War Paradise

Chapter 908

Staring at the figure at the intersection ahead, Lin Chi turned a corner and ran to the path on the right. With the addition of the Dark Sword skill, his running speed was still surprisingly fast.

Although Mephistopheles just gave him not much power, he could at least let Lin Chi hold the sword in both hands and no longer need to rely on the extra attribute values ​​provided by Titan's Grip to pick up the Dark Sword.

He rushed all the way into the side road. As the chasing soldiers disappeared, Ascension's running speed skills immediately became invalid, and Lin Chi's speed also slowed down again.

"Has Faust come yet?" Lin Chi asked in a low voice.

"Don't rush me, walking corpse. Faust is more..." Mephistopheles seemed to want to say something, but before he could say it, a wall in front of Lin Chi suddenly burst open.

With a loud noise and smoke, Lin retreated slowly and asked Mephistopheles: "Is there any way?"

"I can't fight it now, it's up to you, the walking corpse!" Mephistopheles was surprisingly fast.

"Your sister..."

Before Lin Chi finished speaking, he saw a slender figure in pitch black, striding out of the smoke in front of him.

The "human" was holding a cross-shaped dangerous sharp object, which seemed to be some kind of blade. There are strange bulges in many places above and below the body, which look like ancient armor.

Below her long hazel hair are a pair of sapphire eyes, but her face looks like a standard oriental beauty. She is wearing a set of jet black and shiny light armor, holding a cross-shaped weapon formed by two double-edged blades, which resembles the female Martial Sage in the ancient battlefield.

If it were not for the withered dark wings behind, Lin Chi would probably treat this guy as a human soldier. The woman Mephistopheles referred to as "Azlar's clone" raised her left hand and wiped the dust on her forehead. Her pretty face was suddenly shrouded in dark smoke.

——This guy is Yazlar?

What Samael wanted was the spirit of Yazlar, but, with his current combat power, to fight against this "god", even if the enemy was just a clone, he would only end up being killed!

"Run!" Mephistopheles' voice was very anxious: "My altar can't be found by her!"

Once Lin Chi died here, Mephistopheles' miniature altar would be exposed to Yazlar's sight. At that time, Mephistopheles, who was already weak, would be completely finished.

"Then give me your power..." Lin Chi whispered.

As he spoke, there was power flowing through his body again, and several attributes in the attribute column were once again improved by two points:

Strength: 14.

Agility: 15.

Stamina: 15.

Lucky: 15.

"Are you so stingy?"Before Lin Chi's words were finished, the silent Yazlar rushed forward, the crossed double-edged blades in his hand brought out a whistling buzz, and he slashed Lin Chi's head without any fancy!


The blade of the Dark Sword blocked Yazlar's blow. At the moment of receiving this strike, Lin Chi's body seemed to be hit by an air cannon, flying back ten meters in a standing posture, and hitting a wall behind him.

——The power of this product is foul...

Realizing that the opponent's strength was not something he could contend for, Lin Chi took this opportunity to turn and escape. The walking corpse's physique that would not be affected by the injury allowed him to run fast even if he received a heavy blow.

The supernatural running skill "touched" provided him with a double speed bonus, but Yazlar's clone was obviously faster. Lin Chi was escaping in stride when he heard the sound of hunting wind and dark shadows behind him. Quickly enveloped the own body.

"Isn't there yet..."

As if hearing Lin Chi's call, a certain belated "spirit spokesperson" finally arrived on this battlefield.


A weird dark red smoke suddenly enveloped Yazlar's body, and the woman kept waving her double blades, trying to break free from the other side's restraint. The dark armor on his body began to dissolve, revealing the...

"Don't look, go!" Mephistopheles urged.

"Is that Faust?" Lin Chi looked at the distorted cloud.

In order to avoid being recognized by Yazlar, Faust also changed its form, completely different from when he was on the execution ground.

Since the other party has bought time for himself, it is better to run away now. But Lin Chi just rushed to the intersection when he saw a big man blocking him.

Devil with blue skin's four arms opened his blood basin and roared. The bone weapons on his four hands swung towards Lin Chi from both sides at the same time!


The Underworld soldiers swung vigorously, creating a small explosion in the air ahead. But this strike didn't hit anyone. Lin Chi, who was running, used the "sliding shovel" in the third-person shooter game, and passed directly through the gap between the legs of The Underworld soldiers. At the same time as the past, Don’t forget to raise the Dark Sword and use inertia to slash upwards——

With a "click", blood spurted wildly between the legs of The Underworld soldier, and something fell and landed beside its big shoeless foot.

"Ooh oh oh oh!"

The scream of wailing shocked the entire city center. The Underworld soldiers threw down their bone weapons to cover their wounds and screamed frantically. The sound frightened the human soldiers who had just supported nearby, too, and the sword in his hand almost fell to the ground.

"The Underworld soldier... was defeated?"

They who have seen the combat power of The Underworld soldiers do not believe that any human in this city can hurt the monster. The skin of Devil is as hard as a heavy armor. With the addition of a set of keel armor, it is impossible to be injured. The presence!

If someone can defeat The Underworld soldier, that "person" is absolutely beyond the scope of human beings, and it is likely to reach the level of a god clone. To challenge that kind of opponent, relying solely on yourself is just to die!

Realizing that the situation is not good, these human soldiers who were responsible for defending the city also stopped one after another, watching the invader who had injured The Underworld soldier just now, rushing all the way at an incredible speed and disappearing at the end of the street.


It wasn't until he left the control of the god king and entered Samael's territory that Lin Chi finally let out a sigh, the smell of rotten eggs wafting from his rotten mouth.

Even the resurrected walking corpse will still feel tired. Lin Chi knew very well that if it hadn't been for the magical skills that the Dark Sword had built in, he might have already explained it over there.

The combat power of the legendary equipment is really outstanding, even in the hands of some weak walking corpses, it can still exert a super effect.

Lin Chi raised his head and looked at the chaotic buildings in Samael's territory. He found a horn and hid him. He confirmed that there was no Altar of Samael nearby, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

"The walking corpse, your invisible weapon is very powerful, how about giving it to Lord Mephistopheles?" A hoarse whisper sounded.

"Stop dreaming." Lin Chi smiled and put the dark sword into his backpack.

The sharpness of the Dark Sword was enough to cut through Devil's armor, and the soldier of The Underworld who suffered heavy damage in a certain part would definitely not be able to catch it for a while.

The reason why Lin Chi had to flee to Samael's territory was also to conceal people's ears. Those guards who saw the escape route of the intruder might point the finger at Samael.

If the soldiers really misunderstood, Mephistopheles can continue the safe Ascension power. However, because it was not completely safe yet, Lin Chi also leaned on the wall vigilantly, listening to the rushing footsteps of the guards in the area controlled by Samael.

"They are hunting us..." Lin Chi bends down sneakily.

"Walking corpse, be careful, Faust is still at war with Yazlar's clone." Mephistopheles reminded.

"It doesn't matter, this is the Realm I am good at." Lin Chi reached out and touched the small statue in his pocket.

——Without the threats of The Underworld soldiers and Yazlar, the human soldiers in the city alone could not even find a single figure in front of Lin Chi's powerful infiltration ability.

He quickly bypassed the territory of Samael, returned to the territory of Mephistopheles, entered the chapel where Holy Maiden was, turned around and closed the wooden door behind him.


Lin Chi breathed out again, and several people in the chapel were choked with coughing. Having just experienced the intense and exciting "sneak action", he also decisively collapsed on the wooden chair of the chapel at this time, and finally completely relaxed.

This place can be said to be absolutely safe. Now that he has escaped to the chapel, the action can be said to be a complete success...

"My Courier, are you all right!"

Holy Maiden Moriya pushed open the wooden door of the chapel and hurriedly walked out. Then... she was covered by Lin Chi's "bad breath" and sneezed several times.

Seeing that the woman had changed back to the snow-white dress, Lin Chi nodded and said, "I'm fine, did you go well when you came back?"

"They didn't find me." Moria's delicate eyebrows turned into an S shape, and she complained: "My messenger, it's time for you to clean your teeth..."

"No way, I am the corpse that was just resurrected by Mephistopheles." Lin Chi lightly said the fact that sounds a little scary: "Be considerate."

Even if the appearance can be concealed, the stench of rotting corpses is difficult to conceal. The corpse he controlled seemed to be in the process of decay. If it continued like this, it would be impossible to return to the street in two days.

"Hey, Mephistopheles." Lin Chi took out the small statue in his pocket and placed it on the chair, and asked straightforwardly: "Can my body stop rotting?""The walking corpse, now your master is not strong enough..." Mephistopheles' voice sounded a little embarrassing: "This is no way."

"Are you really a god? Are you too weak?" Lin Chi said angrily.

As soon as these words came out, everyone else in the chapel opened their eyes wide, and they didn't know if they were shocked by Lin Chi's tone, or they were almost fainted by the smell of the corpse.

Moria reminded: "My messenger, please pay attention to your tone!"

"It's okay." Lin Chi stretched out his hand and shook the figurine: "I think Master Mephistopheles understand it too? Cooperating with me is the best way to regain strength..."

——After the battle just now, Mephistopheles has already witnessed own strength. Now, it's time for the next step to plan.

"The walking dead, you and Faust are still far away." Mephistopheles whispered to Lin Chi, his hoarse voice with a slight threat.

"Really?" Lin Chi showed a meaningful smile: "But I think Faust doesn't seem to have much to do with you now..."

From what happened before, he was basically certain: Mephistopheles was not pretending to be, but genuine "scrap wood".

In contrast, Faust, as the spokesperson of Mephistopheles, is even stronger than its "superior."

In a situation more powerful than Mephistopheles, Faust may have become rebellious. The reason why I was late in the battle just now was probably because of certain things.

As for what Faust was thinking, Mephistopheles naturally knew nothing more.

"There may be some misunderstandings between Faust and I, but he is still loyal to me." Mephistopheles' attitude suddenly softened.

"If you fail to regain your strength, how long do you think this situation can last?" Lin Chi said the point.

——Now, if Mephistopheles wants to recover his strength quickly, he can only rely on himself-a powerful warrior with a "dark sword". As long as this Devil can figure this out, the next thing will be much easier.


Mephistopheles was silent again as soon as he said this.

Once one of the strongest "gods" in Sodom City, it has fallen from the altar since its vitality was greatly injured in the battle with the Paladin.

Mephistopheles witnessed that his originally wealthy territory became poor, and believers became ragged beggars. Facing the endless ridicule and insult of other "gods", even as Devil, he became a little impatient.

Because of this, it wants to forcibly restore its own strength through a large number of living sacrifices, and even wants to sacrifice its most loyal believers in exchange for its own strength.

However, as his strength weakened, his followers also became weak. Even with the sacrifice of a few high priests, Mephistopheles was still weak, and he did not have the qualifications to compete on the same stage with other "gods".

But now, Mephistopheles seems to see a faint light of hope again.

"How about, do you want to continue working with me and return to your top?" The walking corpse leaning on the wooden chair picked up the small statue of Mephistopheles and shook it.

"The Walking Dead, what do you want?" Mephistopheles asked.

"What I want... is to kill all the other cursed people, including those under yours." At this point, Lin Chi's face once again showed a ferocious smile: "What do you think?"

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