see that the war observer was clearly planning something.

Moreover, the seemingly stupid actions of the war watchers are actually necessary means to achieve the goal.

Even a secret base under his own, plus all the staff in it, was destroyed by Hoffman and his men. The war watchers also continued to post meaningful messages on the Internet as if they were okay.

Since all the people who set up the website under him were killed, this time, the war watcher did not set up the website again, but chose to post the next action reminder on a large forum in the city of Alvara.

A large number of netizens in the forum soon discovered that a post that was unclear to ordinary people but could not be deleted appeared at the top of the forum in a way of forcibly topping it. The moderator was so angry that he almost had a heart attack.

The moderator of the forum didn't understand at all. If he wanted to delete the post with his own permission, he would pop up a prompt of "Insufficient permissions".

That unclear post has been hanging on the top of the forum since two hours ago. Although most of them can’t read it, there are still a few people in this city who can read it:

"new plan"

"Hello everyone, I am your old friend the Observer!"

"Until now, no one has been able to complete my task. It is really disappointing. Are you guys really professional? This level is not what I want to see!"

"Forget it... Since the previous ones have failed, the next goal is in the villa area 3A-01 in the south of the city. It is either black or white. Which one is the specific one? You should look for it yourself? I just want to say, you will have to complete the task. A million dollars is waiting for you?"

"Finally, I wish you all good health, goodbye!"

After reading this prompt, after Lin Chi made preparations, he also decisively came to the villa area on the south side of Alvara City.

Then, he soon discovered that the so-called 3A-01 was not a specific house number, but a general reference to a complex of twenty luxury villas.

In addition, the number of guards here seems to be a lot more than other places. A large number of people in black with MP5 submachine guns walked up and down the street, tilting their heads from time to time, saying something to the microphone hidden in the stand-up collar.

Seeing this situation, Lin Chi, who had just put on a new face, did not choose to enter the villa area immediately, but turned and walked into an apartment building next to him.

After reaching the top of the building, he took out the drone he had just bought for twenty thousand dollars from his backpack and put it in his hand.

It looked like a white cross, with four propellers installed at the four corners, and a rotatable camera hung under the fuselage. When Lin Chi took out the drone, the item introduction also popped up:

MA-201 UAV.

Special props.

Item level: Sophisticated.

"The MA-201 UAV is a small mid-range UAV produced by Dajiang. This type of UAV is very flexible and can freely take pictures of the bottom. The shell even has a bulletproof function. Welcome to use the'Dajiang' unmanned aerial vehicle. We have more models to choose from, so stay tuned."

Lin Chi placed the monitor and remote control aside, pressed the black button on the drone's fuselage, and the four propellers began to rotate rapidly, bringing the fuselage to the sky. The drone's noise was not too loud, but it was It is still very conspicuous in fine weather.

Before the guards noticed the drone, Lin Chi had already picked up the controller that looked a bit like a game console and used the joystick to control the drone to descend quickly, entering the small garden behind a villa, avoiding the guards’ Observation range.

Seeing that the drone had successfully entered the target area, Lin Chi left the roof and hid in the men's toilet on the tenth floor, avoiding the dangerous area that might be targeted by a sniper.

He sat on the toilet, stared at the picture taken on the screen, and continued to operate the drone. Start investigating the villa area of ​​3A-01.

The environment in this area is pretty good. Various styles of villas are readily available. Lin Chi used a drone to bypass the garden and pass from low altitude, to the back door of the garage, and observe the situation inside through the glass.

Since it is already dusk, most of the people living in these villas have returned home by car.

According to the pictures taken by the drone, the cars of these guys are basically dark tones. In addition to the four pure black luxury cars, there are also two pure white sports cars parked in the garages next to the two villas. .

——So, the target is likely to be among these six guys.

Recalling the "black or white" mentioned by the war observer in the prompt, Lin Chi narrowed his eyes and was about to control the drone to leave the villa area, but he heard deafening gunfire from downstairs.


There was a loud noise, and the windows of the toilet were trembling slightly. Lin Chi, who was still hiding in the toilet, cursed in a low voice, and quickly controlled the drone to fly back in the direction of the building.

Obviously, the player who found this building which is the best "viewpoint" near the villa area is not the only one. The most depressing thing is that when this guy shoots, it is equivalent to the attention of the guards. Attracted to this building.

"So I hate teaming up with people..."

Lin Chi said that he opened the window of the toilet and flew the drone directly into the toilet. After returning the investigative tools worth 20,000 dollars into the backpack, he took out the pistol and saber equipped with a silencer again, and carefully poked out from the toilet. Look out.

There was heavy footsteps on the other side of the corridor, and a Daoist-shaped black figure came towards this side. It seemed that the guy was planning to find a horn to hide and avoid the guards. As for his best hiding place...

Just after Lin Chi returned to the cubicle, he heard the footsteps approaching, the guy walked directly into the toilet, and then - suddenly stopped.


A puzzled voice sounded outside the compartment, and Lin Chi saw a dark shadow appearing under the plastic door.

——The guy is right in front of the cubicle where he is.

Seeing this scene, Lin Chi was also unambiguous, raising his pistol and pulling the trigger directly at the compartment door. Then he kicked open the compartment door that had been blasted with a few big holes, put away the pistol, drew out the saber and rushed up.


A muscular big man stood in front of him, his black body armor still emitting a few white smoke, a thermal imaging camera on his forehead, and a surprised expression on his face close to the square.

Seeing that the other party was equipped with a body armor, Lin Chi originally stabbed the blade of the guy's heart and turned to the other party's throat.

At this time, the strong man had already pulled out a large knife that was one meter long, and slashed it down roughly, swinging it at his head!


Seeing that he was about to be "opened", Lin Chi rushed directly into the opponent's arms, and at the same time slashed the guy's wrist with a knife, severing the guy's tendon, causing the knife in his hand to fly out and hit the white tile. On the wall.


A heavy fist struck from the left side and hit Lin Chi's waist, causing his right hand to shake, and the tiger claw hunting knife in his hand was also released.

"Damn..." Lin Chi cursed secretly in his heart.

Even if the opponent's fighting method is very rough, the strength value of this guy is obviously higher than his own level.

With his left hand being abolished, Lin Chi couldn't directly break the opponent's neck, and the body armor on his body prevented him from directly launching a "kidney blow."

This battle directly changed from "knife battle" to barbaric unarmed combat!

Lin Chi kicked the opponent's lap, took advantage of the chance of the guy's body twitching, and walked directly behind the opponent, locked the guy's throat tightly with his left arm, and he almost hung himself on the big man.

The burly man snarled and backed away, his whole body slammed into the wall behind him heavily, and Lin Chi, who hung behind the guy, burst out with a sharp pain all over his body.


There was a hoarse cry in the strong man's throat, and his face turned into pig liver color due to lack of oxygen. He struggled frantically, trying to get rid of Lin Chi's restraint, and back again and hit the wall heavily.

Lin Chi, who was dizzy and stunned, seemed to hear the sound of a broken tree branch inside his body. He slipped down weakly, leaning against the white tiled wall, and spit out a mouthful of old blood.

The brawny man who finally broke free, panting against his chest, cursed: "Go to death..."

After speaking, the tall man raised his right foot and kicked Lin Chi's head.


The fragile sound of the fracture sounded again, and the strong man who kicked off two tiles, looked at his right toe that was bent forward, and screamed again:


——If it is under normal conditions, the opponent will naturally not make such a low-level mistake. Obviously, after experiencing the hand-to-hand combat just now, this person almost lost his mind!

And now, it's time to fight back!

Lin Chi, who had just avoided the opponent's heavy foot, stood up suddenly, and stepped on the fellow's fractured foot again. The ceramic bulletproof plate on his chest also received a heavy punch from the opponent, making a "boom". Screamed.

The force of this punch was so powerful that it knocked Lin Chi back and flew out, smashing the mirror on the wall behind him. Shards of glass fell to the ground.

Without time to pay attention to his own injury, Lin Chi turned around and grabbed a sharp triangular fragment, and stabbed the guy in the throat!


The shards of glass that were shining with cold light were immediately flushed with blood. Part of the blood came out of the wound on the palm of Lin Chi's palm, and more came out of the strong man's throat.

The dark red viscous liquid spouted wildly from the wound of the brawny man's throat, showering Lin Chi all over. The sound of a bellows broke from the guy's throat. After struggling for a few more times, the whole person finally turned into shining fragments and disappeared.

——The player "OMEGA-K" was killed by the player "Countercurrent"!

Seeing the kill prompt appeared, Lin Chi weakly walked into the cubicle, sat on the toilet, and looked at his right hand that was cut out and his body full of blood. Can't help but sigh long:

"This product... is really resistant to hitting."

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