War Paradise

Chapter 907 High Speed ​​Sacrifice

"It's so noisy, what happened?"

A gray-haired old man sat up from the bed and lit the candle on the table. The yew wood table top reflected the soft fire light.

A set of spotless white robe hung on the wooden hanger beside his bed. It was the clothes worn during the execution at night.

As a practitioner of the heretical trial team, this old man's combat effectiveness is actually not strong, but the power hidden in his body is beyond ordinary people's reach.

——Every time a sinner is executed, the white-robed people of the heretical trial team can extract pure power from the corpse, and then store it in their own body. As for the principle of "refining", it was taught by "gods."

Through this brutal method of continuation of life, the high-rank members of the heretical trial group have been alive for at least two hundred years, and the ordinary members who join this organization have basically signed up for "immortality."

The old man opened the curtain and looked downstairs. He saw the big man in charge of the gatekeeper sitting slumped in front of the courtyard. The darkness under his body was spreading like a pool of blood.


Realizing that someone had intruded into the headquarters of the Heresy Trial Group without knowing that the sky was high, a smile appeared on the old man's shadow-shrouded face. He put on the white robe of own, walked to the door holding the candlestick, and reached out and opened the wooden door of the bedroom.

"You are dead, the King of God will grant me—"

Before the old man finished speaking, he was kicked back into the house, his body slammed against the bed, and he slid down weakly.

"Are you looking for the altar of the god king? I have destroyed it."

Lin Chi, who had just rushed into the room, turned around and closed the door, holding a sword blade that the old man could not see in his hands, without any blood-colored faces, and looked extremely pale in the candlelight.

——While entering the headquarters of the heretical trial group, Lin Chi used the legendary weapon in his hand to cut off the legs of the statue in the lobby on the first floor.

If ordinary weapons are used, it is naturally impossible to have any influence on the altar of the god king. But the Dark Sword is obviously not within the scope of "ordinary weapons". This god-level weapon from an unknown world can even cut the connection between the god king and the altar in a short time!

——Although the god king will regain control of the altar, before that, Lin has ten minutes of safety time late. As for who told him these things, just look at the statuette in his pocket.

"Yes, that's it, I have a living sacrifice..."

Mephistopheles' hoarse whispers rang, and the two in the room heard the voice. The old man's wrinkled face was twisted into a ball, and the expression on his face was very shocking:

"Mephistopheles, you traitor will die at the hands of the King of God..." The old man coughed up blood as he spoke.

"He won't know what happened here." Mephistopheles sneered and laughed.

While talking, the miniature altar in Lin Chi's pocket emitted a deep purple light. The broken old man suddenly widened his eyes, stretched out his hands to block him, and shouted, "Don't--"

Under the shining of the purple light, the old man's body seemed to have been sucked dry, and dried up, his skin turned pale as Lin Chi's, and his eyes lost focus and turned into turbid "glass beads".

"Power...power!" Mephistopheles' voice was filled with undisguised joy: "I need more sacrifices!"

"There is no time." Lin Chi stood at the window and stared at the huge shadow on the street.

The Four-armed Soldier of The Underworld has come to the gate of the Heresy Judgment Group and kicked off the kneeling corpse of the brawny man. The bone knife and spear in his hand are faintly shining in the moonlight. Bright.

"Walking corpse, can't your sword hack him to death?" Through the miniature altar carried by Lin Chi, Mephistopheles also saw the "Slow Sword Technique" just now.

"No, that trick can't be released continuously." Lin Chi looked at the own skill bar, slowly Sword Technique was still cooling down.

This "drop frame warfare", which can be called a magical skill during a fight, has a cooling time of 20 minutes. And even if he could control The Underworld soldier with the slow Sword Technique, it would be difficult for him to cause fatal injuries to that guy.

The thick-skinned Devil warrior can't be done with a sword alone. My current problem is that his attribute value is too low. If he can improve his physical attributes, he might be able to fight the opponent.

"Give me some of the power just now, otherwise you won't be able to run." Lin Chi said to the statue in his pocket: "If I die here, you won't be able to increase your strength, right?"

Whether it can continue to increase strength, Mephistopheles is also extraordinarily straightforward this time, without saying anything, directly bestowing Lin Chixin's "divine power". Feeling an icy breath wandering through his body, Lin Chi opened the attribute bar and looked at it, and immediately found that the own attribute value was Ascension again:

Strength: 12.

Agility: 13.

Stamina: 13.

Lucky: 13.

"That's it?" Lin Chi curled his lips contemptuously, his voice full of disdain.

"The walking dead, I need strength, I can only give you these." Mephistopheles whispered: "Bring me more sacrifices, and I will make you stronger!"

"Come on, it's still important to run away now." Lin Chi shook his head.

There was a loud noise downstairs, and the floor began to shake. Devil soldiers from The Underworld entered the headquarters of the heretical trial group and smashed the corpses of several human soldiers who were beheaded by Lin Chi in the hall on the first floor.

Realizing that Devil had entered the building, Lin Chi also decisively opened the window, preparing to jump out of the window to escape.

Before he could climb on the window sill, he fell to the ground because of an unstable center of gravity.


A big rough hand with dark blue skin easily tore open the floor of the bedroom. Even if he hadn't seen anyone yet, Devil had already found out where the intruder was hiding through his keen perception.

The smelly smell of fish, rotten and shrimp, burst out from the big hole in the floor, and the smell even made Lin Chi, a walking corpse, have an urge to vomit. But with this body, even if it is vomiting, it can only vomit out rotten internal organs...


The heavy breathing of the soldiers of The Underworld echoed in the building. Lin Chi stood up abruptly, jumped down from the window on the third floor, and fell into the lawn of the yard in a big font with his arms outstretched.


His body was like a big pie, slapped heavily on the ground, but he didn't feel any pain. Instead, he immediately got up, took out the Dark Sword from his backpack again, and ran away without saying a word.

——For the body of a walking corpse, as long as it is not injured by a disability level, it can move normally. The soldiers of The Underworld in the hall turned their heads abruptly, and Lin Chi's running speed instantly doubled, and he ran out of the hospital gate and ran in the direction of Mephistopheles.

"The Walking Dead, I will ask Faust to assist you—"

As if he had sensed something, Mephistopheles' voice stopped abruptly, and Lin Chi also saw a slender figure appeared at the intersection ahead.

"It's not good..." Mephistopheles' voice became even more hoarse: "It's a clone of Yazlar, my power... is going to disappear."

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