War Paradise

Chapter 871 Double Death

Two soldiers in black cloaks sprinted through the streets at night and sprinted towards the park.

At this time, their faces and bodies were tightly wrapped in the cloak. Not only were they unable to distinguish between men and women, they could not even distinguish between a person and a ghost.

The movements of the two were exceptionally light, and there was no sound of footsteps. If it hadn't been detected by the optical sensor device, the royal armor would have been unable to detect the existence of these two people.

——However, for the royal armor, from the moment they were discovered, these two people were already dead.

The royal armor hidden in the shadow of the corner, took out a palm-sized miniature drone, the propellers installed on both sides of the fuselage began to rotate at high speed, and the drone flew silently into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, Royal Armor launched his special skill-Quick Scan, and began to use this drone to scan all enemies within three hundred meters.

Two seconds later, two red dots appeared on his minimap. Within a radius of 300 meters, there are indeed only these two enemies.

That being the case, there is no need to hesitate next.

"let me do it."

The royal armor waved the soldiers behind him to stay in place, while he used his hands with tactical gloves to hold the HK-417's cold gun handle tightly, and stared at the small map running along the street with his breath. Two red dots.

When the two red dots rushed to his side, the royal armor finally opened fire.

After the three shots, the two men who were shot through their heads fell to the ground without saying a word. In order to rule out the possibility that the enemy was not dead, the royal armor fired a few more shots at the two of them. When the bullet hit one of them in the head, it brought out a string of small sparks.

It seems that that person should have worn something like a steel helmet. It's a pity that on this battlefield, it is impossible for the helmet to block any bullets...

"Is it just a scout?"

Seeing that the two were killed directly, the royal armor did not risk approaching. After all, the enemy may also be wearing something like a "blow vest". If they really fall into this trap, they will be a little bit frustrated.

He turned on the computer and manipulated it for a while. The drone that was used for scanning just swooped directly at the two corpses and turned into a burning fireball just before landing.


Seeing the two corpses disappeared into the sea of ​​fire, there was no explosion, and the frowning brows of the royal armor finally recovered.

Because of a radio problem, he doesn't know what the condition of the entourage and soldiers in the park is now. But the battle situation on his side was exceptionally smooth. With the lessons learned this time, the enemy should not continue to send scouts for the time being.

——But is this really the only thing?

Although the enemy was dealt with, a bad feeling arose in the royal armor's heart.

If it is in the passerby bureau, there are quite a few such guys who casually send the heads of their subordinates. But on a battlefield of this level in the Invitational, no one should be so stupid.

Are the two idiots killed just now just pure "bait" or scouts?

Realizing that something was wrong, the Royal Armor immediately ordered his subordinates to leave the place, and he turned and left.

He just turned around when he heard a click from the fire.

The sound sounded like someone was stretching his joints, and the royal armor suddenly turned his head, and then suddenly widened his eyes.

A Daoist shadow appeared in the flames, appearing erratic behind the burning flames. One of the people who had been whiplashed the corpse hadn't died yet!

At the moment of seeing this scene, with the instinct of shooting game players, Royal Armor has once again picked up HK-417, shooting a three-shot point on the opponent's head with incomparable precision, and shouting to the soldiers behind him: "Quick retreat !"

The Daoist Shadow, who was headshot again, suddenly strode out of the smoke, dragging the white smoke towards the direction of the royal armor. What came into the sight of the royal armor was a body of slender steel with slender limbs, and the red-burned shell could still vaguely see the original silver color.

——Is this also a drone?

The Royal Armor hasn’t figured out what happened. The robot moving far faster than humans has rushed forward. Seeing that the commander is in danger, two Sri Lankan Special Forces soldiers have drew their swords and rushed up, but they were still running away just now. , Until now I discovered that the enemy is not human at all.

When the robot's hands gripped the wrists of the two soldiers, there was a hiss of burning barbecue. The two soldiers screamed loudly and tried to break free from the grip of the big steel hand, and then their wrists were broken.

At the same time that the soldiers under his command died tragically, the royal armor and the other three soldiers here had already begun to retreat. In order to block the robot's path, the Royal Armor took out an electromagnetic pulse grenade from its backpack and pressed the purple button above the grenade.

Even if it is a robot follower, it should not be able to withstand the baptism of EMP at close range, as long as this grenade——

His Ruyi Scepter was only halfway through his calculation, and he was interrupted by the burning pain. The royal armor was holding the right hand of the EMP grenade before it could drop the bomb. He had already left his wrist and flew into the sky together with the grenade.

Even the top players in shooting games still have a limit to their reaction speed, and the enemy's attack speed is so fast that the royal armor can't even react!

When the right hand of the royal armor was cut off, the three Sri Lankan soldiers behind him also fell. The three Flying Daggers thrown by the robot were accurately nailed through the back of their heads, and the reddish knife tip pierced the skull into the brain, turning their brain milk into "boiled soy milk".

"You... are you..."

Seeing the other side's incredible operation, the royal armor even forgot the pain for a while, and then fell to the ground with a punch by the robot.

The iron hand that had just passed through the flames squeezed the neck of the royal armor. The robot did not answer this question, but began to quickly increase its strength.

As the battle was about to end, a line of prompts popped up in front of both of them:

The special forces under the player "Royal Armor" have all been killed, and the player who destroyed this force "backflow" gets a point.

At the same time, the points of Royal Armor have also been reduced a bit. As the sight of the royal armor began to blur, he seemed to see the robot shook its head, and then made a frustrating electronic sound:

"Cut, what a pity, isn't it me..."


The neck of the royal armor was broken, and this tragic commander, who had lost all the soldiers under his command, ushered in a miserable end.

Then, another line of prompt appeared in front of all players:

Player "Royal Armor" was killed by player "Carol"!

After completing this kill, Carol, who was transformed into a robot, stood up, and saw that his own points had gone from four Ascension to five. And the "electronic possession" skill in the skill bar has also changed from gray to blue after being triggered:

Electronic possession:

Passive skill.

When you die, your consciousness will be able to attach to your mechanical follower and gain control of that follower. This effect can only be activated once in each game. After the effect is activated, you will lose the number of kills and dominance points you previously obtained, and your backpack will also be disabled.

"For those patients who are terminally ill, modern artificial bodies give them a second chance. You can also get this opportunity...but only once."

If it were in a normal game, Carol would of course not choose to actively trigger this "life-saving skill". But under the rules of the Invitational, even if the number of kills is cleared, it doesn't matter at all.

After all, this game is to win through points, and when it is attached to the robot, the points will not be cleared...

"Goodbye, my body."

Carol looked back at the burning fire on the street, then stood in the middle of the road, suddenly raised his right hand, and shouted:

"Guys of SAS, you can come out! Let's join the dance party!"

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