War Paradise

Chapter 394

Sitting on the ice-cold toilet seat, Lin Chi laboriously completed a simple "battlefield care" with one hand, and even used his teeth before finally putting a bandage on his right hand.

After experiencing the miserable battle just now, Lin Chi became more determined to win this goal and get a one million dollar bonus from the war observer.

After all, after losing a hand, Lin Chi's combat effectiveness was immediately reduced, from the original powerful player directly to the lower-middle level.

In the old-fashioned games that use keyboard, mouse or handle control, even if the player character loses an arm, except for being unable to use some two-handed weapons, the operation actually has no effect.

But in a game like "War Paradise" that completely simulates the five senses of humans, the impact of the absence of a hand is too great. If it hadn't been for the fact that his left hand couldn't be used just now, he wouldn't have been beaten like this.

Since the "Machine Body Reconstruction" skill he obtained in the Mechanism City could not be brought over, Lin Chi could not repair his left hand by himself now, so he could only look for the "genius doctor" that Greek said with a high asking price.

Looking at his blood-stained clothes and the blood stains on the white tiles of the toilet, Lin Chi was about to leave the place, but noticed a faint purple light flashing on the blood-filled floor next to him.

Did that big guy lose his gear?

Lin Chi opened the shining compartment door, and saw a silver metal cylinder appear on the floor, with a silver needle exposed in the front, and something a bit like a gas valve installed at the tail, which looked very high-tech. Look like.

"This is... a syringe?"

Lin Chi picked up the silver cylinder on the ground with his right hand that had just stopped the bleeding, and after waiting for two seconds, the item introduction finally popped out:

RED-BULL "Red Bull" military stimulant.


Item level: Epic.

Injecting this item will cause the user to enter a violent state, with 7 Ascension points of strength, agility and endurance, and the effect lasts for 20 minutes.

"Your energy is beyond your imagination!"

——So this is the reason why that guy is so powerful, he has been strong for a while after his throat is cut...

Looking at the transparent liquid in the syringe, Lin Chi casually put the prop into his backpack, dragging his bruised body and leaving the bloody murder scene before the guard arrived.

At this moment, his chest still aches, and he feels that he has broken more than one rib, and the bloodstain on his body makes Lin Chi look like he is about to die. If he encounters a guard in this situation, No doubt will be immediately marked as a suspect. It is almost impossible to assassinate with this body.

So, should you just give up this task and go to the doctor to try your luck?

While thinking about it, Lin Chi was already on the seventh floor. Hearing the footsteps coming from the stairwell below, he looked at the bloody footprints he had left on the ground. He turned back decisively and walked back to the corridor. One side.

Now that there is no time to think about anything else, it is better to find a way to get rid of the guards who are searching.

He was walking quickly across the corridor when he heard gunfire from the outside of the building again.


The crisp sound of a sniper rifle resounded throughout the street. A silver shield guard walking on the street was patrolling. He was bombarded by bullets into his forehead with precision, and a large bowl-shaped hole was brought out in the back of his head. A mixture of blood and brain. , Spilled on the other guards who were stunned nearby.

"Damn, there is another sniper!"

Seeing that their comrades were killed, the guards of the Silver Shield were stunned for a moment, and then immediately scattered around looking for cover, hiding behind the car parked on the side of the road, avoiding the sniper's sighting range.

These guards are not fools either. According to the incident angle of the bullet, they have already seen that the bullet came from a tower on the east side. But the problem is...

"Is it really there?"

The black guard hiding behind a Buick car shouted to his comrades on the other side of the street: "Is he too accurate?"

From the shooting point of view, the closest shooting location to the east and overlooking this area is the only tower. What surprised the guards was that the abandoned tower was a kilometer away from here.

To blast the enemy's head with one shot at a distance of one kilometer, only experienced precision shooters can do it.

——Could it be that the guy just happened to be so accurate?

Just when the guards were about to call for reinforcements, the opponent fired again.

A small flame lit up at the top of the tower, and the bullet reached the street before the gunfire. The head of the guard who spoke just now was lifted, and the whole person flew out two meters to the right, and fell to the ground without any movement.


Witnessing the killing of the second comrade-in-arms, the guards finally realized that the opponent's marksmanship can no longer be described as a "precision shooter", but has reached the level of a sharpshooter!

These guards are equipped with only MP5 and pistol weapons, and there is no threat to snipers at this distance. In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, they also decisively chose to retreat, and at the same time began to call the guards patrolling over the tower, intending to let them surround the tower.

Then, these guards were surprised to find that the guard on the other side of the tower had no response at all...


The man in the windbreaker lying on the top of the tower with a WA-2000 sniper rifle raised his mouth and revealed an arrogant smile. In the open space next to the tower, there were dozens of silver shield guarded bodies lying downside down.

Even in the sniper state, it was still an "idol-style" royal armor. He even took a cigar out of his backpack and smoked it. Virtual smoke floated out of his mouth and turned into a pale smoke ring rising slowly.

"Come on out, shit?"

The royal armor squinted his silver eyes and observed the situation in the villa area through a fifteen times sniper scope.

For the recognized "god-tier" in this shooting game, the maid serving as the entourage can be regarded as similar to the existence of a suppressor despite the nagging, so that the royal armor can maintain a more "normal" state.

With the death of the maid, the shackles that restrained the royal armor finally disappeared, and this guy finally revealed his cruel nature and used the usual "normal gameplay"!

As expected by Royal Armor, after he shot and killed two guards, the residents in the nearby villa also began to feel a little unable to sit still. A blue Lamborghini sports car galloped out of the garage and hurried towards the other end of the street. .

What he wanted to do was to force the residents out of that area, then find the target, and shoot and kill the poor bug marked by the war watcher!

Now the residents have almost reached the tipping point, with only a small catalyst left. so……

"Come and have fun."

The Royal Armor said as he took out the plastic detonator from his pocket and pressed the red button on it.


Along with the dull roar, a small mushroom cloud slowly rose from the villa area.

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