War Paradise

Chapter 886

As the coach entered the range of the jammer, the Sparrow drone that was still firing suddenly lost its target, stopped shooting and hovered in the sky.

The coach drew his saber and rushed to Lin Chi's side. Mason, who had been crawling next to the burning wheelchair, tried his best to stand up and stab the back of the opponent's neck with the knife!

Even though his right leg was abolished, the soldier stood up again with his wheelchair overturned, launching a final attack on the enemy.

The SOG soldiers who had been on extremely dangerous missions had already put life and death aside, and completely transformed themselves into true cold-blooded soldiers. After all... the toughest soldiers do not need to consider the rationality and danger of the mission, as long as they can complete the mission is enough!

Perceiving the assault behind him, the coach turned around with a punch, but the opponent's blade came faster than his fist—SOG's super stealth technology prevented the coach from noticing the enemy's presence in the first time, and the counterattack was also a step too late. .

The saber in Mason's hand tore open the uniform behind the coach, then tore the opponent's muscles, and stabbed the coach's back mercilessly. But he didn't have time to exert himself, and he was blown away by a swing fist hit by the coach.


In the final moments of the battle, the coach, who had always been calm, also burst out a low roar in his throat, like an enraged beast.

Realizing that he no longer needs luck, the coach immediately assigns luck to his physical attributes.

A silver light flashed before his eyes, as if something flew past him. Just realizing this, several blood blossoms burst out of the coach's body in an instant.

The 5.56mm bullet fired by the ACR in Lin Chi's hand blasted through the coach's lungs. But with the combat continuation bonus provided by military doping, the coach didn't care about his injuries at all, and threw a grenade at Lin Chi apart from anything else.

The two men who were fatally wounded are now in the state of continuing the battle. Then it will be up to you who can survive those five minutes and become the last survivor!

The coach knows very well that the enemy who gets a headshot from the revolver will trigger the battle to continue before him. If both sides fail to kill the opponent within the time limit, the winner is definitely himself.


The grenade he threw was kicked and exploded in the air by Lin Chi. Lin Chi, who fell to the ground just now, stood up and replaced with two sabers to trigger the Titan Grip skill, ready to come with the coach. A fish died and the net broke.

When the battle continued to be triggered, Lin Chi, who was headshot, could still continue to fight, his pain was suppressed to a minimum, and his body seemed to become light and light, as if he was manipulating a robot.

"Let's start..." Lin Chi opened his mouth and made an unusually low voice, blood flowed from the bullet hole in his forehead, creating a cobweb-shaped blood stain on his face.

Then, the coach's body "teleported" over.

By observing the actions of the drone, the instructor has determined that the diameter of the "uninjured circle" created by the jammer is about ten meters. Since he had to stay within ten meters of the opponent, in order to avoid accidentally injuring his own body, he did not dare to use a grenade launcher or a large-caliber shotgun and other "big killers", instead he planned to use a saber to end the opponent.

——Even if the continuation of the battle is triggered, after being dismembered, the battle cannot be continued. With his current physical attributes, it couldn't be easier to crush the opponent!


The scimitar in the coach's hand easily tore off Lin Chi's wrist, and the blade stabbed by the opponent was easily avoided by him.

Under the super high physical attributes, the coach's reaction speed is also ascension a lot. In his eyes, the opponent's movements are like slow motion, there is no threat at all!

"too slow……"

Following the coach's words, several knife marks appeared on Lin Chi's legs, and blood began to spurt on his waist and arms. The whole figure looked like a balloon filled with water, and blood spurted out of his blood vessels.

Even if the Titan's Grip is triggered, the attribute value is still too far away. Lin Chi can be said to have no power to fight back at this time, and can only be cut into pieces by the other side miserably!

everything is over.

The coach, who was quickly passing his opponent, had already created dozens of wounds on Lin Chi's body in the blink of an eye. His attributes have completely suppressed the opponent, and there is no suspense at all in this battle...

Seeing this scene, the spectators who were watching the game in the private residential area finally let go of their hearts.

In fact, in this final duel, most of the spectators are optimistic about the famous coach, rather than the little-known "backflow". The current ending did not surprise them.

"Cut, it's boring." The Terminator sighed long.

He had been killed by "Countercurrent" several times. He thought he would be happy when he saw that guy was killed, but he was at the last moment before the defeat of Countercurrent. Complex emotions arose in the Terminator's heart:

For a long time, I have been working hard with the goal of "beyond the countercurrent", and it didn't feel so good to watch that guy be abused by other people.

Witnessing the slaughter of own "old enemy", the Terminator not only was not happy, but felt an inexplicable sense of emptiness.

"Are you so finished?"

The Terminator shook his head, as if expecting a miracle to happen, once again opened his eyes and stared at the decisive battle shot by the spherical camera.

Unfortunately, the miracle did not appear. Only a complete fiasco came into sight:

Lin Chi, whose legs were severed by the blade, lost weight and fell to the sky. The coach rode roughly on the opponent's waist, swinging a saber and cutting off Lin Chi's hands.

By now, Lin Chi had lost all his ability to resist. Seeing that the last opponent of own was completely finished, the coach smiled slightly and swung his saber to the opponent's throat.

Perhaps it is for the effect of the program, or it may be because of the jealousy of "normal people" hidden in his heart that the coach chooses such a cruel way to let the other party experience a true chronic death.

However, no matter how hard the opponent struggles now, it’s useless--

At the last moment of the battle, the coach has temporarily ignored everything else around him, just focusing on the enemy's body:

With a click, Lin Chi's throat was cut with a saber, and blood spewed out and stuck to the coach's face.

But what followed was not a kill prompt. It was the blazing fire, and the terrifying burning pain.

Bang bang bang...

The 30mm caliber shells fired by the drone machine guns cut off his body. At the moment the upper body flew out, the instructor didn't know what happened. Half of the body in the air was shattered by the shells and turned into a cloud of blood.

The shells fired by the sparrow covered the decisive battle area of ​​the two, and the last two players were blasted into a ball of mud in an instant. The audience looked at the explosion on the screen with dumbfounded expressions, completely unaware of what happened.


Bloodblade licked shark-like sharp teeth, and stared at the live broadcast with frowned brows. After a few seconds, he suddenly thought of something, curled his mouth and laughed:

"So that's it! That kid... is really sinister enough."

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