War Paradise

Chapter 939: The Rise of the Blood God

The trembling candle light reflected the face of Moria, Holy Maiden of the Mephistophet sect, was hiding in the sacrificial house at this time, staying with the corpse on the bed, passing through the small altar in the bedroom, and The supreme gods communicate:

"The Messenger-sama couldn't come back..."

Moria’s tone was a little unstable, her hands clenched tightly on her chest. Out of worries for the messenger, a lot of sweat had dripped down her face, making her original makeup look ugly. "zebra crossing".

"Don't worry, that walking corpse will not be killed easily." Mephistopheles whispered: "His power has exceeded my previous predictions, you don't need to care."

Speaking of this, Mephistopheles changed his words: "Servant, you should be worried about your own safety. I feel that a troublesome guy has awakened."

Moria wanted to say something, but in the end she just nodded slowly and said in a pious voice:

"Yes, my lord."


While Moria was communicating with the own gods, on the other side of the city, Devils in blood-stained armors were fighting against the "gods" that were about to emerge from the ground.

The blood-stained piles on the whole street began to ascending uncontrollably. In order to prevent the underground monsters from breaking free, the soldiers of The Underworld rushed up, grabbing the piles and pressing them down, and there were a lot of unusually burly figures. Devil also rushed over and began to control the situation here.

"Iaiz-yel-mel!" The green-skinned monster shouted orders to the soldiers of The Underworld.

The size of these monsters that just arrived is a circle larger than the soldiers of The Underworld, and their backs are covered with long manes. On the body that resembles an orangutan, there is the head of a lion and each monster’s arms. They were all holding large metal piles, obviously coming to seal the underground gods again.


A spike was slammed into the ground, and fountain-like black blood poured out from the hole where the spike was nailed. But the gods who are trying to break through the ground, of course, will not be blocked by this kind of thing:

"Give me... that book!"

The crazy blood god kept howling. The sound sounded like a bomb detonated in an underground tunnel. A row of houses next to it was lifted up, but the residents in the house didn't mean to leave at all. Instead, In the shattered building, the prayers of the blood god are chanted loudly:

"When the blood of darkness boils again, the supreme god will return to the earth, praise the scarlet! Praise the darkness! Everything we have been given will become a sacrifice for the birth of the blood god!"

Amid the mad singing of the believers, their bodies and houses were torn to pieces together, and they fell on the street one after another. A white bone arm tens of meters long rose from the ground. There were many round holes in the bones. Spouting black plasma.

The five soldiers of The Underworld didn't even have time to dodge. The heavy punches that had been swept away, their bodies turned into pieces of meat during the flight, turned into a jet of blood, and landed on the open space tens of meters away.

"The minions of The Underworld, you can't stop me at all." The calm male voice said.

"The blood god will return to the ground, and only Death is waiting for you!" A fierce roar followed.

The "blood god" that seems to be the fusion of two monsters, completely out of control under the stimulation of the book of crimson, now, this god wants to do only one thing, and that is to seize the crimson in the hands of the messenger Book!

At this time, Lin Chi, who was carrying "The Book of Crimson", was sneaking around...

"Thirty-six strategies are the best." He looked at the shocking picture on the street behind, speeding up the pace of fleeing.

Originally, Lin Chi, who only wanted to get the fragments of the altar in the undead zone, was ready to fight the altar, but he still didn't expect things to become like this.

——This god in the undead zone, like the gods on the outskirts of Sodom, is also sealed underground. Looking at the fanatical appearance of this god, Lin Chi was also very clear that the "Crimson Book" in his hand should be the channel for the "Blood God" to completely get rid of the seal.

Now, the blood god, fused by two monsters, is trying his best to get that book. However, Lin Chi, who would not be observed by low-level Devil, was not alone at this time.


The rough howling of a large number of Devils overwhelmed the voice of the Blood God for a while. These Devils crawling out of the door of The Underworld will naturally not be afraid of their companions' Death. In The Underworld, battles more brutal than this are happening almost every moment, and the Devils in the chaotic camp will only enjoy killing and Death.


A series of piling sounds sounded. Under the cover of The Underworld soldiers, the green lion heads nailed a large number of piles on the street. Even with heavy casualties, their work has not stopped, but the efficiency has been even higher.


The blood god eating pain let out a low roar, and the arm that was attacking the Devils temporarily slowed down. Seeing that the blood god was temporarily contained, the Devils speeded up again, trying to completely seal off the terrifying god.

At this moment, the sulfur smoke in the sky was suddenly shrouded in total darkness.

A squeaking sound resounded throughout the undead zone. The lionheads raised their heads and looked to the sky. What appeared in their slender pupils were large swaths of bats attacking below and dense blood-red eyeballs.


The lion heads who were still holding the stakes were directly submerged by the sea of ​​bats. When the dense black mist of small animals left, all the lion heads' flesh and blood disappeared, leaving only a few pieces that were bitten off. The bones fell to the ground feebly.


Seeing Hei Mist's attack method, Lin Chi immediately understood what the "Blood God" had summoned. Large swaths of bats began to hover in the sky, turning into three humanoid objects wearing black cloaks, standing in mid-air, looking down at the Devil wave below.

"Are you in COS Batman?"

While Lin Chi was complaining about it, he had already rushed out in the opposite direction, but he had just ran away a few steps, but he was blocked by a group of wriggling flesh full of tentacles.


Seeing that the "observer" who could see through the disguise blocked the way of Owner, Lin Chi's body stagnated and ran back towards the blood god. At this time, the vampires also noticed his position and turned into a bat again. Pounced over--


A wild air current swept towards Lin Chi, bringing out a loud noise similar to a sonic boom. Lin Chi leaped forward, and a picket flew past him, piercing the observer like a spear. By the way, his body exploded dozens of eyes on the observer.

"Kill him and bring the book here!" The blood god who had just beaten crooked roared.


There will be more changes tomorrow.

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