War Paradise

Chapter 874 Hunter

Carol gave an order, and the SAS soldiers began to move toward the inside of the park in a crawling manner.

Even for the most elite army in the world, there is no good way to face monsters that can resist firing from a 30mm cannon. The SAS soldiers can see that if the monster walks over and draws the drone's firepower here, the situation will be irreversible.

Realizing that the situation was not good, the soldiers immediately began to escape with the robot commander. But... they soon realized that they had underestimated the monster's combat effectiveness.


Smitnov howled loudly, and suddenly started running away from his bloody legs. A series of explosions and flames appeared on the ground behind him, as if he had a jet engine installed on his body.

"He's chasing here!"

Seeing the monster running over, the SAS soldiers immediately drew their guns. When they were about to shoot, they discovered a terrifying fact:

I couldn't hold the handle of the gun, and couldn't pull the trigger.

Their hands wrapped in tactical gloves have "melted" at some point, and their bodies seem to have shrunk a lot. Although they didn't feel any pain, this kind of thing happened unknowingly, and it made them feel unprecedented fear...


A soldier opened his mouth to say something, the scene in front of him suddenly turned into complete darkness, his eyeballs flowed out of his eye sockets and landed in the gas mask, and then the facial skin was melted.


The other soldier was about to speak, his body was broken from his waist, his upper body was lying on the ground, like ice cream melted in high temperature, and his black combat uniform quickly collapsed.

"I said, it's a foul, right?" The electronic voice of the silver-clad robot also brought a hint of panic that was unique to humans.

Even Carol did not expect that his soldiers would become like this. She didn't understand how the blood blade, who had already been defeated and exited the battle, produced this effect.

——Is the moving monster a follower of Bloodblade? But during player death, the entourage should also leave the field together. What did the woman do?

Carol drove his own steel body and fled towards the inside of the park. Red words appeared in her sight soon, ruthlessly announcing the sad facts:

Player "Carol"'s special forces have all been killed, and one point will be deducted.

——The British Royal Air Service Regiment, one of the most elite special forces in the world, left the field miserably. And their method of death turned out to be melted into a viscous liquid...

"This thing will melt'biology' right?"

Seeing that the own metal body is still intact, Carol can’t help but start to rejoice that he just chose to "electronic possession". If he is still using the original physical body, even if he can still trigger the possession, he will definitely experience difficulty. The painful feeling of belief...

——What kind of experience is it like to completely melt the body? Carol didn't want to answer this kind of question at all. Just continued to crawl on the ground, trying to avoid the path of the monster.

The rhythmic thumping of the machine gun continued, and the monster strode quickly towards Carol's position against the shooting of three sparrow drones.

Carol, who used a mechanical lens to capture the opponent's approaching scene, had always participated in the competition with an attitude of "playing casually", also began to feel a little nervous.

No matter how "game life" is, I have already reached the late stage. It is naturally impossible to say that there is no expectation for winning.

Moreover, even if it was really going to die, Carol didn't want to die in the hands of such a monster that came out of nowhere. After all... this method of death is really ugly.

As an old player who has no hobbies other than playing games, when not playing games, Carol will often watch own game videos, review his fighting situation in the previous game, and analyze other people’s information by the way. So as to make a response.

It is precisely because of this hobby when idle and bored that Carol will become a professional player.

Unlike those guys who don't love games and just want to make money from games, she can be said to be the type that really enjoys games.

And it is for this reason that she, who had a fairly good experience in this game, now has a strong desire to survive:

——I shouldn't die here.

Carol shook his head and crawled to the right. The monster still continued to rush, and at the same time the firepower of the "sparrow" was attracted.

——I also want to continue to experience this new map.

The woman who attached her consciousness to the robot slammed to the right. Smitnov's big feet stepped heavily on the location where she was just now, and then she was broken by the machine gun.

Flames and gunpowder smoke covered her mechanical body. One of Carol's arm was broken by a cannonball. Since it was a mechanical body, she naturally did not experience any pain. But the disabled DEBUFF still appeared in the status bar.

——It's not yet time for me to die.

Carol stood up abruptly and ran in the opposite direction of Smitnov's movement. Two "sparrows" that were patrolling flew over and aimed their barrels at her silver body.

As she was running away, she naturally noticed the two "sparrows" that were hovering suddenly. Just when Carol covered the back of his head with the remaining left arm and was about to let his fate... suddenly all the sparrow drones in the air flew away.


Noting that the drone that was bombarding his body had left, Smitnov, who had grown to a height of five meters, also turned his head in confusion. The smoking wound on his body began to be quickly covered by squirming flesh and blood.

On the head replaced by the sarcoma, a circular eyeball with a diameter of at least fifty centimeters suddenly grew out, and a slender purple pupil was facing the burning ruins behind the park.

Then... two giant steel wolves walked through the smoke, their hairs stood up, and they made a harsh wolf howl with their steel teeth.

In the face of unprecedented enemies, the two "bad wolves" set to follow the behavior of wolves did not dare to approach for a while, but continued to call the nearby wolves to prepare to encircle the monsters.

"Don't try to get me in the way..." A low male voice came from Smitnov's body.

On the way to here, he had already seen the fighting power of evil wolves. To face multiple evil wolves at the same time, it seems to be a bit difficult. But since the hostess gave the final order, Smitnov will naturally fulfill her "last wish"!


Smitnov's bloody big foot stomped heavily in the crater and strode towards the two evil wolves. With his own "immortality", he faced the drones that are hard to come by in the city.

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