War Paradise

Chapter 925 The Sealer's Request

Leaving the streets near the Devil Hunter, Lin Chi obtained information about the Devil Hunter from Molliya, who knew the situation in the city.

Those dangerous people in red and cultists who believe in the Holy Light are not the same people. They are not just people who slay demons and slay demons. They just hunt Devil and take Devil's power for their own use.

Players who join the Devil hunter camp can use the Devil and monsters in the hunting city, ascension own power, compared to the cursed person who can only trade spirits in exchange for power, it can be described as a different way, and can quickly and greatly increase the power.

However, while gaining power, it is natural to pay a price-Devil hunters can be described as the existence of everyone in the city, as long as they enter the city, these people will be immediately hunted down by Devil soldiers, and this large-scale search The action may have nothing to do with Devil Hunter's departure.

"Does this count as the reason for the large-scale deployment of guards?" Lin Chi asked.

"Just a few Devil hunters will not send so many soldiers, Sir Messenger." Moria, who was using the left head, replied in a rough voice: "The King of God probably discovered other threats."

Realizing that he could not complete the investigation task easily, Lin Chi sighed and continued to investigate the movement in the city.

Of course, even with the camouflage provided by Mephistopheles, the work was not smooth sailing:

With long slender tentacles and fleshy eyeballs on his body, it is the watcher who enters the city of Sodom from the gate of The Underworld. As long as they were caught by the eyes of these strange-looking monsters, Lin Chi and Moriya would immediately be exposed.

As he approached the kingdom of the king of gods, the number of monitors also increased. They have not yet been able to enter the realm of the king of the gods, and the two of them are already unable to move at an inch and can only choose to retreated.

"It's strange, there shouldn't be so many monitors, right?" Moriya was also confused.

"Did something else get into the city?" Lin Chi said Own inferred.

If it is a massive invasion by the enemy, you only need to send a combat Devil. There is no need to send so many monitors. Deploying the watchers around the own territory, the king seems to be afraid of what, then the question is-what will make the king feel scared, what will it be?

"There is no way to investigate..." Moriya sighed in frustration.

Perhaps it was because he had been holding back in the chapel for a long time. This Holy Maiden from the Mephisto sect seemed to be very curious about the situation in Sodom.

Seeing Moriya’s disappointed look, Lin Chi manipulated the body of the two-headed demon to find a corner and squatted down. He stretched out his rough hand and fumbled around his waist. From the backpack hidden under the human skin cloak, Lin Chi moved Out of the contract of the observer.

According to the experience in the "Doomsday Hotel", the content of the observer's contract will change continuously as the game progresses. Now that the kingdom of the god king can't go, it just happens to be able to investigate whether there is any new content in the contract.

He tore off an oil lamp on the lamppost on the side of the road, pressed the parchment to the ground with his big rough hand, and read the words on the contract under the dim light.

Sure enough, in addition to the previous line of words, there was a new text content on the paper:

"Destroy their fallen altar and bring the fragments to the sealed altar. The true gods will cast down anger from the abyss against Devil in the city."

"What...what does it mean?" Moriya asked in confusion.

"It's okay." Lin Chi said lightly, putting the contract book back into his backpack.

——It seems that what the "god" sealed in the south of Sodom needs is the fragments of the altar of the gods in the city. However, Lin Chi still couldn't determine what would happen if he smashed the altars of these gods in the city.

After asking Moriya, the other party also said that they could not answer this question. As the "Holy Maiden" under the command of the gods, Moriya naturally never thought of working on the altar.

In that case... I can only try it myself.

The two-headed demon under Lin Chi's control slowly stood up, his right head turned, and cast his meaningful gaze at a Samael altar leaning against the wall.

Seeing a few The Underworld soldiers patrolling nearby, Lin Chi moved forward quietly and slightly. While the few The Underworld soldiers turned their heads and walked towards the other side of the street, he suddenly strode towards the altar. The fist slammed into the chest of the statue holding a sickle.

"My Messenger, what are you doing? This is blasphemous behavior!"

Moria tried to control the two-headed demon's fist to avoid the statue, but after all, it was a step too late. The two-headed demon's fist blasted heavily on the chest of the Samael statue, shaking several rock fragments.

Although it was only an illusion, the "two-headed demon" created by the devil god Mephistopheles had real power. The statue of Sameer fell apart under this fist, and the two-headed demon immediately bent down and stuffed a few pieces of the statue into the own backpack.

The three The Underworld soldiers who heard the voice walked towards the statue. With the intelligence of these low-level Devils, it was natural that they could not understand what had happened just now. At this time, the two-headed monster controlled by Lin Chi and Molliya had already ran out of the patrol range of The Underworld soldiers.

"My messenger, please don't blaspheme anymore..." Moriya controlled a big hand of the double-headed demon with lingering fears, and covered her dark chest: "This will be cursed!"

"I was originally the cursed person." When he said this, Lin Chi suddenly thought of something and asked: "What does the cursed person mean, and why did he give it this name?"

——According to the setting of this game, the players who were resurrected by the "gods" should be regarded as messengers of the gods in the eyes of the aborigines of Sodom City.

However, not only did the players in the city not receive a warm welcome, they were instead dubbed "The Cursed", and together with the cultists who believed in the Holy Light, they became the targets of the guards' encirclement and suppression. This situation is really abnormal.

"I don't know this, but it doesn't seem like this before..." The left side of the two-headed demon shook his head, indicating that he didn't know.

"Well then, let's go to the south and have a look." Lin Chi said.

Now that Samael's altar fragments have been obtained, it is time to look for the "cursed altar" outside the city. Lin Chi is still more interested in what he can recruit this time.

Judging from the power level of this map, the leader-level entourage here must be a stronger presence than Jane, at least as good as Kel'Thuzad. As long as he can successfully recruit that entourage, he will undoubtedly make a lot of money.

The two-headed demon hurriedly left this dangerous area and walked outside the city around the kingdom of the king.

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