War Paradise

Chapter 872


Looking at the French guy who was completely turned into a mass of minced meat after being shot by the AA-12 on the ground, and the burning position of the Sri Lankan soldiers, Lin Chi let out a long sigh.

Darian's shooting successfully delayed the Frenchman's escape, and also gave Lin Chi a chance to kill the guy. With the death of the Frenchman, the few remaining troops in the royal armor were finally completely destroyed.

However, after the bloody battle just now, Lin Chi also suffered heavy casualties. Four of the six SOG soldiers were killed in action. Four soldiers, including the doctor, remained in this park forever.

Except for Lin Chi and Dalian, only Woods and the Baron are still alive, and the baron with his wrists severed also looks fierce.

The baron sitting on the ground had already taken off his mask, revealing a young face that had become pale due to blood loss. He kept sucking in cold breath and let out a low hissing sound from between his teeth.

"I...I'm going to die." The baron looked at the incision on his wrist.

"You will survive." Lin Chi comforted.

"You're lying..." The baron gritted his teeth.

"Maybe." Lin Chi looked at the baron's face and the bodies of other soldiers around him.

——At this time, the baron has lost too much blood. Even if the doctor is still alive, this kind of injury is extremely difficult to salvage. After all, there is no "blood bag" that can be transfused at any time on the battlefield.

"Um, can I help..." Dalien walked forward tremblingly, still clutching the MP7 submachine gun in her hand.

Seeing the mutilated soldiers of SOG soldiers, the expression on the girl's face seemed to be about to cry. But the baron laughed instead and turned to look at Woods, who was lying on the ground.

"Don't cry, girl, I already knew... there will be such a day."

The baron's voice became weaker and weaker, and every word he uttered seemed to have exhausted all his strength, his vitality seemed to be drawing away from his body, and his skin was as white as a vampire.

"Commander... tell Woods not to blame himself too much, it's not... his fault."

After saying this, the baron seemed to have finally freed himself, and stopped breathing by leaning against the bullet-hit tree trunk. Lin Chi and Dalian turned their heads to look at Woods who was still in a coma, muttering something in their mouths, and then glanced at each other:

"We should go." Lin Chi clenched his fists and drove his weak body forward.

The guy who knocked the medicine was so powerful that Lin Chi was shaken out of his internal injuries with a kick. Had it not been for the player's own pain-reducing effect, he would have passed out a long time ago.

However, even if the consciousness remains, the physical weakness will not disappear. The more critical issue is-now I must leave.

The dead "Royal Armor" contributed two points: the points of the subordinates who were completely wiped out fell to Lin Chi's hands, and the points that received the heads were taken by Carol.

The two who had accumulated four points, after getting the two points contributed by the Royal Armor, they also became tied for first in the standings. But Lin Chi knows very well that it is not yet time to celebrate:

——Needless to say, Carol, who killed the royal armor, must be nearby. If he fights Carol in this state, he will definitely have to finish it.Lin Chi and Dalian came to Woods, struggling to support the soldier, and then slowly walked to the inside of the park. Before leaving, Lin Chi opened Hydra's toxin box again and left some "small gifts" again.

Poisonous gas should be wafting in the square between the two woods now. Although I don't know how powerful it is, it should also be able to temporarily block the enemy's footsteps.

Since Lin Chi is still a little weak at present, Darian also grabbed Woods's left arm. The two of them, like a dead pig that had been slaughtered, slowly moved towards the signal location marked by Darian.

Then they heard another gunshot from the outside of the park.

When he heard the gunshots, Lin Chi was relieved: Judging from where the gunshots sounded, it was probably Carol who was about to enter the park and went to war with other enemies.

——In this way, after experiencing a bloody battle and still recovering, I finally got a little respite.

The two dragged Woods to the first signal position on the east side of the park. I saw a two-meter-high metal cylinder inserted in the soil of the lawn, with the words "FREE-WIFI" written on the shell, and a WIFI logo was drawn next to it.

"It seems that the jammer is not here." Lin Chi shook his head.

"No, I seem to have seen this thing in New York..."

Darian seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and skillfully touched a hidden metal cover from the side of the cylinder, opened the cover to reveal several ports inside, and then pulled out a data cable from the own laptop and connected it to the port. , Began to operate quickly.

"What is this?" Lin Chi asked curiously.

Even if the hand is pressed on the metal cylinder, the article introduction will not pop up. Just looking at the shell of this thing, Lin Chi couldn't tell what it was. But in terms of shape, it is somewhat similar to an air-dropped bomb.

"Sure enough... it really is like this..."

Darian mumbled something, and continued to tap the keyboard, as if forgot that the enemy was still nearby, and entered a state of concentrated work.

Seeing that Darian was busy, Lin Chi took out ownACR to be on the sidelines, ready to deal with enemies that might appear at any time.

About two minutes later, Woods, who was thrown face-down on the lawn by the two, coughed vigorously and shook his hands slightly.


Woods rolled over slowly, opened his eyes blankly, and made a vague voice in his mouth:

"Mason, how is the battle going on at Xishan..."

"You made a mistake." Lin Chi reached out and grabbed the opponent's shoulder and shook it.


Woods' rapidly rotating eyes finally stopped moving, focusing his gaze on Lin Chi's face, looking at Commander Own by the moonlight refracted by the cylindrical metal shell.

"I see……"

He spoke slowly, looked around and looked around, and asked Lin Chi in a low voice, "Where are the others?"

"I think you should already understand." Lin Chi nodded, "That's how it is."

Hearing the commander's calm tone confirming Own's inference, Woods stretched out his hand to cover Own's metal mask and curled up into a ball. A jumble of curses and prayers rang from under the mask.

——SOG's captain should have never expected that the own team would encounter such a fierce battle. Now, the good brothers who were born and died with him in Vietnam, there are only a few wounded who remain in the safe house.

As for the "Black Operations Troops" who carried out dirty activities, SOG with such a degree of casualties can already be said to have been expelled!

The pain in his heart overwhelmed the severe pain in his body, and Woods, who had just awakened, stood up, took off the MP5K submachine gun on his back, and looked back at the burning woods in the distance.

The soldier who had suffered a heavy blow fell silent at this time. Even though he didn't say a word, Lin Chi could still feel the boiling anger on the opponent.

A minute later, he finally spoke again:

"This battlefield... killed so many brothers of mine."

"Calm down." Lin Chi turned to look at Woods's back: "It is meaningless to die now. Only by living can we avenge them."

——Now if you convey the last words of the "Baron" to Woods, Woods will probably fall into madness completely. Because of this, Lin Chi did not choose to say what the Baron wanted to convey, but just stood beside Woods and stared at the burning woodland.

"I once told my brethren that I would take them all back. Not only did I break my oath, I might even wipe out their entire army."

Speaking of this, Woods clenched his fists tightly, and viscous blood flowed from between his fingers and dripped on the cold lawn.

"Although I can't fulfill the promise, I still want to end all this... This The Underworld is scary enough. I want to end this war and restore peace here."

Hearing what Woods said, Lin Chi glanced at him: "Have you found the meaning of fighting?"

"I don't know, I just fucking don't want to go on like this anymore." Woods said rudely: "This ghost place is just a meat grinder. It doesn't make any sense to continue hitting here. It's better to let it. Hurry up."

"But we are probably unlikely to rely on us alone." Lin Chi pointed out the point of the matter.

As this game comes to an end, the number of players still alive is running out. According to Lin Chi's judgment, this game is likely to end before the next day. What Woods wanted to "end the war" might not be possible. but……

"Since you have said so, I will try it." Lin Chi patted the soldier next to him on the shoulder.

——Just relying on a group of wounded and a little girl who is proficient in electronic warfare skills, wanting to end this war is simply a fantasy. But if you don't try it, no one knows what the result will be.

On the battlefield where the situation is changing rapidly, anything can happen. Even a miracle with a very low probability may not be completely impossible.

However, it is better to focus on what is in front of you now.

The gunshots in the park became louder and louder, and the gloomy sky was turned into a weird dark red by the gunfire. Lin Chi and Woods, who had not recovered from their injuries, raised their guns to guard nearby and provided Darian at work. Safe space.

The concentrated hacker girl was busy for a while, and finally shouted excitedly: "Okay, I'm going in!"

"What the hell is this?" Lin Chi looked back at the "pillar"."This is a large-scale identification friend or foe device, which is what you call a jammer." Dalien raised her hand and wiped her sweat, and spoke quickly to Lin Chi about the principle of this thing: Signals are emitted from the circular area, and the drones judge this area as a safe area, so there are no drones in the park!"

"It turned out to be like this..." Woods gave Darian a surprised look and pointed out the point of the problem: "We can't take it away."

This metal pillar had to weigh half a ton, and it was impossible to take it away without a vehicle by relying on the two wounded and a little girl.

However, there may be other ways...

"We can't take it away, but we can turn it off." Lin Chi suddenly said his own judgment.

As soon as these words came out, Darian and Woods both set their eyes on him. Darian's small face twisted into a ball, obviously surprised: "If we do this, we will also be attacked by drones..."

"But the enemy outside will be attacked first." A smile appeared on Lin Chi's blackened face: "And we have another advantage, that is, we are not in battle."

——If you turn off this thing, it will bring the combat drone that has been far away from the park closer. The first to be affected was obviously the players who were fighting outside the park.

Lin Chi can also hide from the "sparrow" by lurking here. The guys who are fighting outside can be said to have directly become the target of the drone. Stop moving the body. Will become the best target of "Sparrow"!

What's more, I am now closer to the other two signal transmission points in the park, and the jammers that I can carry with me are likely to be hidden there. If you get the thing, you don’t have to worry about the drone.

After weighing the pros and cons, Lin Chi also made a decisive decision, nodded to Darian, and said, "Turn it off."


Despite disapproving of Lin Chi's proposal, Dallian turned off the large jammer, unplugged the data cable and turned off the laptop, and stuffed everything into the own gray bag. Then... slammed on the ground.

At the same moment, Lin Chi and Woods also lay down on the ground again, and began to creep forward slowly in the state they had before entering the park.

"The show has begun." Lin Chi smiled.

As the large jammer ceased operation, the engine roar suddenly sounded above the park, and dozens of blue flares flicked across the sky, bringing out long afterimages.

The "Sparrow" drone that had avoided this area originally controlled the airspace of the park at a very fast speed. Realizing that the situation was not right, the gunshots in the park seemed like a turned off radio, and immediately stopped abruptly.

However, the two sides who were still fighting vigorously just now, the action was obviously slow. Several sparrows in the air began to fire at the same time, using a 30mm caliber cannon to "wash the ground". Several The Underworld fire missiles also left the launcher under the wings and blasted towards the position where the fire was just lit up. .


The shocking explosion covered the open space outside the park, and a giant fireball with visual power comparable to the "Mother of Bombs" soared into the sky 50 meters into the air. The whole park was bright, and the remaining small trees cast long shadows on the lawn.

"They should be dead." Woods said coldly.

"I think I'm still alive, I haven't received any news here." Lin Chi waited for the Death prompt that appeared in his vision.

Even if the player is still alive, after this wave of "catastrophe", their soldiers will definitely suffer heavy casualties.

In this way, the next battle may be easier.

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