War Paradise

Chapter 898

Looking at the purple light shining on the corpse's chest, Lin Chi stretched out his right hand and saw a purple cloud drawn into his palm from the opponent's body.

At the same time that the mist left the corpse, the originally intact corpse collapsed like a leaking balloon. The body "weathered" at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the skin and flesh were peeled off, leaving only a burnt yellow one. Withered bones.

Lin Chi silently watched the strange situation, and then saw the red text lit up in his sight:

The player "Venom" was killed by the player "Reverse"!

Congratulations to the player "Countercurrent" for winning the first blood of this game! The player will get a little attribute value and a reward of ten gold coins!

Lin Chi, who was exhausted, randomly assigned a little attribute value to his endurance, so that his original endurance of only nine points had finally reached the "pass line" of ten points.

His stamina was too low. After the fight just now, his body seemed to be hollowed out, and his powerlessness spread from his limbs to his whole body. Even if he increased his stamina a little, he waited for a while before it eased.

However, what I have absorbed just now, is it the so-called "soul"?

He opened the status bar and looked at it, and there were still only a few original statuses. Apart from just a little increase in stamina, the attribute value has not changed.

The purple mist seemed to have never appeared before, and it failed to provide any effect for himself. However, things are obviously not that simple...

"Is it some kind of'currency'?"

Lin Chi stretched out his hand and fumbled in the backpack, then felt the warm touch, and reached out to take out a skull surrounded by purple mist.

As he expected, the mist entered the backpack directly. When Lin Chi took out his skull, the text of the item introduction appeared in his sight:

Mephistopheles Soul (small).


Item level: Sophisticated.

The cursed person who is empowered by Mephistopheles will carry this kind of spirit and bring it to the altar of the gods, which can be used in exchange for props or temporary abilities.

"Sometimes the gods of Sodom will give power to sacrifices, making them horrible living corpses. Those transformed living corpses carry part of the soul of the gods."

"So that's it, is this the ‘God Soul’..."

Realizing that Own's guess had come true, Lin Chi put the skeleton that could be used as a special currency back into Own's backpack.

It seems that the main purpose of this map should be to kill other players and seize their souls. These spirits can be exchanged for props on the altar. As for the altar... it should be something similar to the statue on the execution ground.

——Do you want to go back?

Lin Chi glanced at the wasteland covered by darkness behind him, after thinking about it, he gave up the idea of ​​returning to the execution ground.

I only have a divine soul on hand, and it’s still a small one, so I shouldn’t be able to change anything too good. In addition, if the residents of Sodom City worship the evil "god", there must be altars that can be exchanged in the city.

The primary goal now is to find a way to avoid the guards and sneak into the city. However, judging from the situation in front of the city gate, the guards looked like they were about to change their guards:

The soldiers who were standing motionless on both sides of the city gate were stretching their muscles and bones. Someone had already yawned.

As the changing of the guard approaches, the attention of the soldiers is declining. If you want to enter the city, this should be a good opportunity.

Mindful of this, Lin Chi also decisively returned to the road and strode towards the gate of Sodom City, with a rickety back, faithfully restoring the way the peasants walked on the road outside the city.

The soldiers who were still preparing for the change of guard seemed to have not noticed Lin Chi’s abnormal skin color. Two soldiers were stretching, one was wiping weapons, and the other was leaning against the wall with his eyes closed, as if he had already supported it. Can't help it.

Taking advantage of these guys not paying attention, Lin Chi also decisively entered the city gate and stepped onto the stone-bricked road in the city. Just as he was about to leave the city gate, a soldier suddenly spoke:

"Hey! Wait a minute..."

Seeing that there were no passers-by besides himself, Lin Chi stopped and turned his head slightly, hiding his face in the shadow of the brim of his hat, and asked, "Are you calling me?"

"Yes, that's you." The soldier stretched out his hand to wipe his light armor and asked, "What's the matter with your arm?"

Lin Chi lowered his head and looked at the arm he was injured in the hand-to-hand battle and the slender scratches on his sleeve. He immediately made up a reason: "It was scratched by a bush on the roadside."


The soldier yawned again when he spoke, and said angrily: "Remember not to fight. If you do something illegal, even Mephistopheles can't save you."

"Yes, I remembered." Lin Chi's attitude was very humble, no different from the low-level residents in the city.

"Well, just remember, let's go." The soldier waved impatiently.

With the permission of the other party, Lin Chi also decisively took to the street, and made a turn at the first intersection ahead, avoiding the soldiers who were coming to change shifts.

The buildings in this city are made of large piles of stones from the outside. Although it sounds a bit crude, but the appearance is still very delicate.

The smooth stone wall seemed to be shining under the light of the street lamp, the dark brown wooden door was inlaid on the wall, and the window of the roadside house exudes a soft light.

Although it looks like an ordinary medieval city, the patterns on the walls of several nearby houses and the "decorations" hanging by the doors reveal the evil nature of the city:

The portrait of "Mefiste" with a slender body and bones exposed at the waist was painted on the wall of the house. The small pendant hanging at the door was also the same monster as the statue on the execution ground.

It seems that people here really treat demons like Mephistopheles as "gods". In this way, you can imagine what treatment those genuine gods will receive here.

——As I inferred before, Sodom City is a city where Devil worship is popular.

That being the case, it shouldn't be too hard to find the "sacred altar" that you need.

Walking along the road to the south, Lin Chi looked left and right to observe the conditions on the street, and found a wooden bulletin board at the next intersection.

He stood in front of the wooden board and read the parchment nailed on the bulletin board with the light of the street lamp beside him.

Then, he saw some speechless words:

"The cold wave is approaching, and the cults in the city have a tendency to regain their heads. Please pay attention to all citizens. If you encounter cult believers who promote names such as'angels' and'holy lights', immediately report to the guards. Fight against the extremely evil forces of heaven. Invasion, for our holy gods!"

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