War Paradise

Chapter 926 Lord of Sodom

After walking out of the city gate that was not guarded by human soldiers and entering the wasteland south of Sodom City, Lin Chi and Moriya, who were disguised as two-headed demons, immediately discovered that things were not quite right here.

In the air here, there is a gray mist floating. Unlike the sulfur smoke in the city, the mist here does not seem to be caused by Devil, but rather has a slightly scary atmosphere.

Before getting close to the fog-shrouded area, Lin Chi had noticed that the smoke in the air was still distorting when there was no wind, transforming into a blurry face shape, which looked particularly frightening.

"My messenger, it's weird here..." Mo Liya murmured.

Lin Chi did not speak, but slowly walked forward into the weird mist.

The air around them became heavier, and the visibility suddenly dropped to the extreme. Lin Chi and Mooliya, disguised as two-headed demons, couldn't even see their own legs when they lowered their heads, only the gray mist floating around.

"Do you have any clues?" Lin Chi asked.

"No...No." Moria looked a little scared: "Master Mephistopheles never said anything."

It seems that the information about the "god" who was sealed outside the city should be prohibited in Sodom City. This barren area is probably an extremely dangerous forbidden area for the residents in the city.

Therefore, this is probably the territory of the recruitable leader-level entourage.

The body of the two-headed demon walked through the mist, and only a few steps out of it, the disguise given by Mephistopheles suddenly disappeared. Lin Chi and Mooliya, who had returned to their human form, stood in the mist and stared at each other with a dazed expression.

"Grab my hand, the visibility here is too low." Lin Chi said solemnly.

"Hmm..." Mo Liya obediently stretched out her right hand and grabbed Lin Chi's cold and pale fingers.

Although I don’t know how the other party lifted the disguise provided by Mephistopheles, the only thing Lin Chi knew was that they must keep the two going together in this mist. Once they are separated from Moria, they may never be able to find each other again. .

The two walked cautiously in the fog, Lin Chi drew out the dark sword with one hand, guarding against the enemies who might sneak attack at any time in the fog.

Because the visibility is too low, basically nothing can be seen ahead. Lin Chi opened the map that came with the player and finally determined his direction.

At this time, he is continuing to move south, it can be said that he has penetrated into the mist. While moving forward, he did not forget to look for possible altars.

The fog began to thicken, and some weird sounds that could not be described in words were faintly heard in the fog, like the panic screams of small animals, Molliya's hands began to tremble slightly, and her voice became much sharper because of fear. :

"Letter... Sir Messenger, let's get out of here..."

"Don't panic, I am here." Lin Chi calmed the opponent's emotions perfunctorily.

Then, a heavy shadow suddenly appeared before his eyes.

"This is..." Molliya cried out in surprise.

A house is blocked in front of the two of them. The walls are made of dark brown rocks. From this angle, you can’t see what the roof looks like, but this house seems to have only one floor. The old wooden door opens a small gap, and it looks A dangerous red light leaked from the crack in the door.

Lin Chi and Moriya walked around the small house without seeing any windows. This small house had only one open wooden door, as if they were tempting them to enter the house.

"My Messenger..." Mo Liya clenched Lin Chi's hand tightly.

"I plan to go in and have a look. Are you coming with me?" Lin Chi said, raising his free left foot and pressing it under the wooden door.

This house of unknown origin does reveal an obvious smell of danger, but as the saying goes, "If you don't enter the tiger's den, you will get a tiger." This house may be the key to recruiting leader-level entourages. If this opportunity is missed, the recruitment plan this time may be a complete failure.

Looking back at the mist behind her, Moria thought for a while, nodded slowly, and said, "I will be with you..."

Even with doubts about Lin Chi's choice, it is undoubtedly more dangerous to act alone now. When she left the Mephistopheles Altar, Mooria, who had little combat effectiveness, still chose to act with the "Sir Courier".

"Okay, get ready." Lin Chi said as he slowly pushed open the wooden door with his feet, a dazzling red light rushed towards his face, making the faces of the two of them red.

Lin Chi and Mo Liya took a step forward and entered the red light. Then……


"It's time to get up, Master."

The soft female voice in the ear cut off the man's dream.

The young man lying on the soft bed opened his eyes in a daze. What he saw was the brown wooden ceiling, the big windows that showed bright light, and the woman wearing a white gauze dress.

The woman's silver hair was tied into a bunch behind her head, and her face was as white as snow with a smile that was brighter than the morning light.

"Breakfast is ready." The silver-haired woman put her hands in front of her and bowed slightly.

"Hmm..." The man rubbed his eyes, turned his head and looked at a set of armor hanging on the shelf by the window. On the wooden table next to it was a metal nameplate with beautiful gilt characters engraved on it:

"Grant to Lord Belrog, your heroic deeds will be remembered forever by the inhabitants of Sodom."

"Master, I will serve you to wash." The maid reminded patiently.

"Hmm..." Lord Bellrogg blinked his black eyes in confusion, raised his hand and touched his short hair, always feeling that something was wrong.

I seem to have forgotten something, when I was drinking with the knights last night? It's not right... It seems not after getting drunk, but at other times, forgetting more important things.

"Moriya." He called out a name.

"Well, master, I am here." The silver-haired maid said in a gentle tone: "You can tell me anything you want, as long as I can do it..."

"I seem to have forgotten something, do you have a log?" Bellrogg asked.

"Master, your own log is on the table." The maid pointed to the wooden table next to it.

"Sorry, my head was a little awkward when I just got up." Bellrog sighed, stood up and moved his limbs.

For some reason, he always felt that his body was extremely tired, and he wanted to sleep again immediately. However, looking at the maid's expectant gaze and recalling his own identity, Bellrogg still endured his sleepiness and nodded to the maid.

The maid named Moria put on a black long dress for him, and Bellrogg paced to the window and looked out, the lush dense forest stretched to the end of his vision.

His castle is located in the woodland on the south side of Sodom City. Once an enemy attacks from the south, his soldiers and horses will become the first line of defense in Sodom City. Own violent power.

"Um..." Bellrogg frowned.

After waking up, he also recalled the status of Lord Own. However, the strange sense of violation still lingers.

——I am the lord of this territory, and Moriya is my own personal maid. There should be no problem in this regard. So, what is going wrong?

Belrogg turned his head and looked at the maid who was standing motionless behind him, and asked, "Moriya, don't you think it's strange?"

"Today's weather is very good, Master." Mo Liya's voice is still gentle: "Maybe you were a little dizzy because you were drunk last night?"

"Perhaps..." Bellrogg nodded slowly, sat on the soft chair by the window, and looked at his luxuriously decorated bedroom.

Except that because of the dinner party last night, I still have some headaches, which seems to be nothing strange.

——Is that subtle sense of disobedience just an illusion?

Berrog kept his gaze on the smooth table top, and a black-skinned diary was placed in the center of the table upright, with two feather pens next to it.

Perhaps the source of the problem can be found in the contents of this log.

Belrogg, who was drunk and couldn't remember what he wrote last night, stretched out his pale right hand and was about to turn over the first page of the log, but suddenly a bright red light flashed in his sight.

"Uh..." He covered his eyes and lay on the table.

"Master, what's the matter with you?" Moliya stepped forward immediately.

"It's okay, let me rest, it seems a little uncomfortable."

Berrog frowned and looked at the cover of the journal.

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