War Paradise

Chapter 885: Running Nightmare

With the "third party" entering this battlefield, the originally stalemate in the swimming pool has finally undergone subtle changes.


A piece of shrapnel grazed the coach's shoulder, and while tearing his camouflage uniform, it also tore the skin underneath, bringing out a long line of blood.

"You don't seem to be able to..." Burning Demon laughed.

As a true "chosen man", when Lin Chi arrived here, Burning Demon also got a new lucky absorber. In fact, half of Lin Chi's lost luck was added to Burning Demon's attribute value. middle.

As Ran Mo's luck value rises, he has directly broken through the 100-point mark, and the coaches who have been able to compete with Ran Mo through attribute conversion have begun to be unable to withstand it.

Since the converted luck value is not within the absorption range of Burning Demon, the coach can hold on to the terrifying aura of doom, but now, his good luck seems to end here...

Although their luck values ​​are far higher than those of ordinary people, in a duel between the two, as long as one of them has a slightly lower luck value, they will immediately fall into an obvious disadvantage. After all, to remain unharmed in the bombing of dozens of drones, the luck needed far exceeds everyone's imagination.


With a loud noise, the coach was hit in the abdomen by the metal drum brought up by the explosion beside him, and the whole person flew back and fell onto the battered ground of the swimming pool.

"I admire your courage. But with all due respect, no one can beat me in this kind of battle."

Seeing the coach's embarrassed appearance, Ran Mochi laughed scornfully, took a long knife from his backpack, and prepared to end this one-sided duel.

Then, he saw the coach take out the silver metal syringe from his backpack and pump the liquid into Own’s neck.

"Is that a military stimulant?" Burning Demon smiled: "Do you think you can survive on this kind of stuff?"

This kind of military stimulant seems to be found only in strategic locations that can be occupied. At the mercenary hospital, most of Burning Demon’s luck was consumed in the behavior of "face-to-missile", and military excitement was not found. Trace of the agent.

However, in the eyes of Burning Demon, whether there is such a thing or not is completely irrelevant.

The real European emperor needs only luck. Even if you don't have weapons, just having luck can solve all problems!

——Things like stimulants obviously cannot increase luck. It can be said that the outcome of this duel has been divided, no matter how hard the coach struggles, it is impossible to reverse the situation!

Mindful of this, Burning Demon also stepped forward directly, preparing for the final blow to the coach.

Then, when he saw the "popular face" frowning from pain, his eyes suddenly widened and he stared at Own's face.

"I've said..." The coach's voice sounded weak, but his tone was unusually firm: "A person who only relies on luck can't go far..."

Before the words fell, a violent explosion suddenly occurred behind Burning Demon. A shell exploded from his side, a large number of shrapnel nailed into his back, and the air wave pushed him a few meters away and fell face down beside the coach.

"Uh……"Burning Mo screamed and tried to stand up with his hands on the ground. It is not anger that floats in consciousness, but full of confusion.

—— The own lucky value has broken one hundred. It stands to reason that this shouldn’t happen. The only possibility is that the luck of the coach crushes oneself, but how can that happen?

Burning Demon had also encountered a doping opponent before, and in the end he still won without suspense. He knew very well that the drug could not change the value of luck. So... how does the coach do it?

This "European Emperor" who was wounded for the first time since the start of the war raised his head with difficulty. What entered his sight was the muzzle of the black hole of the revolver. The Colt SAA revolver in the coach's hand had been aimed at his head.

"you lose."


The gunfire was overwhelmed by continuous explosions, and the "European duel" in the swimming pool was over.

The player "Burning Demon" was killed by the player "coach"!

When the kill prompt appeared, the negative effects of bad luck on Lin Chi finally disappeared, and the absorbed luck value returned immediately.


Lin Chi, who had just escaped a few pieces of shrapnel and was nearly killed by a stray bullet, finally let out a long sigh, and said with emotion: "Finally safe."

——With the Death of Burning Demon, the halo of doom on that guy also dissipated, and I finally didn't have to worry about luck.

So now... is the time for the decisive battle.

After completing the kill, the coach's points also reached seven points. The remaining two players in this game are all facing the situation where they can win the game immediately by killing each other.

——However, if the coach kills Burning Demon, that is to say, the current coach’s luck value is likely to be higher than Burning Demon. It is still impossible to win by relying solely on his current attribute value.

"Ha, it's not that simple...."

Realizing that he was facing what might be the strongest player opponent ever in "War of Heaven", Lin Chi turned on the radio and said a few words to Mason who remained behind, then slowly raised his head and stared at the swimming pool that was being bombed. , Pull out ownACR from the backpack.

Although the duration of military stimulants is theoretically only 20 minutes, the passive skills they bring have prolonged the duration of the potions:

Slaughter engine, level 2 (passive skills).

Now the duration of all active skills you trigger will be extended by 25%.

"Drink this bottle of medicine, and hunters will have unlimited stamina in a short time."-"Monster Hunter Hunting Guide".

With the help of the slaughter engine, his military stimulant effect has reached 25 minutes. But just relying on a tube of doping, you can't compete with the coach...

Sparrow drones were still bombing the swimming pool, and a Daoist shadow slowly emerged from the fiery flames. Despite the distance, Lin Chi recognized the coach's iconic cowboy hat.

——To survive this kind of bombing, the required lucky value must be very scary. Now that guy must have assigned most of the attribute values ​​to luck, and the other physical attributes should not be high.

If you can find a way to crack the ridiculously high luck value of the other party, you may still have a glimmer of hope.

Mindful of this, Lin Chi also decisively raised his gun and aimed at the opponent's body. The coach's calm voice sounded on the public radio channel, intermittently against the background of the explosion:

"meet again."

"Are we familiar?" Lin Chi looked at the staggering man.

While the coach moved, the drone continued to fire at him, but the shells fired all deviated from the target, making the coach seem to be a hero in a shootout movie who would not be hit by any bullets.

"Now as long as I fire a shot, you will immediately leave." The coach said calmly: "But that's really boring."

"Are you thinking of the audience?" Lin Chi smiled and shot a few shots at the coach.

The bullets that flew out were blocked by the cannonballs fired by the drone in the air, causing no harm at all. The coach at this time can be described as completely "invulnerable" and has entered an absolutely invincible state!

However, to maintain this lucky value, there will be a price...

The coach raised the revolver and shot a bullet at Lin Chi. In the usual precision of the marksmanship, this time it was inexplicably skewed. The bullet landed five meters away from Lin Chi's feet, bringing out a wisp of blue smoke. .

"Ha, is that right..." Lin Chi laughed.

——Even if the high lucky value in "War of Heaven" can achieve the horrific effect of "heaven-defying life change", the lucky value is not a panacea, but a "dynamic effect" that keeps changing.

Now it seems that the coach’s luck should be spent on blocking the shells. This guy can talk and laugh in the barrage, precisely because of the result of high luck, but because he spent too much luck in this area, he could not do it. As usual, I hit a hundred bullets with lucky points.

The instructor who didn't get the jammer was still receiving the baptism of bullet rain, but Lin Chi was able to ignore the drone's attack, so naturally it was a lot easier.

As a result, there was a confrontation again on the battlefield. However, things are not that simple...

Lin Chi knows very well that if the coach gets within ten meters of his own and enters the "uninjured circle" that will not be attacked by drones, the battle will end immediately. Once the drone that is consuming the coach’s “European gas” is gone, you will surely be instantly killed by the coach with your own lucky value!

So, what we have to do now is to keep a certain distance from the coach and find the time to attack.

However, the other party is clearly aware of this.

The coach, who was still advancing slowly, suddenly exerted his force and raised his leg to rush towards Lin Chi's location. A dozen sparrow drones in the air were still using machine guns to cover him with firepower, and the glaring flames of the explosion seemed to be on the stage. The spotlight made his figure look extraordinarily bright.

Seeing that the coach was rushing over, Lin Chi turned and ran away without hesitation. For a while, there was a wonderful picture of the two "races" on the battlefield.

"I can't understand it anymore..." The Terminator who was watching the battle said with emotion: "What are they doing?"

Although there are quite a few complaints about this kind of game where the winner is determined by luck, the Terminator also understands in his heart: This invitational game can be said to have changed the perception of most players. The lucky attribute that was always ignored by players before, I am afraid that it will also be in the future. It will become the focus of many people...

The match between Ran Mo and the coach just now seemed to the audience to open the door to a new world. And the current decisive battle is also closely related to the lucky value.

At this time, even the blood blade, who was still watching the screen of his entourage, had already switched his gaze back to the screen of the decisive battle, staring at the only two players remaining in the game, and embarking on a seemingly stupid but extremely deadly chase. !

"Do you want to add attributes."Seeing that Lin Chi was running faster than himself, the coach was thinking about the next strategy while chasing the opponent.

With his current attribute value, if you turn your luck back to the physical attribute, you can definitely catch up with the opponent in an instant. But if he did that, he would probably die directly under the attack of the drone.

Now if you want to reduce your luck and increase your physical fitness, you need to master a degree. If you do it too fast, you can only end up with Death.

However, looking at the figure running away in front of him, the coach also noticed something:

——Since the "reverse flow" has been ignored by the drone, that is to say, the guy got the jammer, and that jammer should have a minimum "no injury circle" range.

As long as you can enter that circle, you won't continue to be attacked by drones. At that time, facing the self crushed by the attribute value, Countercurrent is not an opponent at all!

Realizing this, the coach began to slowly assign his super-high luck value to strength, agility, and endurance. The body that had just been injured and somewhat weak, finally recovered a little strength and gained a faster running speed.

——Hurry up.

The coach carefully allocates own attribute points, the lucky value begins to slowly drop, and the body becomes more and more powerful. With the improvement of physical attributes, the distance between the enemy and the enemy began to shorten.

——Not enough, hurry up.

Seeing that the opponent was still running away, the coach continued to assign the own attribute value, ignoring a few bullets from the opponent, and ran through the rubble razed to the ground by the bomb, chasing the opponent who was running.

Fifty meters, forty meters, 30 meters...The distance between the two is constantly shrinking. Burning debris and mottled blood appeared in the coach's sight.

Something caught fire on the side of the road. It looked like a deformed wheelchair, but it had nothing to do with the current situation. All I have to do is to catch up with the "reverse current" and shoot him in the head as he enters the non-injury circle!

——This war is about to end.

While being close to each other, the coach seemed to be able to feel the fear and despair overflowing from that lonely back. As long as he can get close to the goal, no matter how hard the guy resists, it will be a futile struggle!

Then, he saw that the center of gravity of the "countercurrent" running ahead was unstable, and his body tilted to the right, as if he was about to fall.

——The other party made a mistake!

Seeing this scene, the corners of the coach's mouth rose slightly, revealing a smile.

Even professional players are nervous when faced with this situation. With the mistakes made against the current, the decisive battle of this game can be said to have ended.

The coach speeded up and rushed forward, the Colt revolver clasped in his right hand, the gun body shining brightly in the light of the explosion. At this moment, he had entered within ten meters of the enemy, facing the head of the fallen "countercurrent", he did not hesitate to pull the trigger!


After the crisp shot, a line of blood spurted out of the countercurrent forehead, but the body was still moving. He raised the ACR in a side-lying position and shot a few rounds at the coach.

——Is it the continuation of the battle?

Realizing that the opponent had also used stimulants, the coach rushed forward with a saber, preparing to chop off the opponent's head.

At this moment, a vague shadow suddenly flashed behind him.

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