War Paradise

Chapter 897

Walking slowly from the shadow of the road in the suburbs, Lin Chi looked for passers-by who were alone, waiting for the opportunity to do something.

With his current clothing, as long as he enters the city, he will be discovered by the guards. Only by disguising with the clothing of passers-by can he have a chance to enter the city safely.

Two carriages passed by on the road, followed by a group of hurried pedestrians. After waiting patiently for a while, Lin Chi finally found the Target:

A man in a coarse cloth walked slowly across the road, casting a heavy shadow under the street lamp.

The man looked a little nervous and kept looking around, seeming to be wary of something. The muscles on his face seemed to twitch slightly. He was wearing a big black hat and gloves on his hands, and his body was tightly wrapped.

Although I don't know why this guy is afraid, Lin Chi will naturally not let go of such prey. When the man passed by, he shouted from the bushes:


The man turned his head abruptly, his facial muscles twisted, showing a frightened expression. Before the other party could escape, Lin Chi had reached out and grabbed his arm, dragging the guy into the bushes on the side of the road.

Then, the bushes began to tremble violently, and there was a strange, vague sound:




Several old men carrying glass bottles passed by the roadside, just in time to hear a male voice from the bushes. But they didn't check the situation, nor did they run away because they were frightened. They just glanced at each other, and several old faces showed unusually wretched smiles at the same time:

"Young man, come on~" an old man shouted, causing the others to laugh.

——Do they think there are couples in the "field battle"? This saves a lot of effort...

Lin Chi, who was tightly covering the opponent's nose and mouth, used his arms to force the man to faint with his right arm stuck on the opponent's neck.

Due to the relatively low attribute value of the walking corpse, it took a lot of effort to subdue this young and strong man. If it were not for Lin Chi's rich combat experience, he might be counter-killed by the opponent.

Until the opponent's body softened and it was confirmed that the person was in a coma, Lin Chi dragged the man's body to the wasteland on the side of the road, stripped off the opponent's clothes as quickly as possible, and replaced his body in a tattered state. He also brought the other party's hat and gloves in the linen clothing.

Although the bloodless face was still exposed, after putting on this costume, Lin Chi, who was a corpse, was no longer as conspicuous as before. If you don't get close, you should only be regarded as a fair-skinned civilian by passers-by.

After completing the simple disguise, Lin Chi got out of the bushes and returned to the road again, lowered his head and walked forward, hiding his face in the shadow under the brim of his hat.

The residents of Sodom seem to like this kind of pointed hat very much. Many of the residents I saw just now carry similar things on their heads. I don't know which custom it is.

With the disguise of hats and gloves, the few residents passing by Lin Chi could not see him. He continued along the road towards the city, and then saw the gate of Sodom.

The city is like a typical fortress-like territory in the Middle Ages. It is surrounded by a tall city wall. The front of the city wall is filled with wooden stakes used to block the advancement of cavalry. Several guards holding swords and shields stand on both sides of the road. Vigilant eyes appeared in the gap, observing every citizen passing by the open gate.

Just relying on this kind of disguise, it seems that there is no way to get through...

Looking at the guards standing in front of the door and the light gray armors on them, Lin Chi thought for a while and decisively gave up the idea of ​​fighting.

Now the goal of own is to enter the city. If he fights, he will only have the difficulty of the Ascension game. Maybe he will become a wanted criminal, completely unable to enter the town.

This map cannot be brought into with entourage. He has some weapons that are suitable for ancient maps, but the low attribute value makes those weapons impossible to use at all.

He hid in the wasteland shrouded in shadow by the roadside, preparing to observe the behavior of the soldiers and find a time to enter the city.

However, as soon as Lin Chi got down, he heard a small rustling voice not far from him.

——Is it another player?

Lin Chi turned his head and looked, only to see the dark outline of the small forest. The tall city wall blocked the moonlight, making the vision on the wasteland extremely poor.


He drew the tiger-claw hunting knife from his backpack and stared at the darkness alertly, and then flashed before his eyes a ray of moonlight refracted by the blade's blade.

Lin Chi stepped back abruptly, but his arm was still stabbed. Due to the low body attribute value, even if he realized the enemy's presence, his body was still half a beat slower.

The ragged walking corpse shot out from the shadows, stab Lin Chi's chest with a short knife in his hand. Judging from dressing, this person is obviously the same cursed person as himself. In other words-this guy must be the player right.

Lin Chi turned sideways, raised his hand and drew a knife to the opponent's shoulder. Fought a hand-to-hand battle with that player in the wild.

Judging from the opponent's less sensitive skill, the attribute value of this product is obviously not very good. The player who just entered this map, if there is no skill bonus, it is impossible to have too strong combat effectiveness.

However, Lin Chi happened to be carrying a passive skill that was effective in this situation.


The ignorance of the agility effect brought about by the Sabre Specialization skill allowed Lin Chi to forcefully activate the Tiger Claw Hunting Knife's "Blood" skill when his agility was extremely low, slashing the opponent's wrist with a single knife.

The wound on the walking corpse's wrist did not spurt blood, but the short knife in his hand was still released. The player who had lost his weapon still wanted to take something out of his backpack, but was kicked to the ground by Lin Chi.

The two people with very low attribute values ​​can be said to be unattractive to fight, just like the armed fights of the "social youth" on the street decades ago.

Without waiting for the opponent to struggle, Lin Chi had already slit the guy's throat with a knife. Under the pale moonlight, the player's feminine "beautiful man" face lost the last trace of blood in an instant, and his body movements completely stopped.

However, the kill prompt did not appear, and the opponent's body did not turn into data fragments and dissipated in the air as usual.

——This is the passive skill of "Dead Resurrection" that comes with The Walking Dead?

Realizing that the player who was a walking corpse could not be killed by an ordinary saber, Lin Chi was about to try to chop the corpse's head into meat sauce, but saw that the position of the opponent's chest was lit up with a faint purple light.


There is no change today, and two changes are back to normal.

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