War Paradise

Chapter 895 The Corpse Awakens

When Lin Chi woke up, he found himself lying in the mud.

The air around him was full of blood and rancid smells, mixing them together to form an indescribable “scent”. Lin Chi stretched out his right hand to cover his nose and mouth, and was about to try to speak, but found that his tongue and lips looked like It was all lost consciousness.

——What's the situation this time?

Since it is not a game, it is just an ordinary passerby game. As a story lover, he wants to get the original "first experience". Before entering the map, I did not check the guides or discussion posts that contained spoilers.

Because of this, he who had just awakened was at a loss. Apart from knowing the name of this map, he was basically in a state of ignorance of other information.

The map that I lined up this time is called "Remnant of the Abyss". If I remember correctly, this map was originally updated at the same time as the "Frozen Savia Valley", "The Underworld Capital", and "Organization City".

Lin Chi had already experienced the other three maps, and it was his first time to come to this map. Judging from the introduction of the map before entering the game, I should have come to a certain place in the European continent in the Middle Ages, but I can't tell where it is.

Lin Chi opened his eyes and saw the pale crescent moon hanging high in the sky like a sickle. He stretched out his left hand to touch the neighborhood and found himself lying in the mud. And... also touched a cold round object.

He sat up slowly, adjusted to the feeling of his new body, looked at the thing he touched with his left hand through the moonlight, and what came into his sight was a withered human skull.

"This is……"

Realizing that the start this time was not quite right, Lin Chi looked around and found that the outlines of human bones were exposed in the soil, and there were a few headless corpses that were not decayed but could still see the outlines of human figures. M place.

—— Is the player's role in this map a resurrected undead?

Lin Chi was speculating about the current situation, and noticed that several Daoist shadows appeared on the trail not far away, casting long shadows in the moonlight.

Seeing someone coming, he just sat up, lay down again decisively, and started pretending to be dead. Without closing his eyes completely, he looked at the scene around him through a narrow gap between his eyelids.

The heavy footsteps from far to near sounded like a tall and strong man. The thick figure just now seemed to confirm this. Lin Chi, who was lying on his side, couldn’t see the other side’s appearance from this angle. Seeing the brown leather boots of those people stepping in the black mud.

Something was thrown beside Lin Chi, blocking his vision. When his vision became clear, Lin Chi saw the rough cloth and gray hands.

——It's a corpse.

Listening to the sound of the strong man's footsteps gradually disappearing, until the sound completely disappeared, Lin Chi finally sat up again, turning his head to look at the corpses lying beside him.

The corpses of two men and two women were thrown beside him. Their skin color was the grayish white characteristic of dead people. Their wide eyes were only the whites of them. The clothes on their bodies were the same as their clothes, which were made of unusually rough linen.

Just by looking at their clothes, you know that these poor people, like themselves, should be poor people.

In this era, it is normal for the lowly poor to be killed. In this case, this place may be a place where corpses are thrown out in the wild, or a place like a mass grave.

But... is that really the case?

Lin Chi tried to move his numb legs, finally regaining consciousness, slowly stood up, raised his right hand in front of him, and the same gray skin came into his sight.

By now, he could be sure that his role this time was a resurrected corpse. Realizing this, Lin Chi stretched out his hand and opened his clothes to check whether his body was intact.

On the surface, there are no obvious scars on his body, and his internal organs do not seem to be missing. With the numb lips and the faint taste of almonds in his mouth, Lin Chi has speculated that the cause of his death was poisoning.

He lowered his head and looked at a few headless corpses not far away, as well as a few heads on the ground.

It doesn't seem to be a cemetery here, but a torture ground used to execute prisoners. The own character must also be one of the executed prisoners. If you stay here, the brawny guys who were suspected executioners just now might come back again.

Mindful of this, Lin Chi also turned decisively and planned to run away first. At this moment, a creepy husky whisper sounded from his ears:

"I give you a second life...sacrifice."

"Who are you?"

Lin Chi turned his head abruptly as he spoke, and saw the thin "corpse" standing on the execution ground.

Because of the bad light, at first he thought it was a poor prisoner who had been slashed with a stick. When he walked nearby, he found that the thing was a statue.

As Lin Chi approached, two scarlet eyeballs appeared in the eyes of the statue, staring at him firmly. The whispering sound also sounded again, as if giving instructions to the servant:

"Go, purge the other cursed people and bring back what we need."

"Wait a minute, I don't know anything yet."

Lin Chi shook his head, stood in front of the stick-like statue, straightforwardly began to gather information: "Who are you?"

"I was born here, but don't even know my name..."

The statue’s eyes rolled twice, as if a little helpless, and answered his question in a low voice: "Sacrifice, I am Mephistopheles, bless the gods here, remember to respect, I can take you back at any time Life."

"Oh, that's it." Lin Chi didn't mean to "keep respect", and immediately asked the next question: "So what do you want?"

"I need the lives of other cursed people to bring back the spirits from them." Mephistopheles' voice seemed a little sullen: "Go, we can't wait long."

Although Mephistopheles seemed to be a little impatient, Lin Chi still didn't mean to leave, and continued to ask slowly: "What is the cursed?"

At this time, he has completely regarded this "god" as a common novice tutorial NPC in old games.

Of course Lin Chi knew that his way of playing was in danger of being killed, but this was originally a passerby round that was randomly arranged after the game, and his attitude was not as serious as before.

The current situation is still not very clear, if it is possible to derive important information from this self-proclaimed god, it would undoubtedly be better.

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