War Paradise

Chapter 928 God's Graveyard

"Messenger... Lord Bellrog, what's the matter with you?"

Moria's eyes widened, staring at the owner, only to see that Bellrog's originally normal skin color became sickly pale, her eyes turned cloudy and dark yellow, and there was only a trace of blood on her face. , And suddenly all disappeared.

——Master own, turned into a corpse in the crowd!

Witnessing the incredible horror picture, Mooriya did not feel any sense of fear. Instead, an inexplicable sense of intimacy came to her heart, as if she had seen a master in this form somewhere.

"My messenger..." Moria said words she couldn't understand.

Belrogg held his head in his hands, and the scene in front of him turned completely red. The body seemed to be cut open, and for a moment I felt a strong pain, and then—

The pain disappeared suddenly, replaced by a long silence. A large amount of "sealed" information flooded into his consciousness, awakening him instantly.


The walking corpse opened his mouth, exhaled a filthy breath, turned around and looked around, and found that he was standing in a cemetery floating with mist.

"I'm back..." he said slowly.

Even if he returned to the body of this cursed person, the period of time he had just spent as the "Lord Belrog" is still vivid. Lin Chi knew very well that his own memory was temporarily cut off. but……

"Pulse Entertainment is really good enough." He squinted at his pale hands.

Due to the special type of game, in order to protect the user's brain, in brain imaging games, it is actually strictly forbidden to play such as "memory partition".

Countries that allow brain imaging games to be marketed have strict regulations on this aspect. Once a player's memory is found to have problems in the game, the game will be immediately banned.

However, "Paradise of War" obviously uses some method to bypass this limitation. Until today when the game started its official operation, it has not been reported by any player.

Of course, there is another possibility: some players have reported it, but it has no effect. If this is the case, the backstage of Pulse Entertainment is open to discussion.

But now that he is still in the game, it is not time to think about this kind of thing.

"Are you okay?" Lin Chi looked at Moria who was sitting on the ground.

"My messenger, I seem to have a dream..." Mo Liya raised her hand in confusion and shook her eyes, as if confirming whether she was still dreaming.

"You are already awake." Lin Chi said as he bent down and helped the "Holy Maiden" up.

"Just... it was so strange." Moria's voice was full of confusion, and she obviously hadn't recovered her senses: "What the hell happened, Messenger-sir?"

"It's just a nightmare." Lin Chi said, looking around, observing the situation around him.

In any case, when the sense of violation he noticed was too big to be ignored, the "temporary copy" that blocked the memory also collapsed immediately. Now that you have escaped from that virtual space, what you need to care about now is naturally the situation nearby:

The place where the two of them is located is a grave site with seven stone tombstones. The tombstones here are covered with moss, and they seem to be old. Although the fog still exists, the fog here is not as dense as when it first entered the wasteland, and the visibility in the vicinity has also improved.

"My messenger, I remembered that we entered a small house..." Molliya turned her head and looked behind her.

"Yes, that should be some kind of illusion, including this place now," Lin Chi whispered.

——The hut they entered has long ceased to exist, and replaced by this barren cemetery. The top of each tombstone is engraved with a black complex heraldry, like some kind of ritual symbol, or the logo of a sect.

"My messenger, that is the emblem of Lord Mephistopheles!" Moriya pointed to an old tombstone on the right hand side. The triangle pattern on the top of the tombstone was clearly visible.

Lin Chi walked to the tombstone, bent down and read the text engraved on the gray stone tablet, only to see that it read:

"You think you are a fraud, but you are just a ridiculous clown."

"It's too much, this is completely blasphemy!"

Molliya kicked on the tombstone with a bulging foot. The tombstone remained unmoving. On the contrary, Molliya's ankle made a crisp sound, her weight was unstable and she fell to the ground, holding her ankle and wailing, like Wounded little beast.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with Molliya, Lin Chi ignored the Holy Maiden who was dead by herself. He just went to another tombstone on the left and read the text on it:

"Excessive anger will destroy your sanity."

Although I don't know which god the above symbol belongs to, just looking at this description, the tombstone should be written on the tombstone as a symbol of anger.

On the tombstone behind Samael's tombstone, there is also a line of small inscriptions: "The greedy Devil will eventually destroy itself." Needless to say, it must be the greedy devil Mamen.

——The epitaphs here are all describing the gods in Sodom?

Lin Chi walked quickly to another tombstone and saw the text above, which should have been written for Leviathan:

"It's just a violent beast, not worthy of an admirer."

"It seems that the leader here has a great opinion on the gods in the city..."

Lin Chi sighed while observing the text on the remaining three tombstones. According to the epitaphs on the four tombstones in front, the remaining three tombstones should be the mysterious monsters belonging to the god king and the "undead zone". And another unknown deity:

"You deceived all your allies, but one day you will be exposed."

"If you put two monsters together, you won't be an angel."

"Only the weak and poor bugs will keep hunting other people."

——What gods do these three epitaphs describe?

Lin Chi wanted to inquire about Molliya, but found that the marks on the three tombstones had been erased, and only a few remaining traces could be seen, and it was impossible to judge what "god" they belonged to.

"My messenger, shall we leave here? The air is too filthy." Mo Liya supported the tombstone and stood up, her cheeks puffed up, she was obviously very angry.

For her who believes in Mephistopheles, the straightforward and insulting words on the tombstone are completely unbearable. However, as a player, Lin Chi naturally did not have such concerns, but curiously walked around behind a tombstone, looking for possible switches and the like.

This shape is the illusion of the cemetery, and it must have been created by the sealed god south of Sodom. It seemed that the BOSS he was looking for should be a weird existence that could create a lot of illusions.

——With the fidelity of the "dreamland" just now, can the sealed gods really do it?

Realizing that he was facing an extremely powerful "god", Lin Chi couldn't help laughing out loud, stroking a tombstone next to him enthusiastically:

"Ha, it seems that we can get a strong'teammate' this time..."

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