War Paradise

Chapter 896


There was silence in the execution ground, except for the faint howling of wolves in the distance, no other sound could be heard.

As if irritated by this shameless "walking corpse", Mephistopheles did not continue to answer Lin Chi's question, and the two eyeballs in the statue's eye sockets disappeared, leaving empty eye sockets.

"Hey, are you still there?"

Lin Chi stepped forward, patted the cold and hard face of the statue, and put two fingers in the eye sockets of the other side for a few times. Seeing that the statue didn't respond, he turned and left with disappointment.

"What damn god can't even answer human questions."

The cold night wind blew across the execution ground, making his already numb torso even more rigid. Lin Chi controlled his own corpse character and walked along the path where several strong men came.

Although the specific situation has not been clarified yet, judging from what happened just now, this map is obviously similar to the "high-strength map" of the frozen Savia Valley. There are supernatural powers such as gods and demons in it. Even the character controlled by the player can be regarded as part of the "ghost story".

According to Lin Chi's experience, the kind of equipment that is extremely powerful but low in generality can be obtained in this kind of map.

——The combat power of the game map in "War Paradise" can be described as uneven. There are actually not many maps like this. The equipment obtained from this map can basically only be applied to a few of the built-in maps. A game map of supernatural forces.

However, he is more interested in the entourage than the equipment here.

The "Observer Contract" that failed to come in handy in the previous games was also brought into this map. Through the clues provided in the contract, you can recruit leader-level followers. And the leader in this map should be more powerful than Jane's combat power...

Thinking of this, Lin Chi also cheered up a little, and quickly walked across the narrow path, the shadows cast by the bushes on both sides swaying constantly, like undead waving.

The light here is too dim to see what is written in the contract at all. The top priority now is to find a safe place, check your equipment and condition, and read the contents of the contract by the way.

Lin Chi swayed his numb legs and walked along the winding path for ten minutes. Finally, a ray of light appeared in the distance.

An oil lamp was hung on a copper lamp post, and the soft yellow light emitted dispelled the nearby shadows. The trail was divided into two from the street lamp, and a Y-shaped intersection appeared.

Lin Chi stood by the street lamp and looked at a wooden board not far from the lamp post.

That thing is like a bulletin board with a few pieces of parchment nailed to it. The text on the paper has been translated into Chinese by the automatic translation system in the game:

Welcome to Sodom, every visitor, please go forward, Meyer Hostel is in the direction indicated by the sign.

Sodom city equestrian competition is about to begin, the venue of the competition is the Colosseum in the south of the city.


Seeing this name, Lin Chi frowned slightly. If he remembers correctly, the ancient city named after it should be the "city of sin" destroyed by angels sent by Jehovah in the Bible. However, this should not be the destroyed city, just the same name.

Lin Chi followed the instructions of the wooden road signs and walked towards the wider path. The rags on his body were swaying in the wind, and the hole in his chest revealed pale skin.

Now he doesn't have any money on him, presumably he can't live in the hotel. However, in order to avoid being spotted by those carrying the corpse, it is better to leave here as soon as possible.

Compared with the gloomy road just now, there are a few street lights lined up on the side of this road, which makes the visibility much more Ascension.Only a few steps out, Lin Chi resolutely hid in the bushes on the side of the road when he heard the sound of horseshoes in front of him, and then saw a cloud of smoke appear on the road ahead.

Driven by a coachman wearing a tattered pointed hat and a red robe suspected of being a "witch", two brown-haired horses dragged a metal trailer toward the execution ground. Many corpses were piled up in a silver-gray trailer. , The exposed hands and feet swing slightly with the bumps of the body.

The carriage stopped at the intersection. The coachman violently unloaded the corpse behind him onto the clearing, and then drove the carriage to the other side of the road. Several strong men in black leather caps and gray clothes strode. Came over, picked up a few corpses and walked towards the path leading to the execution ground.

——It seems that these people are right who left the body just now.

Seeing that these guys were "delivering goods," Lin Chi didn't mean to stay here at all. Taking advantage of their work opportunities, Lin Chi ran towards the hotel along the road.

Before clarifying the situation, he didn't want to fight with the NPC here. However, after collecting information just now, Lin Chi probably understood what was going on in this city.

In addition to the ruts of the carriage on the dirt road, there is still some blood that has just been sprinkled and not yet dried. While Lin Chi strode forward, he began to organize the information he had just collected:

According to his inference, this map should be the dark background commonly seen in "War Paradise". However, the darkness this time seems to be much more exciting than other maps.

If you guess right, the residents of Sodom City should believe in the dark "god"-Mephistopheles, but they don't know that Mephistopheles is actually not a god, but an evil devil. .

Of course there is another possibility: the people living in this city know that Mephistopheles are evil, but still believe in him. If this is the case, this city can become a true "sin city" just like its name...

If other players are the same as themselves, they are corpses resurrected by Mephistopheles, the main theme of this game is probably a group of "walking corpses" war.

Mephistopheles said that he needed something called "God Soul". But what exactly is it?

Even if you don’t know the specific game rules yet, as long as you find other players, you will surely be able to figure out the situation.

Thinking of this, Lin Chi ascension speeded slightly and ran along the road. The outline of a wooden building appeared in his sight.

The "Meer Hotel" mentioned in the bulletin board should be the building that was correct.

He ran to the hostel quickly, intending to find a place to rest nearby, but when he was running, he tripped under something and almost fell to the ground.


Lin Chi, who had finally stabilized his figure, looked back and saw two legs protruding from the bushes on the side of the road. Judging from the skin color of his ankles, that guy should be a living person.


The man who had just stretched out his legs gave a long hiccup. Muttering something in his mouth, he sat up from the bushes.

The unshaven, brutal man, his skin was as rough as the statue of Mephistopheles. His face was flushed like pig liver, and at first glance, he had just drunk a lot of wine.

"Continue to drink, don't interrupt me..."

The man picked up his cloth coat with vomit and stood up swayingly. When he saw Lin Chi, he waved happily:

"Hello, brother! It was you who had a drink with me just now!"

"You drank too much." Lin Chi said solemnly.

This guy is obviously an ordinary drunk, and he doesn't have any weapons on him. Probably a guest staying at the Meier Hotel. It was the first time that Lin Chi, who was an "ordinary person", met on this map. The reason why he did not leave directly was to see what ordinary people would do when they saw Owner. reaction.

Not far from the two of them, there was a street lamp hanging. From this distance, the drunkard should be able to clearly see Own's abnormal skin color. If the opponent is too drunk, Lin Chi has other solutions.

"Hey, don't stop me! Have a great drink!"

The drunkard said drunkly, spitting out a choking drink, Lin Chi stood in front of the opponent, stretched out his cold right hand, grabbed the drunkard’s arm, and by the way brought the dead face of the owner to the drunkard’s eyes, and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine--"

The drunkard looked at Lin Chi with bloodshot eyes, and then seemed to have discovered something suddenly. He leaned back and sat directly on the ground. The red face quickly turned into a weird blue-purple, and he asked in a trembling voice. :

"You... you... are cursed..."

"The cursed person?" Lin Chi said the words he heard from Mephistopheles.

"Don't come, don't come!" The drunkard stood up abruptly and ran towards the execution ground like a wild horse running away. At a speed comparable to that of a track and field athlete, he quickly disappeared from Lin Chi's field of vision.

——In this way, is he the so-called "cursed person"?

Lin Chi turned around, passed in front of the Meier Hotel building, and continued along the road.

Since the other party is very afraid of himself, he has ruled out the possibility that "walking corpses are normal creatures in Sodom". The existence of own is feared even in this evil city.

It seems that the cursed may refer to the walking corpses that have been resurrected by the "gods". But since Mephistopheles asked himself to eliminate other cursed persons, maybe other players who played the cursed ones were resurrected by other "gods"?

Lin Chi thought secretly, took off an oil lamp hanging next to the door of the Meier Hotel, carried the lamp into the wasteland on the side of the road, stopped at a place far enough from the road, leaned against a big tree, and borrowed I started to confirm my current attribute status with the light:

Role name: Countercurrent.

Domination points: 0.

Prestige: -1000.

Kills: 0

Strength: 9.

Agility: 10.

Stamina: 9.

Lucky: 10.

"Is this attribute too low?"

Looking at his horrible attribute value, which was lower than the first game, Lin Chi shook his head and opened the status bar to check the various effects on him.

Unsurprisingly, this anomalous character really provided several "special effects" to make the attributes so low:

Muscle relaxation:

As a resurrected walking corpse, all your attributes are reduced by 5 points, and the effect will last forever.

Cursed ghost:

Your horrible image frightens nearby residents, and they will run away when they see you. When recognized, you will be hunted by the town guards.

Weaknesses of the undead:

You can't resist Holy Light attacks, the damage is doubled when you receive such attacks, and the wounds cannot be repaired.

The deceased Su Sheng:

As a resurrected walking corpse, you cannot be killed by ordinary means. You will be resurrected within one hour after being killed, but after resurrecting, you will lose the number of kills and dominance points accumulated before.


You carry the spirit of Mephistopheles.

"Are there so many special effects?"

Staring at the full list of states in the status bar, Lin Chi frowned slightly.

It now appears that the character he is operating in this game is a weak corpse who is afraid of the Holy Light. Although the combat effectiveness is very weak, it is truly immortal when facing ordinary enemies.

This setting can be said to have advantages and disadvantages, but it still has disadvantages: as long as you die once, the accumulated kills and dominance points will be cleared. If you hang up a few times in the middle of the game, you will still survive. , It is basically impossible to achieve the winning conditions.

However, what Lin Chi cares more about now is the effect called "carrier".

——What on earth is Mephistopheles' "soul"?

When he was on the execution ground, Mephistopheles did say that he asked himself to bring back the "spirits" of other cursed persons. Other players who are cursed must also have "souls" in them.

If you are possessed by Mephistopheles, you should be able to feel the power. But Lin Chi didn't feel any "divine power" in his body at all. When he opened the skill bar, the few commonly used skills were still in view, and there was nothing related to "soul".

Except for the carrier effect in the status bar, this so-called spirit has no sense of existence at all. Lin Chi couldn't help wondering if this status was written incorrectly.

He closed his eyes, leaned against the tree trunk and Meditation for a while, still unable to feel any power. After a moment of silence, he finally opened his eyes again:

"Forget it, I'll talk about it later.

Since I can't find that thing for the time being, there is no need to continue wasting time now.

Lin Chi fumbled through the torn pocket hanging around his waist, and took out the observer's contract book. The object also fits the map setting this time. It changed into a parchment form, which read:

"The sealed god is located in the south of Sodom, and his oracle resounded in all directions to kill all blasphemers."

From the clues provided in the contract, the leader-level entourage that can be recruited this time should be a sealed "god" located in the south of Sodom City. If you can find the location of that boss, the contract may provide a means of recruitment.

"lets go……"

After confirming his own situation, Lin Chi put the contract back into his backpack, stood up and dragged his weak body, and walked back to the road.

Now, it's time to start planning for the next step.


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