War Paradise

Chapter 906

Lin Chi and Molliya were walking swiftly in the construction area in the center of the city, and there was a dull bang on the street not far away.

The big feet of the soldiers of The Underworld stepped heavily on the ground, causing the nearby houses to sway slightly. Accompanied by the heavy breathing, a fishy smell floated over, causing Moria to sneez.

"Pay attention..." Lin Chi looked at "Holy Maiden" beside him.

"It doesn't matter, Messenger-sir, the soldiers of The Underworld can't hear the sound." Moriya explained: "It can only rely on sight and perception to find us."

"What I am worried about is being discovered by humans." Lin Chi said, speeding up the pace.

The human patrols here must have increased their vigilance after sensing the abnormal movement of The Underworld soldiers. In the gap between the heavy footsteps of The Underworld soldiers, there was already a mess of human footsteps.

Relying on the player's own small map, Lin Chi can only guarantee that he will not run into a dead end, and other things are unsure. As for Molliya... it's better to keep looking at the map if you count on her.

"Where... is this?" Mo Liya stared her eyes and looked around in a panic.

"Come with me." Lin Chi roughly grabbed the opponent's arm and ran Mooriya across the street.

According to the map provided by Moriya in the chapel, the building of the heretical trial group should be in the southwest corner of the central city. At this time, Lin Chi was also moving in that direction.

However, the movement speed of his current body was really slow and pitiful, and while dragging Mooriya to move, he couldn't trigger the Titan's Grip, which made him weaker again.

——If this continues, the soldiers of The Underworld will catch up in a few minutes.

However, when it comes to running, the own backpack seems to have equipment to meet this demand.

"Just leave here to be safe, right?" Lin Chi asked Moria.

"Yes, Messenger-sir, The Underworld soldiers will not chase it out." Holy Maiden replied out of breath.

"Well, can you leave first? Then I plan to act alone." Lin Chi turned his head and stared at the weak woman in black.

If there were only human enemies, she was just a burden when being tracked by the soldiers of The Underworld. Now, acting alone is the right choice.

"But, it's dangerous over there..." Moriya wanted to say something else.

"It doesn't matter, you can just go back to the chapel and wait for my good news." Lin Chi's zombie-like face showed a grinning smile.

"Okay, Messenger-sir..." Molia said she turned and was about to run, but was held back by Lin Chi again.

"You should go over there when you go out." Lin Chi pointed to the opposite direction she had just moved.

"Thank you." Mo Liya bowed gratefully and ran off.

Although he was still not at ease, when he saw the smile on the face of the walking corpse. An inexplicable sense of trust developed in Moriya's heart:

——Perhaps, the messenger selected by Lord Mephistopheles can really accomplish seemingly impossible tasks?

Moliya, who prayed secretly in her heart, disappeared at the end of the street. At this time, Lin Chi had already opened the property bar and looked at his current property value:

Strength: 10.

Agility: 11.

Stamina: 11.

Lucky: 11.

After receiving a bonus of all attributes plus one from Mephistopheles, his attribute value is still pitifully low. However, if you trigger the Titan's Grip skill through dual wielding weapons, the legendary melee weapon in your backpack should also be usable.

As long as you take that thing, it is not difficult to escape from being tracked by the soldiers!

Standing in the alley, Lin Chi, holding the tiger claw hunting knife in one hand, put his free right hand into the backpack. At this moment, the roar of soldiers rang behind him:

"Stand there and don't move!"

A group of silver-armored soldiers armed with swords and shields rushed from the back of the alley, preparing to subdue the back figure in the brown coat.

Then, they saw that the person took out something, the whole person suddenly accelerated, rushed out of the alley at an alarming speed, and disappeared from their field of vision.

"Hurry up!"

The soldiers speeded up and rushed out of the alley, only to see that Daoist Shadow was running in the middle of the street at a pitifully slow speed, which was completely incomparable with the speed just now.

"Fuck me... don't let him run!" a soldier shouted.

Then—the intruder suddenly increased his speed, ran across the street like a cheetah, and again left the soldiers out of sight.


Looking at the special skills newly added in his skill column, Lin Chi laughed out loud:


After activation, double your running speed until you get out of sight of the enemy.

This uniquely-named skill is exactly the special effect brought by the legendary weapon "Dark Sword". The minimum power and agility values ​​required for this weapon are 11 and 12 respectively, which happened to be achieved when the Titan's Grip was triggered. Property requirements.

Although still unable to contend with the soldiers of The Underworld, Lin Chi now has at least the ability to escape. In fact, he is not running away, but intends to use the special effects of the Dark Sword to rush to the headquarters of the heretical trial group!

——As long as you don’t encounter The Underworld soldiers, human soldiers should not be able to grasp own. Even if you are injured by weapons in the hands of human soldiers, you as a walking corpse will not lose your fighting ability.

Throwing away the wave of soldiers behind him, Lin Chi's movement speed slowed down again, holding a "heretical weapon" that no one else could see in his hand, and ran toward the general direction of the heretical trial group headquarters.

After passing through two blocks, he saw the inverted cross across the street and the three-story building with red spires. According to Moriya’s previous description, this small miniature castle should be the headquarters of the Heresy Tribunal. wrong!

Seeing the destination appear in front of him, Lin Chi smiled slightly:

"let's go."

Before he finished his words, his running speed suddenly accelerated again. A large man stood in front of the head office of the heretical trial group, holding the metal long handle of the mace in his hands, and roared at Lin Chi:

"Invader, don't even want to enter Sacred's territory!"

Seeing the "real macho" who was a circle older than the other soldiers, Lin Chi didn't say anything, holding the Dark Sword and rushing to the opponent's side, and when the mace was about to smash down, he turned on another special feature of the Dark Sword. Skill:


The dubbing of Dan Pain sounded again. This sound seemed to be a specific sound effect when the skill was activated. Following the slow male voice, the heavy blow of the macho swinging the mace suddenly slowed down, as if it had become slow. Like the lens, severe frame dropping occurred.

Lin Chi rushed behind the opponent, turned his head and pierced the chain mail behind the fierce man, piercing the sword's edge into the opponent's back. The brawny man who was affected by the slow Sword Technique lost his life unexplainably.

Several windows of the headquarters building of the Heresy Trial Group lit up with flickering candles, and Lin Chi opened the fence behind the strong man with a sword and rushed into the courtyard in front of the building.

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