War Paradise

Chapter 938 Devil in the Undead Zone

Inconsistent with the name of the greedy demon, Mammon's territory seemed exceptionally poor.

The row of dilapidated wooden houses on the side of the road looks even more barren than the territory of Mephistopheles. Although I did not see the appearance of the residents, it is conceivable that the people living in such dilapidated houses should not Where will the wealth go.

Before arriving here, Lin Chi thought that the territory of Mamen would be that kind of large-scale commercial area. Now it seems that it is not only the messengers of other gods that have been deceived by the greedy devil.

Even the residents of this territory are being exploited by the Greedy Demon God. Mamen, an unbeliever, is not an idol in Sodom, but a "Devil" that everyone calls and beats.

Lin Chi, who had already given Mamen's altar fragments to the sealed gods, did not intend to stay here too long, but quickly went to other territories next to him to find altars of other gods.

With the protection of the blessing of the ancient gods, his actions in the city are also much easier. However, the watchers surrounding the kingdom of the gods can still see through his disguise, and now they cannot break through the barrier.

Many Devil soldiers patrolled the city, but their eyes could not see Lin Chi's location. With the blessing of the ancient gods, Lin Chi quickly left this dilapidated area and entered the "immortal zone" next to it.

The streets on both sides of the undead zone were full of a large number of pickets. Lin Chi returned to the house he had visited, preparing to remove the fragments he needed from the altar of the "Blood God".

The living room was extremely quiet, and the "statue" that I had communicated with in the living room was not here at this time.

Lin Chi grasped the hilt of the Dark Sword, took a step forward vigilantly, and entered the living room where the owner was no longer there. Then, the front door behind him suddenly closed heavily.


A loud and dull noise reverberated in the room, and then there was a clicking sound when the bones moved. The bone statue dragging the double knives slowly walked down the stairs, and the body was spliced ​​by yellow human bones. Blocked in front of Lin Chi:

"Welcome back, messenger of the gods, have you brought the "Crimson Book"?"

The voice of the statue is unusually magnetic, as if it has a bewitching magic power. But Lin Chi naturally wouldn't be fooled by this degree of "hypnotism". He just smiled and said, "The way to welcome the undead zone is to keep the guests in the house?"

"As long as the "Crimson Book" is handed over, I will open the door immediately, Mr. Messenger." Skull's statement is very ambiguous: "I believe you should make the right choice."

"Sorry, I haven't got the Crimson Book yet." Lin Chi sighed.

"Don't want to fool me!"

With a sudden shout, a lot of dust fell on the ceiling, and the skeleton's gentleman's demeanor disappeared, as if he had changed his personality, and entered a state of complete anger:

"Give—book—give—me, corpse!"

The skeleton raised his arms with only bones, and the scimitar in the bone claws kept spinning, turning into flowing silver light, and cut the wooden table beside him into three sections.

It seems that it should not be so easy to get the altar fragments this time.

Facing the attacking altar, Lin Chi was also unambiguous. He directly pulled out the Berserker's Bone Crusher with his left hand. Together with the dark sword in his right hand, he triggered the Titan's Grip and entered the state of dual wielding weapons.

——The area of ​​the living room is not large, and there is not much room to dodge in battle. There is no doubt that suppressing the opponent with a large-scale violent attack is the best way!

The bone crusher used as a "hammer" slammed into the skeleton's body. Due to the lack of attack range, the skeleton holding a scimitar immediately retreated and moved towards the entrance of the basement.

As the battle progressed, the skeleton's voice was constantly changing. Sometimes it was a gentle male voice, and sometimes it turned into a violent roar, using obscure grammar to convey incomprehensible information to Lin Chi:

"I am a wave of pain."

"I am the blood of the abyss!"

"Infuse your madness."

"Manipulate your fear!"

"Reach the top at twelve quarters, blasphemer!"


The bone crusher smashed on the right arm of the skeleton, and the blade of the Dark Sword ripped apart the human bone spliced ​​chest. Lin Chi's crudely "dismembered" human bone statue fell off the stairs in a circle and fell into it. In the basement where the altar was originally located.

Strangely, the skeletons shattered on the stairs, but did not leave any fragments, all the bones were sucked into the basement, and then—

"This shouldn't be..."

Feeling the violent tremor of the floor under his feet, Lin Chi suddenly realized something, and immediately turned around and rushed to the door of the living room, kicked open the closed door.


He had just rushed out of the house, and the two-story building behind him was like a glass that was broken by a hammer. It collapsed in a moment, and the air wave came from behind with the shards, pushing Lin Chi's body more than ten meters out and hitting a The On the broad chest of the Underworld soldier.


The tangy stench came head-on, and before the soldiers of The Underworld could react, the Dark Sword had broken through the blue skin of Devil, tearing the fragile flesh and blood under the skin.

Lin Chi ignored the collapsed soldiers of The Underworld, but cast his gaze on the destroyed house, only to see a vague giant shadow appearing in the smoke, followed by a brutal roar:

"Give me the book!"

Several The Underworld soldiers on the street surrounded the place where the sound was sounding, but they couldn't even figure out what the enemy was, and their bodies had been cut into dozens of pieces by the rushing red light.

——What is this trick?

Seeing that the fighting power of the "Blood God" exceeded Own's expectation, Lin Chi turned and ran without saying a word, only to find the blood-stained spikes on the side of the road and began to tremble from the ground.

Unlike other monsters in Realm who don't take action personally, the gods in the undead zone seem to be extraordinarily aggressive, even more brutal than Leviathan.

After all, even Leviathan has just been hidden in the dark clouds, without really showing up. But now, in order to snatch the legendary "Crimson Book", the god who had only used the altar to convey the "oracles" has finally come out himself!

A huge bone claw stretched out from the ruins of the house, slapped heavily on the road, and viscous blood gurgled down from the bone claw, soaking the ground below.

A few sharp piles rose from the ground and bounced into the sky like cannonballs. Seeing the black blood sprayed from the position where the piles were nailed, Lin Chi finally realized that those piles were actually not decorations on the streets of the undead zone. . But--

"They sealed Devil this way?"

The huge body of the god of the immortal zone is hidden under the streets of this area, and the pickets on the road are just "brakes" to restrain his strength!

In order to avoid the attack of the violent god, Lin Chi ran with his life under the speed bonus of the Dark Sword. At this moment, the Devils who patrolled the street also began to speak languages ​​that Lin Chi could not understand, and headed in this direction. Gather here.

The battle of the hunting gods...began.

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