War Paradise

Chapter 875

After exiting the game and returning to the private house area, Bloodblade looked down at his gray uniform, narrowed his scarlet eyes, and stared at the "torture room" in front of him.

The blood-stained metal chains dangled from the roof, and started to clink with a light touch. The flesh-colored ground under the feet seemed to be made of human skin, and a large number of stitches could be seen. Various instruments of torture are piled up in the house, and some indescribable "mental pollution" paintings are hung on the walls.

The layout of her private house area can be described as unique, and perhaps unique among the players. Since there were no friends, only she and her entourage could appreciate this torture room.

"You are back." A calm female voice sounded behind Xueblade.

Xuebian turned his head and looked at the woman standing in front of the door.

Unlike her own character who seems to be underdeveloped, the woman who is an entourage exudes a mature charm all over her body: she has long wavy dark red hair and is wearing a luxurious black dress. Both the figure and the appearance are impeccable. It's a pity that a blood-stained broad-blade butcher knife hung around his waist completely destroyed the image of a "gentle beauty".

Before Blood Blade had time to speak, the woman had already stepped forward and took her directly into her arms. The seemingly gentle beauty touched the back of Bloodblade's head, as if calming her own pet cat:

"Thank you, do you need Aunt to'serve' for you?"

"So...I'll...be titled." The bloodblade struggled to break free from the restraint of the woman. When his head moved away from the other's chest, he finally breathed fresh air again.

"Can you go out for a while? I need personal space..." Bloodblade whispered.

If other players see the current performance of the blood blade, they will probably be shocked. In the game, the brutal bloody murderer is so "polite" in the face of own followers, which is very strange.

"I see." The woman who called herself "Aunt" took a step back in a sense of loss, then looked at the scarred face of the blood blade, and asked: "Where are the'hounds' and'monsters'? They are not with you come back?"

"They...that have something to deal with." Bloodblade sorted out the hair that had been tossed by the other party.

"Okay." The female entourage glanced at the blood blade, and a smile appeared on her heavily makeup face: "When will you take Aunt out to play? It's boring to stay here."

"You are too dangerous to be seen by those idiots." Bloodblade said meaningfully, then waved his hand again, urging: "Go, go, I have something else."

After the entourage left the torture room, Bloodblade locked the door from the inside, sat on the rocking chair made of human bones, opened the live broadcast of the All-Star Invitational, and started watching the live broadcast of the game in the game.

Even though he had been defeated, Bloodblade did not show any frustration. Instead, he watched the live broadcast with enthusiasm. The corners of his mouth rose slightly, with a happy appearance:

"Come on, monster, let me see if you have completed my instructions." She grinned with her sharp teeth: "If I fail, I won't let you go..."


There was a faint sound outside the door, and the blood blade suddenly looked back at the gate of the torture room that was wrapped with barbed wire, only to see that the door was still tightly locked.

——Is it an illusion?

She shook her head, focused her gaze on the holographic screen in front of her, watching the picture taken by the spherical camera in the game.

And the position that Blood Blade is paying attention to is also the park battlefield that most viewers are watching at present-


The flesh and blood giant raised his big feet, kicked the iron wolf that was coming, kicked the drone on the waist, and kicked the heavy wolf back several meters, and then fell heavily to the ground.

While the wolf was kicked, the right leg kicked by Smitnov was also scratched with sharp claw marks by the wolf's front paw. But for Smitnov, who can hard-wire cannons and missiles, the power of this attack... is too weak.

"Is it the only way? Is this also a predator!"

Smitnov's roar resounded throughout the park, and the blood-spraying body turned into a scarlet shadow, colliding with the second wolf that was rushing over.

Perhaps it was because the bones of the whole body had already been broken into pieces during the bombing. At the moment when he came into contact with the wolf, Smitnov's body suddenly bends strangely, turning into a twisted "venomous snake" and entangled the wolf's body. .


The evil wolf howled frantically, trying to get rid of the "parasites" entangled on the body by rolling on the ground, but no matter what action it made, it was completely futile.

With a clacking sound, the steel-and-iron bones and extremely sturdy body of the evil wolf began to shrink...

Under Smitnov's terrifying power, the wolf's body was cut off by the waist, exposing the hydraulic joints inside, the broken metal built-in bones, and the giant smoking engine.


Witnessing the scene where his companion's body was torn apart, the wolf that had just been kicked, bared his teeth and wailed, and ran towards the entrance of the park.

——After discovering that he was not Smitnov's opponent, this evil wolf also decisively ran away. But that is not simply running away, but waiting for other companions to come and hunt dangerous prey together!

"Don't want to escape..."

Seeing the evil wolf running to the outside of the park, Smitnov also put down the mechanical corpse that was entangled by him, and chased the poor survivor.

At this time, Lin Chi, Woods, and Darian were on their way to the second signal position:

"It always seems that we have released something incredible..." Lin Chi looked thoughtfully at the sky reflected by the flames.

Although from this position I couldn't see what happened in the place where the explosion just now happened, the three people present could hear the deafening howl. And the whine of the evil wolf did not escape their ears.

If the inference is correct, it means that a madman singled out the wolf. But... is that really possible?

Lin Chi and Woods, who were injured, dragged their scarred bodies and walked behind Dalian, watching their surroundings vigilantly to guard against nearby dangers.

Since he didn't see Carol's Death prompt, Lin Chi couldn't relax his vigilance at this time. But judging from the prompts just now, the soldiers under Carol should be dead.

Now, Carol should be the same as his own, in a sad state of almost annihilation of his subordinates, and the pressure brought by that guy is much less than before.

"found it!"

Darian’s excited voice attracted the attention of Lin Chi and Woods. Turning to look, I saw a dirty brown package on the lawn in front of him.

"What is this?" Woods asked.

"Wait for my analysis, it will be done right away." Darian said, pulling out the data cable again, preparing to open the backpack and investigate the electronic equipment that was sending signals inside.

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