War Paradise

Chapter 927

Sitting in front of the smooth, mirror-like desktop, Bellrogg turned to the first page of the log, and it was not words that came into his sight, but a dark blue ink stain.


The expression on his face became solemn, and he turned a few pages, still not seeing a word.

The text in this diary was wiped off by water stains, and many of the pages in the back were simply glued together, and they couldn't even be opened.

After a quick search, Berrog did not find any pages that could be read. He looked back at the maid and asked, "Have you ever touched this log?"

"No?" Moriya tilted her head, raised her hands and shook her: "Master, I promise not to spy on your privacy."

"Weird." Bellrogg narrowed his eyes and twisted the damaged page.

——Even if I drank too much last night, it was impossible to stain the entire log in this way, not to mention that there were no ink spill marks on the table, which made him feel even more confused.

In this case, it is almost like someone deliberately destroyed the entire log in order to cover up something, but if you really want to do so, why not just steal the log, but choose this time-consuming and laborious method?

In addition, the red light just now confused Bellrogg. The fleeting weird light made him wonder if there was a problem with his own eyes.

It seems that the sense of own violation should not be an illusion. Since getting up today, the situation here is a bit strange...

"What time is it now?" Bellrogg asked.

"Thirteen quarters." Mo Liya replied.

"Oh..." Bellrogg first responded, and then suddenly realized something: "Thirteen quarters...what does it mean?"

"It's a quarter in the morning, and it's almost a quarter to fourteen." Molliya looked at him with some worry, "Master, what happened to you today?"

"I don't know, I'm a little dizzy." Bellrogg said.

After Moria reminded him, he finally remembered the method of measuring time in Sodom City. A day is divided into forty-eight quarters. The first twenty-four quarters are called the early quarters, and the latter is the evening quarters, based on the daylight position. Divide morning and evening for the critical point.

However, even though he thought of the time unit, Bellrogg still felt something was wrong. He always felt that the time unit of his value was not the "cut" in Moria's mouth, but something else...

However, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't remember the original unit of measurement. The looming memory seemed to have been washed away, and I couldn't recall it at all.


By now, Berrog would naturally no longer blame the memory problem at the reception last night, and his head was not fragile enough to be directly burned by spirits.

——Own is indeed Lord Belrog, yes...No, is it really this person?

Bellrogg put down the journal and looked down at his long, thin, well-knotted hands. He stood up and touched his still aching forehead, and with Mooriya's support, he entered the long corridor outside the bedroom.

The interior of this castle is indeed gorgeous, but it is not the luxury of “show off wealth” that is common in aristocratic territories. The armor and weapon racks leaning against the wall, as well as the bright weapons and armor on them, all indicate the lord. The fact of being a soldier.

The interior of the castle was full of wild atmosphere of war. Several soldiers in light armor walked along the corridor. When they saw Berrog, they all leaned against the wall and raised their right hand to salute him:

"Serve our lives for Lord Belrog!" the soldiers roared.

"Hmm..." Berrog, who was a little uncomfortable, responded perfunctorily.

After washing, he and Moriya entered the restaurant on the second floor, sat down at the long table covered with white tablecloths, picked up a knife and fork and prepared to "attack" a steak on the tray.

"Is it so greasy in the morning?" Belrog looked at the steak and chunks of chicken on the table.

"Master, this is your request." Moriya reminded standing aside: "You said that as a fighter, you must replenish your strength at any time and you must eat a lot of meat..."

"Oh, it seems that this happened." Bellrog nodded, cut a piece of beef and put it in the mouth, feeling the rich gravy smell spreading in his mouth.

He remembered that after returning from an expedition, Own made this request to the chef in the castle. In this way, it is not surprising that this kind of dishes will be served for breakfast.

But... the source of this memory, it seems something is not quite right.

——Before Moria reminded him, Bellrogg didn't think of this incident at all. He remembered this memory only after Moria's words.

If there is no Moria, can you really think of this kind of thing if you only rely on your own memories?

Belrog closed his eyes, tried to recall his previous experience in the battle, and then immediately realized that he could hardly remember anything.

It didn't feel like amnesia, but a thick black mist hovering between the flood of memories, completely cutting off the previous memories. Whenever he started to recall what happened, even with his eyes closed, his vision would be shrouded in darker shadows than the "darkness" in front of him.

There is some kind of desperate barrier that is impossible to break through, which is disturbing his memory. What's more terrifying is that his memory is almost as if he is being triggered by a specific keyword. Once he hears Moriya's words, he will immediately recall the specific content.

Realizing that the situation was not right, Bellrogg turned his head abruptly and fixed his gaze on Molliya's smiling face. The maid's smile was so beautiful, it was almost like the "Holy Maiden" in the church fresco.

"Please eat, master."

Moria smiled and nodded to Bellrogg, but the beautiful face looked extremely terrifying in Belrogg's eyes.

He stood up abruptly, rushed to the front of the weapon rack by the dining room wall, grabbed a short sword, and pointed the sharp blade straight at Moria's throat.

"Who are you anyway?" Bellrogg roared in a low voice.

"I'm your personal maid, master..." The smile on Moria's face suddenly turned into a stunned look, and she tremblingly took a step back: "What are you doing?"

"What the hell are you... who am I? Where is this..."

Thinking of these problems, Belrogg suddenly had a splitting headache, and the strange red light appeared in front of him again, causing his right hand to tremble, and the short sword almost let go.

"Master Bellrog, please don't be like this... Messenger..."

Molliya seemed to want to say something, but she closed her mouth suddenly, lowered her head with furrowed brows, recalling the word she had just vomited. After a while, he said slowly:

"Master, do you have a title called ‘Messenger’?"

As soon as he heard this word, Bellrogg's headache became more intense. He dropped his dagger and leaned against the table, gasping for breath, but smelled an inexplicable rancid breath.

—— own body, seems to be beginning to rot.

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